Locked In Heaven *Eva*

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Five steps to the right, spin on my heel and five steps in the opposite direction. I've been pacing for the past half hour. Stop, bite fingernails, then continue pacing. Back and forth. This room is too tiny. Not enough space. I need more space, need more room to think. I need a place big enough for my wings.


Connor is sitting up in the corner of the room, lazily rubbing his eyes. He just woke up. When we first got here, he was knocked out. I don't know how it happened but to say I'm not pleased would be an understatement.

"Yeah Connor?" I ask. My footsteps make a patter sound as I walk across the marble floor over to him. I sit down next to him, leaning my head against the wall.

"Where are we?" Connor asks.

"Well, right now you are experiencing the cursed dungeons of Heaven. Enjoy your stay," I say, scowling. Connor's eyes widen a bit as he looks around.

"It's a marble box," Connor says. I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. He just woke up, don't yell at him for stating the obvious.

"Yeah, one of the walls open from the other side but I have no idea which one it is," I say. "Feeling okay? They kind of knocked you out before they put you in here."

"I feel fine. Head's a little," he waves his hands around his head, "but otherwise, all good."

"Nice description you have going on," I say. Connor smiles a little. Suddenly, the wall to the right of us shimmers and vanishes. Guards stand on either side, both staring at me like I'm gum under their shoes. That disgusting 'What is that?' look. That just peeves me off. What gives them the right?

"Let's go, lawbreakers," one of the guards say.

"I thought they were rules," I say, glaring at them. The other one huffs and flicks his fingers. My head slams back into the wall hard enough where my vision contains spots.

"What is wrong with you?" Connor shouts at them.

"Be quiet," I say through gritted teeth. Connor gives the guards one final glare before helping me to my feet. They can hurt me all they want but if they even think of trying to hurt Connor, I will not hesitate to beat them. One thing I forgot to add: angels can hurt other angels. Just not anything else. Doesn't make sense but that's the way it works and guards can hurt whoever they please.

"Let's go. Now," the guard, I'm going to call him Anger, says. The other one I'll name Snappy. Anger and Snappy.

"Whatever," I say, walking out of the box prison. Connor stays beside me. His hand keeps trying to reach mine but something stops him. "What's wrong?"

"As soon as we stepped out of that...box, there's been like this force field between us," Connor says. Go figure. The guards stay a few paces behind us, probably eavesdropping.

"That way you can't contaminate each other anymore," Snappy spits out. Way to stick to your name, Sir Snappy. Would you like a snickerdoodle?

"Will I contaminate you if I touch you?" I ask Snappy. He doesn't respond but suddenly I trip. Hmm wonder how that happened? I stand up and glare at the guards. "I'm glad the angel race is so sweet. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."

"Eva," Connor says warningly, only loud enough for me to hear. I take a deep breath and turn around, continuing the walk to the Council Chambers.

"How kind of you to treat your guest with such cruelty. 'Here, we knocked you out, threw you in jail and keep abusing the girl you love. Enjoy your stay!'" I say with as much sarcasm as I can muster, which is a lot. I dare them to do something one more time. I'll let them have it.

"I didn't know you guys had so much hospitality. Now don't you dare go out of your way to throw a feast in my honor," Connor says, mimicking my sarcasm with his own.

Snappy and Anger stay quiet but rage clearly crosses their faces. Good, they made me mad. I'm just returning the favor. All the angels up here are so closed minded now that I've learned about the human world. My own people, throwing me around like I'm some kind of rag doll.

We're lead into a huge court packed with angels. My heart skips a beat as I see my parents in the front, looking at me with sad but joyful eyes. I wonder what they're thinking. They must hate me. The thought upsets me, I've only ever wanted to make my parents proud but I probably just ruined their reputation.

"Evangeline Grace," a booming voice echoes around the room, the owner sitting at a long desk with eight other people. Three women and six men. Yeah, women are still struggling for equality up here too, just in politics. "Connor Blake."

"Mr. Achilles," I say stiffly. Connor simply nods his head.

"You are here before the Council because you have disobeyed Rule Five," Mr. Achilles says. Mentally rolling my eyes. Here we go. "You also have completed the task you were given. The Council is very conflicted on what to do."

I'm half tempted to say is that so?, but then I risk losing whatever ground I have. Then there's Connor...I'm still puzzled on why they brought him. That's strange, even for us.

"You're the youngest one to ever complete your task. We sent you in without telling you the problem, without us knowing the problem, but you still fixed it," one of the women says.

"But then you fell in love with him," Mr. Cassius says. To be honest, he's always freaked me out a bit. I've met him once before and he just gives off this weird vibe.

"Explain your side," Mr. Achilles says.

"What do you mean? You know every detail of what has happened," I say. Okay maybe not the best thing to say but oh well.

"Did you figure out his problem?" Mrs. Capulet says. I know her because she's a close friend with my mom. Hopefully this makes this trial a little easier. I look over at Connor and he's just staring at the floor.

"Yes," I reply. "He didn't..." Connor looks up at me and I don't know if it was just me but it looked like he was begging me not to say it. "He didn't like his previous life."

It wasn't technically a lie. He didn't like his life before but that wasn't the main problem. Let's hope they don't find out otherwise or I'm dead.

"Why not?" Mrs. Capulet asks.

"His mom was a real jerk," I say. Mrs. Capulet quickly covers her mouth to hide her smile.

"Don't favor her, Capulet. She's a rule breaker," Mr. Cassius says, his words dripping with venom.

"Cassius, do not test me. I have already proven I have the better mind here," Mrs. Capulet says. Mr. Cassius's face turns beet red. Frankly, I find this all amusing.

"Look, punish me as you please but why did you bring him with me?" I ask the Council, nudging Connor with my elbow. The barrier seems to have gone away when we got in here.

"Mrs. Capulet thought it would be good," Mr. Achilles says. Mrs. Capulet winks at me. Have I ever mentioned how much I love her? She's amazing.

"There's something you haven't been completely honest with something," I say. Mr. Antony looks at me suspiciously. "Princess Ambrosia died by her own hand. Not by Pyrrhos. You're basis for Rule Five is completely invalid."

"Objection," Mr. Cassius yells, slamming down his hands on the table and pushing his chair back. "This is an outrage! She cannot be allowed to waltz in here and call us liars!"

"I didn't waltz in here but if you want me to, no problem. Connor?" I say. He cracks a smile and shakes his head at me.

"Ms. Grace, please," the woman I have no idea whose name is says. She looks down at Mr. Cassius. "Cassius, sit down right now." Her voice booms around the room.

"Athen, how can you just let her get away with that?" Mr. Cassius exclaims. So her name is Mrs. Athen.

"Sit. Down." Reluctantly, Mr. Cassius sits back down. Mrs. Athen nods her head, satisfied. "Very good. Now I think the Council should make a decision. I'm in favor of Ms. Grace."

"In favor of Ms. Grace, say I," Mr. Achilles says. Before anyone can say anything, a blinding light erupts in front of the Council table. Connor covers my eyes and pulls me away. What is it?

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