Empty Threats *Connor*

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A blinding light cuts through the room causing some people to cry out. I'm holding Eva against my chest. She didn't put up much of a fight. I close my eyes tightly against the light. As soon as it appeared, it vanished. Slowly, I let go of Eva and she looks over my shoulder.

"Oh my God," she says in awe. I twist my head around and spot a man in a white robe. It's hard to grasp his image because it keeps shifting. One minute, he looks completely familiar then the next he's someone new.

"Who is that?" I ask quietly.

"It's God," Eva says. I'm pretty sure if she wasn't in such shock, I would've received a hit to the chest.

"No way," I say, staring at the man with different faces.

"Way," Eva says. Under different circumstances, we both would've laughed.

"Hello everyone," God says. He nods once at the Council. "Council."

"Y-you're..." Jerk faced Cassius says. Sorry, I don't like him.

"I'm here today because I thought why not give my angels a little visit. You know I love you all dearly," God says kindly, smiling. Then he stops. "But when the Council I assign tries to take away someone's rights based on who they love is crossing a line."

"W-we have rules-"

"No! A rule cannot be made on love. Evangeline cannot help it, Connor cannot help it, you cannot help it and neither can anyone else in this room." His voice echoes around the room, bouncing off the walls and seeming to hit the Council besides a few select members including Capulet. His face softens as he turns to me and Eva. "This is all unfair. I would like to fix this if it's alright with you."

"Please?" Eva asks quietly. I've never heard her voice so quiet besides the time she sang me to sleep.

"Of course," God says, giving a small nod. He walks over the Council table. "Evangeline has completed her task, which is difficult to do. Do you know what her task was? No no, she told you something else. Connor, I'm sorry but they must know."

I nod my head and he continues.

"Essentially, her task was Connor learning to love and through that, he loves Evangeline. Taking her away from him is totally defeating the task. I cannot allow that. Your rules," you can tell God doesn't like a certain rule, "cannot forbade that. I have one proposition for Connor and Evangeline."

"You can just call me Eva," Eva says a little shyly.

"Eva. Here it is: I could make Connor an angel, just like you, if you wish. Of course, Connor would be able to visit his parents whenever he wishes. I can talk to your parents too," God says. Did He just...I can't even process what's happening. "It's up to you. Eva, you did a great job on your task."

"Thank you," Eva says. She's smiling so much, I can't imagine how much that's gonna hurt her cheeks later.

"What do you say, Connor?" God asks. What do I say? Do I just drop everything? I can visit my parents whenever I want. I don't have to deal with that school anymore. I get to spend a lot of time with Eva...

"I..." I look at Eva and she's staring at me with curious eyes. "I accept."

"Then it's a done deal," God says. All of the sudden, I'm lifted off my feet and tossed into the air. I let out a yelp of surprise. Faintly, I can hear Eva laughing at me along with a few other angels.

A swarm of gold glitter surrounds me. When it touches my skin, it leaves a tingling feeling. A few minutes later, my feet touch the ground again and Eva giggles.

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