It's Not My Fault *Connor*

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"It's not me!" I shout at my mom.

"Who else is home alone? No one else is going to eat all this food," my mom says. She points to the stairs. "Go to your room."

"Mom!" I say. She squints at me until I do as I'm told. I groan and stomp up the stairs. I swing open my bedroom door and slam it shut.

My mom blames me for everything. It's awful. Her and my dad got in a fight? It was my fault for being such a bad kid. I collapse onto my bed. I should probably get started on my homework. After a few more minutes, I walk over to my desk.

My laptop was open. That's strange...usually I close it. I close it and pull my book bag over. I pull out the chair and sit down. I pull my feet up onto the chair and spin around. I don't want to focus on homework right now.

Suddenly there's a loud crashing sound. I spring up from my chair, nearly falling over in the process. In the corner of my room, there's a crumpled figure. has wings. The figure isn't moving at all.

Slowly, I creep towards it. Surely my mom heard the crash. She'll be up soon to yell at me. She'll yell at me for this...thing in my room too. But this was not my fault. The closer I get, the more features I can make out. It's a girl but she has wings. My heart beats a little faster.

"H-hey. Are you...okay?" I say, touching her arm. She bolts upright. She's breathing heavily and her eyes are wide. To say I was shocked is a complete understatement.

"Where am I?" she asks.

"Uhm, my room?" I say as a question.

"Earth?" she asks.

"Yeah...who are you? What are you?" I ask. She nods and stands up shakily.

"Eva. I'm an angel," she says, sticking out her hand. I grab it and shake it.

"I'm Connor. Uh, human," I say. Eva nods and looks around my room.

"Connor!" my mom shouts, coming up the stairs. My eyes widen. I turn to Eva.

"You have to hide," I say. She looks confused for a moment then she registers something.

"Fine," Eva says and climbs out my window. Not what I was expecting but okay.

My mom burst into my room. "What was that banging sound? I'm trying to rest!"

"What banging sound?" I ask. She glares at me before stomping out of my room. I close the door behind her. I walk over to my window and peer out. Eva is sitting on the roof, staring at the other house. "You can come back in."

"Great," she says and crawls back in after I move out of the way. "That was your mom?"

"Yeah," I say with a nod.

"She's a tough one," Eva says. I laugh.

"So, if you're an angel, why are you here?" I ask.

"I'm your...we'll call it guardian angel. I'm here to help you," she says proudly.

"Why do I need a guardian angel?" I ask. She just shrugs and sits on my bed. She unfolds her wings and checks her feathers. Her feathers are white with pale pink tips. It looks amazing with all the other feathers.

Now that I can get a good look at her, I sit down in my desk chair and stare at her. She has brown hair with loose curls. Her eyes are the prettiest green I've ever seen. Her nose is small and suits her face. Her lips are quirked up on the right, like she's preparing to smirk. She's wearing skinny jeans with holes in the knees, black high tops and a red jersey. She's very pretty, I realize.

"So tell me about yourself," Eva says, sitting up a little straighter. She glances down and seems to take in her outfit for the first time. "This is new," she says to herself.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, up there, in Heaven, our wardrobe was mostly whites and golds. Or like, pastel colors. Never anything like this," she says. Eva looks back up at me. "So, tell me about yourself."

"Well, like I said I'm Connor. 15. Only child. My parents are...okay. Yeah, okay," I say, trying to reassure myself as well as her.

"Don't lie Connor," Eva says.

"Fine, they're awful," I say. Eva just nods. "I guess you want to know more. Uhm, I go to school at Greg Town High. I have good friends. I'm not popular but like, I'm not an outcast."

"Anything else of importance? Anything I may need to know?" she asks. I just shake my head.

"I don't understand why you're here. I have a good life," I say.

"Neither do I. The Council sent me here so here I am. There must be something," Eva says. I shake my head again.

"Well, I gotta do homework. You know where you're staying?" I ask. Eva shakes her head.

"Bro, this was a last minute thing. You gotta understand that," Eva says.

"Well...I guess you can stay here but..." I trail off.

"Keep outta sight. Parents can't know. Got it," she says.

"Right," I say, turning back towards my desk.

"Connor?" Eva asks.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"I really gotta go to the bathroom," Eva says. I sigh and push away from my desk. Homework can wait.

"C'mon. I need a snack anyways," I say. She stands up and follows me out of the room. I stop in front of a door that's next to the stairs. From here, I can see the living room. "Go quickly."

"Thanks," she says and slips inside.

Me? Have a guardian angel? For what? My life is good. My parents are just annoying and rude. This whole ordeal has me confused. I'm not even scared of her. She gives off this calming vibe that I can't explain. Like I don't have a care in the world. This is all too weird.

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