New Friends

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**Grayson's POV

I woke up to a nice source of heat behind me and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to see Brandon, asleep behind me. My face got hot and I jumped out of the bed in a hurry. Ok, I lied, I fell out of my bed. Brandon sat up quickly as soon as I hit the floor with a loud thud. He rubbed his eyes and looked down at where I was on the floor and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you on the floor?"

"W-well y-you see..." I tried to stammer out an excuse but all I could do was hang my head in shame. "I w-woke up and you were s-sleeping r-r-right behind me." I looked up, but tried not to look at him.

"Oh! right." He slowly nodded, like he just understood something new. "I tried putting you down in your bed last night and you kinda forced me to sleep there." My head whipped back down to the floor. My face grew even hotter and I couldn't speak. After what seemed like forever, I looked back up and he was getting out of my bed. He walked over to his dresser and started pulling clothes out and he started to get undressed. I ran over to get a pair of my clothes out of my own dresser and ran into the bathroom before I could see anymore of Brandon getting changed.

I quickly got changed and we got into Brandon's car. I got lost trying to find my way around and luckily found my way to my first period, History.I had just got to class when the first bell rung. Phew,I cheered in my head, I made it in time. I looked for an open seat, usually there were a few of them, but today only one was open. I sat down next to a brown haired girl who looked familiar. Was she in any of my other classes? The lesson today was pretty easy, considering I already learned this stuff.. After the bell rang I got up and ran into the brunette.

"Hey! Watch where the hell you're going asshole!" She picked up her books that had fallen onto the floor. She went to say something else but stopped when she saw my face. "Hey, you're the new kid right?" I nodded. "Sorry about that, I thought you were someone else!"

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I shrugged off the incident. I grabbed my schedule out of my pocket, I guess I was still unfamiliar about where to go for my classes. She snatched it out of my hands and studied it closely. She let out a small squeal and I raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess, we have more classes together?" She nodded. "So can you help me find my way around?" She grabbed my arm and led me through the student packed halls.

"So I saw you at the party last night." She said glancing back. Shit, why'd she have to mention that. "You feeling alright? You didn't look too well last night." I nodded. "Crap, I forgot to ask you your name!"

"It's Grayson, but you can call me Gray" I said.

"Cool name, I'm Allison." We stopped in front of the classroom. "Ok, so we totally have to hang out sometime, you seem like an awesome person. What's your phone number?" I gave it to her, even though it seemed slightly odd that I just met her and she already asked for my number, and she gave me hers. The next two periods went by quickly and then I had lunch. I guess like at my old school, I'd find an empty table and eat by myself. When I walked through the doors to the cafeteria, my phone buzzed and I looked down to see a message from two of my friends over in England about the move to a new school and everything. I spent the rest of lunch and then I went to my choir and theater classes.

The rest of the day was fine until I got another text during sixth period from Brandon.

Hey, there's a swim meet today after school today. You gonna take the bus, or do you want to stick around and wait for a ride?-Brandon

Sure, I'll stay after.-Grayson

After the last bell rang, I got lost on the way to the swimming area. Someone poked my back and I stiffened like a board. Thinking that it was Jack, I swung around and raised my fist, "Jack keep your hands off of-" when I saw a guy, slightly taller than me, and definitely not Jack. My face flushed up as I stammered out an apology.

"'Don't worry about it, I was just gonna ask where you're headed to. You look a little lost." He said with a small grin.

"Oh, I'm looking for the pool area." He looked like he was about to ask me why I didn't know where it was. "I just transferred here yesterday, and I'm here to watch my friend swim." Did I just call Brandon my friend? I guess he was.

"Oh alright, well I'm headed there now, so we can go there together, I'm Sean by the way." He led the way to the pool and up to the stands and he sat down with his stuff in front of him, he patted the spot next to him.

"I'm Grayson." I put my stuff down and sat down next to him. I looked down at the stillness of the pool and noticed how strong the smell of chlorine was. We sat there for a little bit in quietness until someone called out to Sean, who stood up to meet him. A guy the same height as Sean walked up and grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a long kiss.

"Sorry, I have to cut it short, but I have to go get ready for the meet." He pulled away. "Talk to you later babe." He gave Sean a quick kiss and walked off to what I presumed was the locker room. Sean turned around with a wide smile on his face that quickly disappeared when he saw me.

"Oh shit, I hope you're not uncomfortable, that's my boyfriend. I-" He stammered out

"Hey, don't apologize to me. I don't care, I'm gay too." I laughed. He let out a sigh of relief and we exchanged phone numbers. It seems like I'm just making a whole bunch of new friends, and I've barely been here a week. Maybe my parents were right, maybe I would have good luck here. "Hey, I've gotta go to the bathroom, if I'm not back in ten minutes send a search party for me." I joked and we both laughed. Walking out of the pool area I found the bathroom with ease and was headed back to the pool area within three minutes I was almost at the door to the pool when I was grabbed and roughly pushed against the wall causing me to let out a small shriek of pain.

"I knew I'd find you sneaking around here." Jack hissed through gritted teeth. He looked down at me like I was a rare collectable. "You know, last night was something special. I want more." He leaned down to go in for a kiss when I heard the slamming of a door and the sound of someone getting smacked, and hard. "Fucking hell! Every time!" Jack was bent over covering his mouth.

"Let's go, the meet is about to begin." Sean grabbed my arm and we walked back to the pool area, I looked around to see Jack staring at us with a bloody lip. "Are you alright, did he hurt you?." Sean looked at my arms and face. I shook my head. "Good."

"How did you know that I needed help." I rubbed my neck at the area that was slammed against the wall.

"I heard someone scream, and I needed to go check it out." He said as we took our seats. The meet had started and it seemed like the two swimmers from our team, Brandon and Sean's boyfriend, were in the lead. We sat there watching the rest of the match in silence and I couldn't feel happier that I had met the people I could gladly call my friends.  

**Hey Howdy guys and gals. Thanks for reading. I hope you like, comment and share it! I would like to thank my friends for helping me write and edit this. Thanks everyone!

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