Epilogue - 2015, August

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"I can't believe she did that!" Faye yells as if Dae wasn't stood beside her and hadn't heard that particular sentence forty times in the last hour.

"Shit happens," Dae mumbles.

"You can't say shit happens about what she did!"

"I can when I've heard the same sentence forty-one times in sixty minutes, Faye," Dae counters. "Come on, they didn't have Valentine's plans as she said she was busy hence why Archie was with us. It didn't occur to any of you then?"

"You could have freaking pointed that out!"

"I thought you freaking noticed that your twin who had a girlfriend on Valentine's Day had nothing better to do than help his best friend get a girlfriend!"

Faye scowls at Dae before cursing quietly multiple times wishing thousands of torturous deaths on Hazel.

"Besides they do say 'don't go knocking when the caravan is rocking'," Dae adds. She quickly ducks as Faye throws something at her. "Jeez, you're like my granddad throwing things at Giles when something Giles said annoyed him." Faye throws something else. "Okay, I'll shut up if you shut up about you can't believe she did that."

"Okay," Faye mutters.

"As I'm not sure if you were talking about how she ripped your twin's heart out or fucked Harry; seriously, who would fuck him?"

"That's it!" Faye yells and lunges for Dae who scrambles away and hides behind Dustin who had just appeared. "You're so dead!" Faye chases after Dae and they end up running in a circle around Dustin who stands there confused.

"I'm definitely awake, aren't I? Faye's chasing Dae with intent to kill rather than chasing Hazel with that same intent?" Dustin says. Faye lets out a strangled scream and stops. Dae crashes into her back not realising she had stopped and the pair of them fall to the floor. "What am I going to do with you two? Come on, up you get." Dustin picks Dae up by her waist before setting her on her feet and then gently pulls Faye up as well. "What is it?"

"I feel guilty as I introduced them to each other," Faye whispers, the scene of finding Hazel in bed under Harry as Dae and Faye came back to their caravan in the holiday park from the pool too engraved in her mind. "I broke my own twin's heart."

"You didn't break it."

"Where is he?"

Dustin looks back behind him confused. "He definitely was behind me."

"You asshole!" Archie shouts somewhere near them.

"Found him," Dae comments before they start running in the direction of the shout. When they get there Harry has the tip of a knife under Archie's chin with a malicious look in his eyes. Hazel is nowhere to be seen and no one else is around either. Faye takes in the scene with wide eyes before slinking to the floor, leaning against a tree as she trembles.

Dae just looks across at Dustin, her hand going to towards her pocket. Dustin shakes his head slightly before tapping his temple as if to say think, it's going to make it a hostage situation rather than a threat. With a sigh, Dae looks back at the scene. Only Archie had seemed to notice their appearance and relaxes slightly despite the knife nearly touching his skin. He knows this is nothing compared to some of the things Dae and Dustin have seen in their training.

"You looked relieved. I threaten your life and you look relieved?" Harry hisses harshly, small spit particles splashing Archie's face.

Dustin cringes slightly before actually going for the gun in his pocket, Dae copying his movements. "Douche, you're so lucky I didn't shoot you when I found you in our caravan so back the hell off," Dae states, her gun raised and aimed at Harry's groin whereas Dustin aims at his head. Dustin glances at Dae's gun with a confused look as he spots where she is aiming.

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