The Calm Before The...

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**Grayson's POV

We waited for the boys to get done changing after the meet. "Congrats guys!" We yelled as they came out from the locker room.Why shouldn't we be excited, they ranked first and second in their races, and our team ended up winning the meet! We all decided to go out and celebrate, so Brandon, Sean, Josh who is Sean's boyfriend and I all got into Brandon's car and we went to a local diner to grab something to eat. We ordered some cheeseburgers and milkshakes. When we sat down to eat my phone started to buzz. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a video call coming from Travis and Aaron. I looked up at everyone else who had their eyes trained on me.

"Aren't you gonna pick it up?" Sean asked. I smiled and hit the Answer button. Suddenly my screen was filled by the picture of two guys making faces at the screen.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you bloody arsehole, we've missed your face and thought we ought to call an' see how you've been makin' out in the new place." Aaron said, or was it Travis, it was hard to tell with identical twins. Everything was the same, from the way their light brown hair was styled, short and combed straight down, their hazel eyes, even down to the way they talked, sounded and laughed.

"Alright, are they British?" Sean asked, turning my phone around to see them.

"Yes. Aaron, Travis, meet Brandon, Sean and Josh." I pointed to each one in turn. "Everyone, meet Aaron and Travis." They waved as their names were said. "As you heard, these two are a pain in my ass."

"Excuse me, I think you mean royal pains in your ass!" Aaron corrected me with extra emphasis on the word royal. Everyone looked at me as if I had two extra heads.

"Well you see.." I tried to figure out how to tell them that they were British royalty. "They're British royalty." I spat out in a hushed voice. Josh went to say something and I quietly added. "And there is more, but you have to promise not to say anything." He closed his mouth and nodded, I looked at Sean and he did the same. "You know Jackson Decker?" They both nodded. "And you know Natasha Decker?" Again they nodded. "Well, they're my parents." I saw their eyes go wide and their jaws drop. "Don't say anything until we get out of here please." They nodded and we sat, ate and talked with Travis and Aaron until they had to get off. A few minutes after that we were walking out of the diner and getting into the car.

As soon as we got into the car Josh and Sean were talking so fast and loud that my head started to hurt.

"Guys, please quiet down!" I said rubbing my temples. "That's the truth, my parents sent me out to live with Brandon's family because our parents have been friends since they were kids. During a fashion show in England, I got lost and bumped into Travis and Aaron. Since then we've been close friends." I explained everything including what happened with Jack at my old school, and what happened at the party.

"I swear to God, the next time I see that boy, I'm gonna wring his neck!" Josh hissed through his teeth and cracked his knuckles. "Who the fuck does he think he is! He bullies you for years, turns people against you, and now he wants you to be his little boy toy!"

"Guys, please, leave it be." I begged. "If I just ignore him, he'll eventually leave me alone." I said doubtfully, "probably." Things got quiet really fast.

"So, your dad is really Jackson Decker?" Sean asked. I nodded, pulled out my phone and showed them a picture of my mom, dad and I on our private jet while we were headed to Hawaii for a vacation. "Damn dude, that's so awesome, how come you seem like a really shy person. If Jackson freaking Decker was my father, I'd be shoving it in everyone's faces!" Sean and Brandon nodded in agreement with Josh.

"Well, that's the thing. It was fun at first, people knowing who my parents are." I said with a little bit of melancholy mixed in, "But then people didn't want to actually get to know me, they wanted to get to be near my parents." I shrugged it off, I'd gotten used to it. "So, if you guys could do me a huge favor, please don't tell anyone." They nodded . We dropped them back off at school after we all exchanged phone numbers. We spent the rest of the night in a kind of quiet bliss.

It turned out that I had the same lunch as Allison and Kyle, who was her boyfriend, so we sat together. They asked a bunch of questions about my old school and how it felt to be a new student here. It was nice to just act like a normal teenager and talk with friends.

Next period in my theater class, we were paired up and put into groups and given an assignment where we had to make a short play that included two songs and a short dance number. I sat down with my notebook and looked at the girl I was partnered with. Keiran didn't look like the typical person you would see up on stage, you'd probably see her studying in a library, or even competing in math competitions. She had curly black hair that was tied back, Her thick black glasses covered her big brown eyes. Her tan skin always shone, no matter what kind of lighting she was in. We decided on what our play should be about and we already wrote the music and figured out the dance number, and we still had almost the whole period to work. We sat at one of the keyboards in the room and sang our songs as I played along on the piano.

"You know, you're really good at playing the piano." She smiled, "Do you think you could teach me?' I nodded and started out with the basics and soon she was playing as if she had been playing for a few months.

"Wow, you must have been tricking me into teaching you how to play." I said playfully, pouting. "It seems like you already knew how to play!"

"Or you're just good at teaching!" She playfully punched my arm. I got this weird feeling in my head that told me she was trying to flirt with me.

"I'm sorry, but I have to tell you something," I said, "I'm gay." She laughed. "Sorry, it seemed like you were trying to flirt with me right there and I just wanted to let you know."

"Dude, chill, I'm not into you." She said reassuringly.

"Alright." I smiled before excusing myself and getting up, "Sorry, I gotta pee."

"When Nature comes a callin', ya gotta answer." She said nonchalantly.

I took the clipboard and headed towards the bathroom. After I was done I slowly walked back to class. I walked by a group of lockers when I was pulled over and shoved against the lockers. I tried to shake away from Jack's grip. "Not this time, Grayson, this time," His face got closer towards mine, "this time, you're mine."

"Let me go." I struggled against his grip, causing him to slam me back into the lockers. My head hit the lockers before the rest of my body did and I started seeing doubles. My legs started to give out beneath me and suddenly I was all alone. I was lying on the floor, then Brandon's face appeared, Then everything went black..   

**Hey Howdy everyone. Things are getting JUICY right? LOL, Seriously, thanks to everyone who reads this and hopefully you guys enjoy it. I know I enjoy writing this! Please like/comment/vote/share or whatever. Thanks to the readers, thanks to my friends who helped me edit and shtuff. 

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