Chapter 8

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Tris' POV

The next two weeks were magical. Well, not really. Tobias and I went on dates almost every night or just stayed in. We either watched a movie at his place and ate dinner or at mine. Last weekend our group of friends went paintballing. We decided to go girls against guys, although the guys thought they had the advantage because Matt joined us last minute. However, they all seemed to have forgotten that I was required to take several shooting classes in order to get my license to wear and use a gun.

What even Matt doesn't know is that I'm an excellent marksman and managed to shoot many of them even before they had the chance to move two feet out of their hideout. I got Uriah the first 30 seconds in followed closely by his brother. To my surprise Tobias managed to hide just in time before my bullets hit trees or other hiding places. Then Matt and Tobias managed to shoot Marlene, Christina and Shauna and Will shot Lynn. So, at that point the guys had three players and the girls two, me and Tammy. Tammy knew that we could only win if we tricked them. She ran out of her hiding spot making the guys automatically turn to aim for her. We decided she should go, since she is a faster runner than I am. She managed to hit Will while I hit Tobias and barely managed to flip over and avoid Matt getting me. I hid behind a tree and waited for him to move. I heard him get closer and thanks to the position of the sun at that moment his shadow fell before him and I could see him closing in long before he could even pull the trigger. I prepared myself and the moment I stepped out I emptied my magazine and he fell backwards on the ground covered in pink paint. Upon seeing this, the girls came out and cheered loudly for me while the guys came over and whined for losing. We had to promise the guys that we would do this sometime again before it will get too cold.

Since my brother's wedding Will realized what a huge douche Caleb is and started pulling away from him. His sister is giving him a hard time, as well as his dad, but not because of Caleb, but because he hoped that his son will take over the family's accounting company. But Will has other plans. He studied architecture and worked for a great firm here in the city. He is also very upset with his father and sister for believing and trusting Caleb even after all he had done, but especially was he upset that he chose to date beneath him, meaning they didn't like Christina. I can't imagine how anyone could not like her. Okay, she is a little loud and with strange beliefs, like trying to save the environment or whales or whatever she thought needs and deserves saving. I think that's one of her best qualities. She doesn't always advertise it right, but her heart is in the right place. Will and I have become closer and he understands now that everything he knew about me was a lie.

So, this brings me to the Friday before the camping trip. Tobias stays at my place over night, which would be the second time we spend the night together, although nothing really happened. A lot of making out and heavy touching, yeah, but nothing more. I like him a lot and I trust him, but I still wasn't completely ready for that step. The bolded word in this sentence being wasn't. But not anymore. I want to be with him in every possible way. I have to admit though, I'm a little scared. Even though I'm not a virgin anymore I haven't had sex since. But never mind that, what if I'm not good at it. A guy like him surely had many girlfriends who had more experience than me. I start to hyperventilate when my doorbell rings. I take a deep breath and go to the front door. I open it and find Tobias standing there smiling with a rucksack on his back. The rest of the camping stuff is probably in the car.

"Hey gorgeous," he says and kisses my lips.

"Hey handsome," I say and let him in after we part. He comes in and takes off his shoes.

"What are you cooking?" he asks going straight into the kitchen.

"My specialty – mini pizzas," I say and he laughs. It's our inside joke. Whenever neither of us wants to cook something fancy for dinner we either eat some mini pizzas or hot dogs. Obviously, my specialty is the mini pizzas while his are the hot dogs, that we usually buy at the hot dog stand near his building.

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