12 - 2015, February

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Dae stares at her reflection in the mirror which covers a door of her wardrobe. Combat boots, in the same way as Saturday, green camouflage pattern socks are visible underneath them. The black drees and jacket highlight the same features, the bracelets sitting comfortably on her left wrist. The silver of the dog-tags sparkles against the black dress and green jacket. Brown waves tumble down Dae's back, the front of her hair drawn back so most of it is out of her face, small hairs framing her face again. A smile slips easily onto her face.

"The guy definitely knows how to choose an outfit," Dae mutters before smirking. "Actually, I done the hard work, I chose an awesome dress and jacket."

"Yes, but he managed to pick accessories before seeing the outfit. He's got a better eye than me," her dad comments.

"Why didn't Smoke make a fuss of the bag?"

"The lad packed it all here. Left it on the porch on his way out before you got home. He knows your routine like his own."

Dae goes over to the letter with the gift bag, looking over the inside at the writing for any hints. "There's been six kisses on the last three notes."

"Maybe he is giving you a hint."

Dae stands in silence thinking as her dad moves from the door. She picks up her phone and scrolls through her contacts. Archie's name has six letters but Hazel and Archie are happy in their two-year relationship, at least that is what Dae assumes. Barnett has seven letters, Dustin has six letters... Dae's head tilts up slightly to connect the facts in her head. Faye's and Hazel's words at the sleepover ring in her ears. How he helped her the Monday before flashed past her eyes. He was the only one she told about missing her dad, apart from her grandparents. It all suddenly makes sense.

After putting her phone in a small black side bag, Dae heads downstairs, the bag strap resting over one shoulder.

"It's scary how you look so much like my parents," Dae's dad says.

"You're a fine one to talk," Dae replies laughing as she stops in front of her dad.

"If you get home about ten minutes late, it is fine. Just keep a straight face as I pretend to be angry."

"Since when are you able to pretend to be angry at Dustin? He's always been your favourite out of my friends."

"Out of the guys. Faye is my other favourite."

"You worked Hazel out then."

"Straight away. Unlike you who didn't realise it was your crush leaving you the surprises." Dae's jaw drops as she stares at her dad. "What? I've seen it since you two met about five years ago."

Dustin glances at the house nervously before getting out of the car, heading towards the front door he left from hours ago. He runs a hand through his hair, the black combat jacket sleeve tightening on his arm. The jacket itself is open, revealing the simple regulation green t-shirt underneath. Green blends into black skinny jeans, the occasional scuff of the fabric where he had been involved with the concrete too many times. Worn combat boots cover his feet. He knocks on the door, drawing his hand back to his jeans after.

"You said six. It's two past six," Dae states with a smirk as she opens the front door.

Dustin smiles, his eyes taking in her outfit quickly before returning to meet hers. "My mental prep talk took longer than I expected if I am honest. Wasn't sure if you would," Dustin says.

"Faye told you I thought I didn't get anything yesterday, didn't she?"

"She'll want me to say no, but yeah she did."

"That's why she said she had to get something from Archie's locker."

"You still okay with this?" Dae just steps out of the house, shuts the front door behind her and wraps her arms around his waist. Dustin smiles as he returns the hug, his head nestling near hers easily. "I'm going to take that as a yes. Come on, we have somewhere to be."


"You sure I won't trip?" Dae asks. Her eyes are covered by her own hands as Dustin guides her with an arm wrapped securely around her waist.

"Unless you can trip on a flat surface, then you won't trip up," Dustin says.

"She tripped in an empty school corridor once. I wouldn't say that if I were you," Faye comments, her camera in her hands as she takes a picture of the trees beside her.

"You and Archie put a trip wire across the corridor on my second day of school. Besides, why are you here?" Dae says.

"That's beside the point. He said I could take pictures as he knows I like this place."

"I also asked you to be quiet," Dustin says.

"You can't have everything," Faye states.

Dustin looks back as Faye takes a picture of them. He rolls his eyes before looking at where Dae is walking. The trio move through the park gate being held open by Archie, Faye narrowly avoiding the shutting gate.

"You guys are creeping me out. Where are we?" Dae asks quietly.

"Your ending, sweetheart," Archie says airily.

Dae presses into Dustin more. "Shut your trap, ass," Dustin states glaring at Archie. He pulls Dae to a stop, turning her gently so she faces him. Naturally a smile slips onto his face so Faye takes a picture of them.

Their local playpark surrounds them, the couple standing beside the wooden platforms and poles making up the play equipment where the pair first met.

"Dae, you can take your hands off your eyes," Dustin says, his hands going to her waist as he smiles at her.

"Is Archie going?" Dae whispers and they both laugh.

"Unfortunately, they were a package deal."

"Fudge nuggets." Dae takes her hands off her eyes to gaze around in amazement. The trio had set out battery operated lights to illuminate the wooden structure. On the biggest central platform is the largest collection of lights as a picnic sits in the middle, enough food for all four of them.

Faye scrambles onto the structure, getting into different positions to get numerous angles in her photographs. The other three shake their heads at her craziness before climbing onto the structure also.

Dae offers a hand down to Dustin and Faye takes a picture of the role reversal. Dustin and Dae walk across the equipment, Dae looks down at the lights while Dustin looks at her. Faye continuously takes pictures of everything, trying to capture multiple moments into stills.

As Dae and Dustin sit on the top platform talking quietly, Faye crouches behind the platform on a lower one so she can take a silhouette picture of their legs against the lights and scenery. She stands and takes a picture of their silhouettes sat on the platform, then one of their entwined hands. Faye cautiously heads in front of them.

Dustin gives Faye an odd look. "She's got an assignment due, just roll with it," Dae whispers resting her head on his shoulder.

"You sound used to this," Dustin whispers as he brings up his spare hand to brush her cheek and Faye takes a picture.

"You'll be surprised." Dae watches from Dustin's shoulder as Faye goes to Dustin's other side.

"Can you rest your head on hers, your arm around her shoulder? Dae, can you let your fringe down?" Faye asks softly and they comply, Dae resting her head on Dustin's chest again after letting her fringe down. "Look up at me but keep your head there." Faye takes a picture as Dae flicks her eyes up to look at the camera. "Thanks." Faye walks away looking at the piercing brown eyes in the shallow depth of field, Dustin's jaw and hand being in softer focus. Faye does a small happy dance before turning the camera off.


Dae goes to close her locker when she hears a throat clear behind her. She looks round to see Cara, Claire, Leanne and Alexis. "You know what, I thought that it would be someone else next. I'm surprised at this," Leanne states.

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