Star Struck

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***Hey Sorry for the update guys and gals. I just wanted to say thanks for everything! Here you go.

**Brandon's POV

I walked back to class after Coach had called me to his office to talk about the swim team and the next meet. I stopped at the water fountain to get a drink when I heard a something hitting a locker, I guessed someone was angry and punched a locker. I had turned away and started to continue my walk back to class when I heard someone yell "Let me go." and another slam that followed. What the hell was going on? The voice played over and over in my head and it sounded....familiar. Suddenly I stopped and spun around and darted towards the lockers where the sounds were coming from. As I was turning the corner Jack pushed by me and he had a mixed look of anger and fear. I would have chased after him but I heard a groan coming from the floor.

I saw Grayson lying on the floor and the lockers above him were slightly dented. I ran over and put my ear to his mouth. Good, he was breathing. I saw his eyes flutter open briefly and when he looked at me. "Help." he could barely croak out. I ran to the nurse's office and I must have had a bewildered look on my face because as soon as I ran into her office and told her I needed help with a friend, she grabbed a wheelchair and we hurried to the lockers where Grayson was. As soon as she saw Grayson she told me to help her put him in the wheelchair, which wasn't too hard because Grayson must have weighed 112 lbs soaking wet. We got him to the nurse's office and she called an ambulance, alerted the principal about what was going on. The ambulance arrived shortly after and I got into the vehicle next to grayson who was strapped into a stretcher.

I watched as his chest slowly rose and fell, the ambulance was quiet as it sped to the hospital. I felt bad for him, he came here looking to find a quiet haven from all the attention from being the son of two famous celebrities, but all he got here was pain that had been brought back from his past. On the other hand, I couldn't help but feel happy for him. When he first arrived he was quiet, almost no friends, and he had transferred to a new school. But in a few weeks, he opened up to people, made new friends and once he started talking, he could easily talk for hours.

When we got to the hospital they had a team of nurses waiting for him. They took him to get all sorts of tests done to make sure no damage had been inflicted to his head and brain. I sat in the waiting room as they carted him all over the place for the tests. I sent texts out to Grayson's friend's telling them what happened and where we are. I also sent my mom and dad texts. I remembered that I grabbed Grayson's phone before they took him to go get the tests done, so I searched through his contacts to find his parent's phone numbers. I dialed in his father's number.

"Hello?" a voice picked up, "Who is this?"

"Um, hello, is this Mr. Decker?" I asked, my voice coming out shaky.

"Yes." the man on the other end answered cautiously, "May I ask who this is and how you got my private cell phone number?"

"Mr. Decker, my name is Brandon Harris,my parent's went to school with you and your wife, I'm calling about Grayson." I said quickly. Holy shit, I can't believe I'm talking to THE JACKSON DECKER!

"What happened to him!' He suddenly got very serious.

"We were at school and I think someone attacked him, he's unconscious and I had to take him to the hospital. I thought I should just let you know what is happening." I said. There was no reply coming from him. "Sir, are you still there?"

"Yeah, sorry. We'll be there soon." He said abruptly. "Oh, and thanks." He hung up. Holy freaking shit! I just called and talked to Jackson Decker.

A doctor came out to the waiting room and led me to a private room where Grayson was lying in a bed, still unconscious, and hooked up to and IV and a computer that monitored his vital signs. It crushed me to see him lying in the bed, hurt and injured. The doctor told me that there was no major injury, except for a broken arm, but for some reason, Grayson still hadn't woken up so he asked me if it was alright if they kept him here for a few days to keep an eye on him. I nodded. He left us alone in the room and I felt a rage start to burn deep inside of me. I was angry, angry at myself for not making sure he was safe, angry that he had pain in his life, angry at the one who made his life painful. Jack! I had to make him pay.

I rushed out of the hospital and ran all the way back to school, by the time I had reached the school I was out of breath, my muscles were sore and school had just ended.I stopped to catch my breath, and then I saw Jack walking out to his car. The rage that made me run all the way here burned hotter when I saw him. I marched over to him and when he saw me he went to say something but before he could get a word out, my fist had collided with his jaw and he landed back on his ass. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him back up and punched him again.

"You piece of shit." I shouted at him throwing him back to the ground. "You piece of fucking shit!"

"What are you talking about, I haven't done anything!" He said as he rubbed his jaw

"You know what you did, because of you," I clenched my fists," because of you Grayson is in the hospital unconscious and we have no idea when he will wake up!" I yelled at him. As soon as it left my mouth, Jack's face went from a look of snobbish confusion to a look of pure shame and regret.

"I didn't mean to." He whispered.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to?" I felt bile rise in the back of my throat.

"I just wanted him to notice me, I wanted him to love me!" He yelled, slamming his fist against the pavement. My mind went spinning. Jack bullied a boy because he was gay, just to get that boy's attention and his love.

"You're fucked up you know that." I felt my face get red from all of the rage I had inside. "You hurt him badly, for someone who loved him and wanted him to love you back." I let out a small laugh, "heh, you sure have a shitty way of telling someone you love them."

"I know, that's why I'm not going to try to be near him anymore. I hate knowing that I'm the one who caused him so much pain." He started to cry.

"You don't have to totally leave him alone, just try to be a better person, try being a friend." I said before getting into my car and driving back to the hospital. When I took the elevator up and walked to Grayson's room something was totally wrong.There were people everywhere with camera's and voice recorders. I pushed my way through the people, which earned me a few rude looks and comments, and when I got to Grayson's room I saw why there were people out there. Sitting in his room were his parents, Jackson and Natasha Decker.   

***Hey Howdy everyone! Thanks to everyone who is reading and thank you to my friends who help me edit this. Unfortunately I do have some upsetting news to share though. I decided that this story will end in a few chapters :( I hope you guys understand, I will probably write others though so please follow me. Please Like/comment/and share this story with friends please!

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