1 - 1950, February

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Callum really wants to write to Corinne to tell her he misses her and that she shouldn't follow her father around the country, however, he can't find the words. He tried so many times but he can't express his need for her. He curses Corinne's father, Marvin, under his breath for taking the girl he needs the most, even though she doesn't know.

A knock sounds on his open door and Callum turns curiously. Drake, the butler, stands there with a letter in his hand. Callum jumps up and takes the envelope before grinning. It is Corinne's writing on the front of the envelope. Drake smiles before shutting the door behind him as he leaves.

Callum laughs in pure joy. He composes himself but then just ignores that action and opens the envelope quickly. He knows he should control himself but he also knows he can't.


After a month of travelling to all of father's businesses we are travelling in the direction of home.

This is after father showed Rowan his factory in the west and mother felt disgraceful. She rambled on about the factory not being the place where a 13 year old should be and with her magnificent timing she collapsed. Father got so stressed after that, ordered Elsie to pack the bags. He even shouted at Edmund!

So I will be home on the fifth of February. I cannot express how happy I am to be coming home and father said you can come over on the sixth. Until then, take care my friend,


He hears her saying this as he reads the letter and rushes out of his room to find his mother. He sees her as he runs down the stairs. She stops suddenly as he comes rushing towards her. "What is the matter with you? What are you waving about?" She asks watching her son carefully.

"Corinne is home on the fifth and said I can go to hers on the sixth," Callum replies as he contains his excitement.

"Well it is the fifth today and Mr. Madison has already wrote to me to say we can stay over the nights of the sixth and seventh. Kate and Giles are starting to pack as we speak."

Callum rushes back up the stairs, stopping halfway to tell his mother he will pack his own bags. He bumps into Serenity who is in a foul mood and is two years older than him. "What is up with you? Corinne wrote you a letter?" She states. She always stabbed him with a remark if he was happy and she wasn't.

Callum blushes slightly. "Maybe, what is wrong with you?" He asks because of the scowl on Serenity's face.

"Does it matter to you?" She snaps back.

Terence cannot see her today he thought. She is always moody when he can't see her due to his business ties.

Her need for Terence can be the same as his need for Corinne, though he doesn't admit it aloud.

In his room, he puts her letter carefully back into its envelope and places it with the rest of the letters in his bottom drawer. He gazes longingly out of the window and wonders what Corinne is doing.

Corinne stands up from her window seat and tells herself to realise she does not mean anything to Callum. However, she could not help thinking about him when she is lonely, and recently that is a lot. She wanders out into the hall and went to Douglas's, her older brother, room. Quietly she knocks on the door in case he is busy.

"Who is it?" Douglas calls out in a kind voice.

"Corinne, I need to speak to you," Corinne says before smiling.

"What's the matter, Cori?" Douglas asks after he opens his door with a soft smile but otherwise showing concern for his sister. She walks in and Douglas shuts the door behind her.

Corinne looks, and feels, lost. "I feel so lonely these days." Corinne notices a change in her brother's face. "I know you and the family are there for me, but I feel lonely here." Corinne places a hand on her heart.

Douglas smiles softly. "Who are you missing, Cori? Could you talk to Callum about it?" He asks, patting the floor beside him so Corinne sits down.

"You can't talk to Callum about it as it is Callum, isn't it?" Douglas asks when Corinne remains silent.

"I don't know. When we are apart I miss him a lot, but around him I'm in the clouds. How did you cope when you went away from the ones you love?" Corinne asks weakly.

"Corinne, I never coped, I kept a mask on to hide the truth. I died from loneliness when I was your age," Douglas replies, "you have to take every day as it comes and don't let the emptiness take over your life."

"So should I tell him tomorrow? Or should I not tell him? As I don't think I hold his heart," Corinne asks.

"As I said, take every day as it comes so don't plan ahead, Shouldn't you be reading now?" Douglas answers.

Corinne nods as she stands up and walks to the door. She looks back at her older brother. "Thank you." Douglas just smiles in reply.

Corinne wanders downstairs to the library where Elsie is putting books away on the shelves. Elsie is swift and focused, whereas Corinne wanders aimlessly, both disturbing small bits of dust that had settled. Curiously Elsie glances at Corinne and smiles before going to complete other duties. Corinne never reads a book in the hour like she is meant to, instead she gazes out the massive arch window at the fields.

The fields are vibrant and alive with colour but Corinne is feeling the opposite, feeling low. Thriving with life, bursting with energy is contradicting how Corinne feels and she isn't the only one. Callum is feeling the same, missing the deep connection he has with Corinne. His heart wants to reach out to her but it is scared of being turned away...

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