Mondays Are Torture *Connor*

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"Connor!" Eva screams. Without her wings, she falls over the edge of the building.

I wake up with a gasp. I'm sweating so much my shirt is becoming damp. My hair is sticking to my forehead. I rub my face with my right hand. Eva, I'm assuming, lays her hand over my left hand. Her thumb rubs small circles on the top of my hand.

"Connor?" Eva asks quietly. "What happened?"

"Just a nightmare," I mumble. I look at Eva. She's still lying down with her blanket pulled over her. Her green eyes are filled with worry. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine," Eva says. She pulls herself up into a sitting position. She puts her arms around me and pulls me to her. I lay my head on her shoulder and close my eyes.

"When tomorrow comes, I'll be on my own. Feeling frightened of the things that I don't know," Eva starts singing softly. I have no idea what song she is singing but it sounds so soothing despite the lyrics. "And though the road is long. I look up to the sky. In the dark I found, lost hope that I won't fly."

I realize the room is still dark, the only light coming through the windows from the streetlamps outside and Eva's pink aurora. Eva continues to sing softly. Her voice was making me drowsy. I turn my head to look at the clock. 3:07 a.m. This Monday is already off to a rough starts.

Eva pushes me back gently. I lie on the bed again, burying my head into the pillow.

"I got all I need when I've got you and I. I look around me and see a sweet life. I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight," Eva continues singing.

Eva lays down next to me. I wrap my arms around her back and pull her closer. Warmth radiates from her, matching her calm aurora. The pink glow lights up her face. Eva stops singing.

"Go to sleep. You have to be up in three hours," Eva says.

"You do too," I say, holding back a yawn. Eva smiles softly, closing her eyes.

"Yes but you're more important," Eva says, letting out a tiny yawn. I can't help but yawn in turn. After all, yawning is contagious.

"Don't say that," I say but Eva's already asleep, her hand curled up in my shirt. I tug her blanket over her. Then I pull my blanket over both of us.

Eva's light seems to move, almost like pulsing. Steady, like a heartbeat. Maybe her heartbeat. Then it does something strange. It wavers, flickers, then disappears. My eyebrows knit together. I touch Eva's arm and her light flickers back into existence. What's going on? Is it supposed to do that?

My eyes start burning. I close my eyes, thinking I would just rest but I end up falling asleep.  The next time I wake up, I'm being bounced. The bed is bouncing beneath me causing me to be thrown up and back down.

"Eva!" I groan, trying to sit up. I rub my eyes, slowly opening them as Eva plops back down.

"Sorry! It's 6:30 by the way," Eva says. "Your mom comes home today."

"I know," I say, yawning. "I still have to go to school. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You looked so peaceful sleeping," Eva says, jutting out her bottom lip. Seems like she's in a good mood. That makes one of us. "Your dad just left a little bit ago."

"Thanks miss informer," I say, sitting up and flinging the blanket aside. I pull open my shirt drawer of my dresser. I pull out a black t shirt then slamming it shut. Eva tosses me a pair of jeans. "I'll be right back."

I walk into the bathroom. One glance in the mirror and I can tell I look like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket. My hair is sticking up everywhere, and yes, boys do have those days. I pull off the shirt I'm wearing and toss it on the floor. I go through the rest of my morning routine, excluding brushing my teeth. I wait until after breakfast to do that.

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