Don't You Dare *Connor*

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"Who's the girl you showed up with?" Jacob asks. "She's hot."

"Don't even think about it," I say.

"Bro, what's her name?" Cayden asks.

"Eva. She's weird. You wouldn't like her," I say, hoping they'll drop it. I don't want them anywhere near her. I don't know why but I feel very protective of her.

"Dude, a girl with those looks can never be weird. What're you hiding?" Jacob asks.

"Trust me, she's weird. Don't," I say. I look behind me and spot Eva talking to one of the outcast of the school. Maybe that'll be proof enough for Jacob and Cayden to stay away.

"Why didn't you bring her over here? Callin' dibs already?" Cayden asks. The bell rings, signaling that there's five minutes left until class. Thank you!

"Catch ya guys later!" I call over my shoulder, running up the stairs and to my locker. I open it and throw my books into my bag. Eva pops up beside me.

"Your friends annoy me. Tell them to stop pestering me," she says.

"I tried," I say and slam my locker shut. I put my bag back on my shoulder. "I gotta get to class. You should head there too."

I leave her standing by my locker, giving me a glare. What else does she want me to do? Show her to class? Tell my friends that she's off limits? She's more confusing than any of the girls here.

I walk into chemistry and Mr. Schultz is writing on the board about an upcoming quiz. Great, another thing to study for. I sit in my usual seat behind Jessica. She usually doesn't pay attention to me as she is in the popular group. She whips her head to face me, her hair following her movements.

"Who's the new girl?" Jessica asks. Let's get this straight, I don't like her. She annoys me and she's always popping her gum during class.

"Why? Realized you might have some competition? I'm sorry but a pig is prettier than you," I say. She gasps.

"I'm the best looking one here, skater boy," she says. I roll my eyes and sit back in my chair.

"But your personality sucks. I rather hang around the pig. At least I know it has feelings," I say. She glares at me before huffing and turning back around. The bell rings and the announcements start.

I tap my fingers while the principal drones on and on about some track scores or something. This shows how well I pay attention. The principal ends the announcements by saying have a good day. It's almost impossible to have a good day while at school. That's like saying enjoy your trip through Hell. It just isn't going to happen. Ya know, unless you're insane or what not.

"Okay class. Today we'll just be taking notes," Mr. Schultz says. The whole class groans. "Yeah it's boring but it has to be done. There'll be a quiz next week and you need to be thoroughly prepared. Some of you need to do well on this to bring up your grade."

"Must be talking about you, skater boy," Jessica whispers without turning around.

"I think he's talking about you. Have you seen your brain? It's the size of a pea," I whisper back. She huffs and I bet she would be glaring at me right now. Oh, what is she going to do? Whip her hair in my face?

Two pages of boring notes later, the bell rings. I stuff my notebook in my bag and stand up. With my bag on my shoulder, I head to English. English is my worst subject even if I have a good, great, grade in it.  It's my lowest grade, teetering right on the edge of an A minus. My grades are the only thing keeping me from being grounded.

I walk into class and immediately stop. Standing by the teacher's desk is Eva. She's talking to the teacher, smiling widely like she just found a long lost friend. I don't know why but I put my head down and walk back to my seat. Of course I had to have a class with her. Yeah, she had this calming aurora but I still didn't fully trust her. Angel or not, how can you trust someone who just fell into your room? Eva nods to the teacher and walks down the aisle beside mine. Then she sits right next to me, giving me a smile. I give a small smile in return. Great. I'm stuck sitting next to my guardian angel.

"You want me to leave you alone, don't you?  You feel as if you can't trust me," she says. I don't respond. What if someone will hear her? I'll be labeled for telling the new girl to leave me alone.

"No just...just try to keep the weird factor to a minimum," I say. She just nods and faces the front of the class. I hope she's not mad at me. Wait, what am I talking about? I just wanted to keep my distance and now I'm scared that she's mad at me? She's messing with my emotions.

"Hey," Eva says, poking my arm with her pencil. "Just remember that I'm here to help not to be your enemy."

Yeah Eva, that almost makes me feel better.  Instead of saying anything, I just nod. She nods too and goes back to her school work. I stare at her for a few more seconds before looking back at my paper. Have I ever mentioned how much I hated objective summaries?

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