2 - 2015, February

10 2 0

"But that wasn't him!" Dae exclaims. The look she receives from Faye and Hazel says oh really.

It is a sleepover at Faye's house and Dustin came up again.

"He did put that note in your locker," Hazel replies.

"He didn't," Dae sharply retaliates as she starts to regret showing her friends the note.

Faye sighs. "Dae, stop denying the truth. You should see the way he looks at you. How he cares for you. The smile only you can get out of him. The way he talks about you," Faye says before laughing, "and the best one, how he always tried getting closer to you."

"What?" Dae asks curiously as she has never seen his attempts.

"Don't you remember the time he went out with Cara and you guys were good friends," Hazel states.

"And Claire, Leanne," Faye adds.

"Don't forget Alexis."

"Guys, this is crazy," Dae says shaking her head. Her hair ripples like a brown river reaching the middle of her back and is one of the reasons she is envied. She is just short of six foot, adored by all the boys due to her athleticism and her brains. However, she doesn't know she is adored and envied by many, she just thought she was average in her family.

"It's not crazy, Dae," Faye says softly while Hazel brings something from behind her.

"Also we can find out how you feel," Hazel suggests showing Dae her own diary.

Laughing, Dae takes it back before her friends can read it. "Me and Dustin are just friends," Dae states.

"Well that's what they always say," Faye replies jokingly causing the trio to break into laughter.

Dustin shakes himself out of thought. His damp mousey brown hair settles wildly on his head, he then smooths it down to calm himself. His heart would always beat faster because of the longing he feels.

He thought of her often, every day to be specific, Dae is a person who no boy could easily forget. To Dustin, everything about her is perfect. He longed to be with her, but then again every boy did.

Dustin sighs in slight frustration, then he selects compose message on his phone. Remembering Dae's number off by heart he types it in and sends her a text message saying 'Hi'.

The trio looks at each other as Dae's phone vibrates signalling a text. Dae isn't quick enough, Faye grabs Dae's phone and laughs. "It's a text from lover boy," Faye says teasingly.

Dae snatches her phone back. "We aren't together if you haven't noticed," Dae replies.

"Ah, but you want to be with him," Hazel states.

Dae blushes slightly but keeps her voice strong. "Does that really matter?" She states as she replies 'Sorry if I take long to reply, I'm at a sleepover'.

Faye looks at Dae sharply instead of looking at her laptop like she was before. "Of course, it does, it makes a huge difference," Faye says.

"Well I can only dream can't I?" Dae puts her phone beside her on the bed and looks at her two friends.

Jealousy. That is all Dustin feels, apart from the longing for her to be by his side, when he reads her text. He mentally kicks himself knowing he shouldn't be jealous of her friends.

His thoughts wander to his and Dae's friendship. She reached out to him again first ironically. He was stood in the playground unsure on who to join as everyone looked formidable.

Dejectedly Dustin stood under a tree looking at the ground. Laughter of friendship groups filled his ears and jealousy kicked in. His parents had to move, it was part of being a military family and Dustin hated it.

Dustin didn't notice her soft footsteps until he saw her feet beside his. Dustin looked at her, he recognized her face but couldn't remember her name.

"Are you okay? You look a bit lonely," she asked still nameless.

"Yeah, I just moved here. I didn't want to," he replied.

"Military family? I'm used to that too."

Dustin laughed, the memory of the girl coming back to him. "That's how I know your face then. I'm Dustin."

"Seriously? You remember me? My name is Dae and-"

"Not with a Y."

"You weren't kidding." Dae laughs. "You're Field's son, aren't you?"

Dustin nodded. "That's me. Sergeant Field's son. Is there any other military families here?"

"Who knows, military is in everyone." Dae shrugged her shoulders slightly and mock saluted Dustin as she walked away. Dustin saluted back and shook his head laughing to himself. He wasn't going to forget Dae in a hurry.

Later that evening he told his parents and his dad seemed unsettled about it. "Tell her I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything," his dad said.

"What do you mean?" Dustin asked confused.

His dad just walked out of the room making Dustin look at his mum for her to clear the situation. "Dae's mum died on the front line, your dad couldn't save her," his mum explained softly.

Dustin was left speechless for the rest of day as it didn't show in Dae's character. The fact that she lost her mum shocked Dustin and he realised sometimes he is grateful he hasn't lost his dad yet.

Shaking himself out of thought again Dustin replies with 'Okay, I'll leave you alone then' to Dae's text and lays on his bed staring at the ceiling, not expecting a reply.

While Faye and Hazel are distracted Dae replies to Dustin. 'Thanks for understanding, why do you have to be so sweet?'

When Dustin reads this he smiles, and quickly replies with 'It is just me being me'.

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