Author's note

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Hey guys, Ali here.

This is a story idea I had a few years ago and only recently done most of the work in this story. If you have read my other stories this is going to seem completely tiny in comparison as the chapters have been drafted in an A4 exercise book, the chapters taking up two double page spreads, compared to the Google Keep notes I use for others.

This entire story is in third person, sorry if it's choppy, I am used to writing in first person and as I mentioned, started this a while ago.

The first lot of updates to this will be the preface, first chapter and the second chapter. From then on the rest of the chapters will be posted in pairs, until the final two chapters which an epilogue will follow (may lead to another short story following the characters). The odd numbers are going to be following Callum and Corinne's story, the even chapters follow Dae and Dustin's story (trust me I think it works (let me know your opinions)). If you purely want to read one story at a time read the assigned chapters then go back to the other one (I would recommend reading Callum's and Corinne's story first though if you are going to go that way). Both stories are linked, just saying, they aren't two completely different stories as it all links in.

This story is set in England, my homeland (^_^), so I'll be using United Kingdom English. That means football, when mentioned, is soccer to you guys and your version of football will clearly be said as American football. This also has clichés, definitely cliché, but I have tried to put my own spin on a purely love story as my other stories have it lying under other themes.

Mild language near the end. If you aren't comfortable with the word whore, don't bother complaining when it comes up, don't bother reading it. The rest of the swearing/cussing will be for humour if I can remember correctly.

***** < signifies a day change (that's the only consistent thing I'm going to carry across my stories)

~~~~~ < signifies scene change (if you have read my other stories this is my first third person story on here and this doesn't mean change of viewpoint as you may be accustomed to

I hope you enjoy, vote and comment! I do answer questions and comments if you have any.

Finished on 23/05/16

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