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**Grayson's POV

It's been a few months since Jack knocked me unconscious, so here's a recap of life since then. I spent some time with my parents, it was fun to actually hang out around them and not feel weird about them being celebrities. We cleaned up that spare room and I got all of my stuff moved from Brandon's room over. I went back to school a week after waking up. Jack left me alone, but it's odd, when I got back, he was nice to me and treated me like a normal ki, I wonder what happened? The bad news is that my secret is out, but no worries, everyone is cool with it and no one really seems to look at me differently. Spring break came and went, I flew our friends and the Harris' to take a short trip around Europe as my own special thank you to them. Now, Spring break is over and now is when the recap ends.

I was so excited when I got up this morning, this weekend is prom and I was super excited. Now, not so much. I walked into school and saw all of the other students with their dates to Prom and how everyone was going in groups. All of my friends had dates, and sure we were all going as a group, but it feels weird when you're a third wheel....or seventh wheel. Sure, a bunch of guys went stag. But we all know that they end up hooking up with some desperate girl.

"Hey, you excited to go tomorrow?" Sean and Josh came over to where we usually hang out in the morning. I shook my head. "Still haven't found a date to go with." I shook my head again. I mean, I want to go with someone, but I'm pretty sure he would say no if I asked him if he would go as my date. "Dude, you have to stop waiting for Prince Charming to come and save you from your tower!" Sean punched my arm playfully.

"Oh shut up, I'm perfectly fine waiting for my Prince Charming to come and rescue me." I replied sarcastically. The first bell rang and we all walked towards our classes. I finished the work quickly and daydreamed about my own Prince Charming. I pictured him in vivid detail, I did this all the time and each time it only got easier. I didn't have to think to hard about what he might look like, because I already know what he looks like. I live with him.

Ok, so my Prince Charming is Brandon. Do I want to be with him? Yes! Do I love him? Is that really a question!?! Will there ever be a chance between us? Most likely not. Why do I say that? Because he's the captain of the swim team and everywhere he walks, girls fawn over him. And besides, that morning when I woke up, I had already been awake for at least an hour. I didn't want to let his hand go, especially since he had intertwined our fingers during the night. But as soon as he woke up and saw that we were holding hands, he tried to pull away.

The bell interrupted me from my daydream and I wandered to second period, which I have with my Prince nonetheless! The work in that class took less time to finish than in first period. I started to daydream when he tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, do you understand this problem, because I have no idea how to do this?" Brandon knit his eyebrows together in confusion.

"It's simple." I laughed as I grabbed a piece of notebook paper and started to show him to set up the equations and everything. After helping him with a few problems he decided to try a few on his own. I smiled as he tried to figure it out by himself. He always squinted his eyes a little bit whenever he thought too much, he was chewing on his pencil. Finally he figured out the answer and I swear when he did, his green eyes brightened up immediately and he had a huge smile spread across his face.  

"Did I do this right?" I nodded and he did a little fist bump to the air, which caused me to laugh a little bit. I felt a vibration coming from my pocket and I pulled out my phone to see I got a message from my Mom.

Hey sweetie, how are you?-Mom

Good, what's up Mom?-Grayson

Well, your father and I are coming to visit this weekend. And since we know that it's going to be Prom, I thought it would be nice if I could make your outfit for it?-Mom

Mom, you already know the answer . Absolutely!-Grayson

Alright sweetie, getting on plane now, see you when you get home from school!- Mom

I was so excited, I'm going to be wearing one of Mom's designer outfits that she makes only for me! Brandon must have seen the look on my face and he raised an eyebrow.

"What's got you so happy, Mr. Choir Singer?" He joked.

"My parents are visiting and she's making me an outfit for Prom." I said, my smile got even wider. For some reason, Brandon also gained a wide smile pulled out his phone to text someone.

Brandon's POV

Good, everything was going according to schedule. Only one thing left to do.

Grayson's POV

Everyone at lunch seemed to be more alive and energetic than usual. When I sat down at the table, everyone was there, except Brandon.

"Hey where's Brandon?" I asked everyone. They all tried to hide smiles from me.

"He's busy doing something." Kyle said sheepishly, and he was avoiding my gaze.

"What is he doing?" I inquired.

"You'll find out soon enough." Allison said, checking the time on her watch.

"H-hello is this thing on?" Brandon's voice came rang out through the PA systems. "Alrighty then. So since Prom is tomorrow night, I hope everyone has found that special someone to take with them." He paused, and I knit my eyebrows together, what was going on? "As many of you may or may not know, I don't have a date for tomorrow, but there is someone I want to ask." He paused, and for some reason I knew what was going to happen....and he better not do it. "This person is very special to me, in fact, he means the entire world to me." Goddamnit Brandon, you better not do it. "Grayson Decker, will you go to Prom with me? Please bring your answer to the office."

I felt my face go beet red as everyone, not just the table, but everyone in the damn lunch room turned to stare at me. What should I do? I wanted to go with him, but I felt uncomfortable standing here, with everyone staring at me.

"Hey Grayson, what are you standing around here for!" Sean yelled at me, waving his hand in front of my face. "Your Prince Charming is waiting for you!!" I smiled, my answer was clear. I ran out of the cafeteria and through the halls as if I was being chased by demons from Hell. people stared at me in the halls, some had looks of jealousy, some were happy, and some were even cheering me to go faster. I stopped immediately as I got to the office door, before walking in I made sure that my outfit was looking the very best it could.

He was standing there, a bouquet of white roses in his hands, and a student from the student news channel was there filming us. I walked over to him and the smile on his face grew wider. "So what's your answer Gray?" I walked up to my beautiful Prince Charming. I took the roses from him and smelled them, they smelled like him, crisp air blowing through pine trees.

"Do you need to ask me that?" I smiled back at him and before I knew what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around his neck, closed my eyes, and kissed him.  

**Hey Howdy guys and gals. Only two more chapters left! Thank you all for reading my story. Thank you friends of mine who helped me write this. Please like/comment/ and share this with friends. Thanks guys and gals.

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