Safe and Sound

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**Brandon's POV

I walk away from the kid for one second to go get us some drinks and he disappears! I couldn't be too upset with Grayson, there are a lot of people here, so it would be easy to get lost. "Hey, have you seen a guy, around 5'6" anywhere near here, short blonde hair?" I went person to person asking if they had seen Grayson around.

Finally someone told me he had ended up near the kitchen and it looked like he was in the middle of a panic attack. Immediately I started pushing my way through the crowd of people to where that person said Grayson was last seen. Why was I looking for him? Surely the kid could handle himself at a high school party! I was about to give up my search when I heard a familiar voice yell, "Get off of me now!" Grayson! I pushed my way to get to where I heard his voice, even though it seemed like no one else heard it. When I got to the area the yell came from, I saw Grayson being held to the wall by none other than Jack. I saw Grayson trying to push him away with tears in his eyes.

"Come on, don't try to push me away, we both know you liked that kiss!" Kiss? Jack went in to kiss Grayson and something inside of me snapped. I pushed Jack off of Grayson and punched him square in the jaw.

"You lay another hand on him, and I swear to god, I will kill you!" I stated at Jack who had fallen on his ass after I punched him. I turned and picked up Grayson like how a parent would hold their crying child, he was trembling and sobbing, what happened to him that would make him act like this? I sent another death stare to Jack and walked out of the hallway.

"Bring my boy toy back here!" Jack's words slurred out of his mouth. He puked after he slurred, he was trashed. I ignored him and headed straight for the door. I walked back to my car and put Grayson in the passenger seat and started to drive back home with only one things on my mind. Getting Grayson to safety.

I looked over at the small boy who was curled up and trembling in the passenger seat, either still shaken up about what happened, or he was freezing in this weather. Either way, I pulled him closer to me to keep him warm. I couldn't help but think to myself. What made me feel this protective of him? I never usually care what people think of me, but I cared about what he thought of me. It was the first day of school, when everything changed.

~Flashback begins~

I had just got done my homework when my mom called for my dad and I from downstairs. I quickly got downstairs, right behind my father, because we both know how she gets when we don't come immediately when called. A boy was standing in the doorway with four big bags full of things and a book bag. It must be Grayson, mom and dad had talked about him coming for almost a month now. It was weird, finally seeing him. I wondered what was so special about him?

(Time skip)

I ran out to the car after giving Jack a death stare. When I got out there, Grayson had his head down and climbed in when I unlocked the door, When we got back to my house, I had barely unlocked the door and Grayson had pushed past me and ran up into our shared room. I went up later, so he could have some time alone. I heard sniffling when I went to open the door but it stopped as I slowly opened it. I went to put my hand on his shoulder to see if he was alright, but I pulled my hand back and went back to my bed and sleepy drifted off to sleep.

(Time Skip)

I stood in the room as Grayson broke down crying. I was torn about how to feel. On the outside Jack seemed like a typical jock, an asshole. After hearing what he did to Grayson, it was unexcusable! I couldn't move my body and I could only stand and watch as he sat on his bed and cried. I balled my fists in rage. Did it matter that he's the son of a famous actor and a fashion designer? Did it matter that he likes boys? No! No it doesn't.

I looked down at Grayson again, and my anger had vanished. Here I was, getting angry at someone who doesn't deserve the light of day, instead of giving my attention to the boy who sat in front of me, crying, hurt, afraid. I walked over to him and pulled him off of the bed and I wrapped my arms around him. I held him there tightly, as if this embrace could squeeze all of the sorrow out of him.

He looked up at me and all I saw were his soft blue eyes, like a clear lake in the summer, his blonde hair had fallen down into his face, and his freckles stood out against his puffy and tear stained face. He broke the embrace, grabbed his clothes and headed into the bathroom.

~Flashback End~

I walked into the house and up to our room and placed him on his bed, I tried to stand back up but was stopped Grayson wouldn't let go. "Grayson, you can let go now." I whispered to him, but all I got in response was a quiet snore. I stifled a laugh, it was kinda cute the way he snored.

"Stay here." He mumbled from his sleep and I tried to pull away from his grip, but it was like his arms were glued to the back of my neck. I layed down next to him and he released his grip from around my neck and turned over onto his other side. I eventually fell asleep next to him after making sure he was sleeping soundly. 

**Thanks for reading everyone, please comment, like, and share the story with everyone. Thanks to my friends who helped me write and edit this. 

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