Chapter 14

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Tobias' POV

Six months later.

I check the last details on the new security feature for Dauntless Industries. Everything seems fine, but I will run a diagnostic just to be sure.

A lot has happened in the past six months. I quit my job and bought Dauntless Industries stocks. With the help of Morris I managed to increase my savings four times, allowing me to become a partner. Even if some might think that I'm only here because of my girlfriend and she gave this to me I know better and so do the people I care about. Tris is still working at the medical legal lab but whenever she can she is here in the lab working on some new invention.

Uriah came to work here too, which is great. I always liked working with him and I can trust him with my life, which is a rare quality in anyone.

Mom and Clark got engaged and are about to tie the knot. They finally moved here from New York and Tris, upon hearing they got engaged, gave them her parents' house as a wedding gift. They wanted to refuse but Tris insisted. They ended up accepting which led to a few barbecues at their place with all our friends. Clark quickly became good friends with Joe, Tris' uncle, both men spending a lot of time together. Even Clark and I spend more and more time together, even without Tris and mom. We went fishing or bowling. I really care for him and he cares for me and Tris as well. He often calls me son, which I don't mind. If it weren't for him I probably wouldn't know what it feels like to have a real dad. Therefore I'm really glad he and my mom are getting married.

To all our surprise Tori and Matt eloped three weeks ago and told us yesterday that they are expecting a baby. Everyone looked dumbfounded at the news, only Tammy and Tris seemed to have known. When Tori asked how, Tammy gave some stupid comment, while Tris explained that it was plain to see. Well maybe for her. Apparently Tori's hips changed, preparing her body for childbirth. I swear, I couldn't see a difference (nor did anyone else), but Tris swears it's obvious.

Shauna and Zeke got engaged too, but haven't set a date yet. Marlene and Uriah finally moved in, after Marlene's apartment caught fire one evening. That dumbass wanted to ask her for months to move in with him, but didn't have the balls to do so. One might think this was destiny helping that scaredy-cat. Will and Christina moved in as well and since the whole thing with the house and Caleb's trial, Will's parents gave him a hard time for being with Christina and being friends with all of us. But he doesn't care. He really loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. I hope they make it.

Caleb got convicted. He received not only two years on probation, but also had to pay a fine of 1.5 million dollars, the exact amount he received for his part of the house. Tris gave the money to Will to help him fund his own little architecture firm helping him fulfill his dream and cut himself loose from his father. He didn't want to accept it at first but Tris insisted.

As for Tris and me, we are happier than ever. We moved into a house not far from mom and Clark, which is very nice. It's big, but not like a mansion. It has four bedrooms and a master bedroom, a large backyard with a pool and pool house and is basically mine and Tris' dream house. The only thing left to do is put a ring on her finger. I chuckle to myself.

I pull out the small black velvet box and open it. Inside is a platinum engagement ring with a wonderful heart shaped cut pink diamond. I've been caring it around my pocket for several weeks now, not being able to muster the courage to ask her to marry me. I'm still deep in thought when I hear a knock on my door. I look up and there she is, my beautiful Tris. And her ring is in my hand. I quickly close the box, trying to act as casual as I can and get up to greet her.

"Hey beautiful," I say and she smiles.

"Hey handsome," she replies and wraps her arms around my waist. "Watcha doing?" she asks.

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