Good Morning!

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**Brandon's POV.

Holy.Fucking.Shit. They are sitting right in front of me. Jackson and Natasha Decker were sitting next to Grayson's bed and his mother was holding his hand up to her mouth. I pushed all of the reporters and people away from the door, "Give the people a damn break you animals!" I shouted at them and slammed the door in their faces, no doubt I'm going to be on the news tonight yelling at reporters. Shit, that also means that Grayson's secret will be out. 

As soon as I closed the door their heads turned around in a look of desperate hope, they probably thought I was a doctor. Their look of desperate hope faded into despair and I felt a twinge of pain that I couldn't help Grayson. Jackson, I hope he doesn't mind if I call him that in my head, got up and walked over to me. Holy Shit, he's even handsomer up close. He held out his hand for me to shake, "I'm guessing you're Brandon?" I nodded as I shook his hand. My jaw dropped and I was speechless.

"And you're Jackson fucking Decker." Somehow those were the only words I could say, and after I said them I instantly regretted it. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say tha-"

"No worries, you're good." He said with a laugh. We walked over to the bed as the heart monitor kept a steady beat. I was introduced to his mother and we sat there in silence. My phone vibrated and I saw that I got a message from a group text that asked what room Grayson was in.

Second floor, room 274. Why?-Brandon

The next thing that I knew people were pushing through the door and I turned around to see Sean, Josh, Allison, Kyle and Keiran, along with my parents pushing through the crowds of people into the room.I got up and moved away from the bed so they could go see him. The room fell silent as Grayson's parents got up and walked over to mine and they started to whisper about things.

"We're really happy grayson has made a lot of friends here." Natasha smiled at all of us, "We were really worried about him back home because he never hung out with anyone from his school, and he never wanted to leave the house unless it was for school." She grabbed Mom's hand, "Thanks Debra, Eric for letting him stay with you."

"Anytime you guys, you know that." My mom squeezed her hand.

It felt like an eternity that we stood there around Grayson. Everyone outside must have left because when the doctor came inside. He said we should see how he is doing tomorrow since he's only been here for a few hours. I couldn't leave him here alone so I asked the doctor if it was okay to make an exception and let me stay the night. He said it was alright.

"Get some sleep darling." Mom kissed the top of my head and I nodded. I stood up and after saying their goodbyes, everyone left quietly. Mom and Dad had invited everyone to stay over at our house so when I got any update on how Grayson was doing, I could text them and all of them would know..

Seeing him, laying there, it hurt me to know that I can't help wake him up. I couldn't help but hold his hand, thinking that it would help him wake up. He looked so serene there, his blonde hair was somehow still perfectly swept to the side, his cute little nostrils kept opening and closing softly and his soft looking lips were closed together perfectly. He was cute, he looked perfect. Did I just call him cute? Yes. Yes I did.

I stayed up late that night, just staring at him, wishing he would wake up so I could see him smile again. "Please wake up Gray." I pleaded with him. I pulled his hand up to my mouth and I left a kiss on it. I felt my eyelids get heavy and the next thing I knew I had fallen asleep to the beat of the heart monitor.

I woke up to birds chirping and the sunlight coming through the window of the room. I noticed I was still holding hands with Grayson, but when I fell asleep I must have made our fingers intertwine. I couldn't help but feel happy that I was holding his hand like this, but I was embarrassed, what if he woke up and our hands were like this.When I went to get up, I couldn't let go of his hand, now don't think that I want to let go but I physically couldn't. When I looked down at Grayson I noticed that he had moved over onto his side.

I shifted my gaze up to his face and I saw him smiling. "Let me guess." His eyelids slowly opened to reveal his pale blue eyes. "You fell asleep and you woke up like this?" I nodded and he let my hand go, I felt my cheeks start to warm up. He yawned and stretched, "Good Morning."  

*** Hey Howdy guys and gals! Thanks for reading everyone, thanks to friends who helped edit this. Please Like/comment/ and share this story with friends. Thank you all. I hope you guys love this story as much as I do. Only a few more chapters left! 

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