8 - 2015, February

7 2 0

"Where the hell did you get that from? You said you only had twenty for today," Hazel whispers.

"Nan gave me it before I came out. She told me to treat myself as I need it," Dae replies rolling her eyes. She glances at Dustin and they smile.

"How much do they have?"

"They get more back every month since a couple of years ago, they have no idea why. They split that between me, my dad and my uncles and charity."

"Where does all of this come from?"

"Family fortune. They tried passing some to Giles and Kate, I think, and they wouldn't take it."

Dustin looks at Dae again, surprised at the names being used. How did their grandparents know each other? He thinks to himself.

"Dustin! What are you doing here?" Giles says approaching his grandson, great nephew, and their friend.

Dustin looks round as his granddad approaching on his mobility scooter. "Granddad?" Dustin says confused.

"What are you doing here for the third time this week?"

"That's not important." Dustin crouches beside his granddad. "Who did you say you worked for when you and grandma were younger?"

The way his grandson had lowered his voice told Giles it was important. "Mister Edwards and Miss Madison, until she became Mrs. Edwards. Why is that important?" He also lowers his voice in slight humour.

"That's an Edwards." Dustin gestures to Dae where she has her back to them.

"Dustin, a lot of people have Mister Callum's brown hair Dustin."

"Seriously, granddad, she's an Edwards."

"Well she certainly has his height, Serenity was never that tall."

"Granddad she said about the card talk and whatever it was about."

Giles laughs then catching Dae's, Faye's and Hazel's attentions. He looks at Dae and pales slightly. "Oh, she definitely is my boy. She's certainly grown up now. I have got to go, got things to do." Giles goes leaving Dustin confused as he stares after him.

"What was wrong with Giles?" Faye asks as they walk back to the boys. "He looks like he saw a ghost."

"I'm not entirely sure. He might have. Where do you guys want to go first?" Dustin replies standing up.

"Oh, this way." Faye and Hazel drag Archie and Barnett away and Dustin goes to follow until Dae grabs his arm gently. Giles watches the pair in the distance like he had done with Callum and Corinne sixty-five years ago.

"What is it?" Dustin asks softly looking back at Dae. She just looks at him, her eyes scanning his for something.

"Are you okay? I know your granddad?" Dae starts but stops in question. Dustin nods so she continues. "Didn't seem okay when he left. What were you talking about?"

Dustin tugs her hand so they start walking after their friends. Dae looks at their hands in confusion making Giles smirk. "I'm fine, just concerned about him, he hasn't been good since grandma died two years ago."

"Two years? Besides everyone knows when someone says they are fine, they aren't."

"Yeah, two years, it feels like last week if I am honest. It doesn't matter anyway, I'll talk to him later to clear it up. I'll get through it." The bracelets slip down Dae's arm, one of them touching Dustin's hand. He glances at her wrist to see the bracelets and bites back a smile. "Who got you those? They're nice."

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