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December 1st 1996

Hermione bolted up out of her light sleep when she heard a twig snap somewhere amongst the trees. She looked around frantically and saw Harry fast asleep in his usual spot by the door. The git had fallen asleep on his watch.

Too curious as to what was out there to even think about staying in bed, Hermione got up, and left the tent to see what was out there. She crept along the bushes as quietly as she could manage, praying that their enchantments were still working. She suddenly heard yet another twig snap, this time about 15 feet away from her.

5 men were headed in her direction. She hastily covered her mouth with her hand, to mask her heavy breathing as they walked past. This was not her first encounter with the Snatchers. They travelled around in packs, preying upon muggleborns, or people who showed kindness to the resistance. When they caught them, they took them to the dark lord to be killed. They weren't deatheaters, but they were just as horrible as them.

They were now three feet away from her. She wished that she could take a step back, and avoid their foil odor, but she didn't want them to hear her.

One of them stopped. "There's that smell again."

"It's nothing Fenrir." Another spoke up, "C'mon let's keep moving."

Greyback nodded, and jogged to catch up with the rest of his ugly, smelly friends.

When they were a safe distance away, Hermione drank in the air she had been depriving her lungs from. She watched them disappear into the darkness. When they had finally gone, she headed back towards the tent. She didn't bother to wake up Harry. She knew that she wasn't going to sleep for a while, so she decided that she would take his watch for him, and scold him in the morning.

She sat down and opened up a book. But instead of reading, she came up with more theories as to where the rest of the horcruxes might be located. But she knew that Harry was the only one knowledgeable enough on the matter to even make a logical guess as to where a horcrux could be.

She looked over to Harry, and saw his eyes dashing back and forth beneath his eye lids. He was clenching his fists and his jaw. Then she noticed the gold chain around his neck. She got up, and gently lifted it from his throat, and put it around her own. He noticeably relaxed.

At least one of them could get a good nights rest.


Draco recalled the feeling of taking that woman's life away. He remembered watching the emotion fade from her face, and her body crumpling, and turning into nothing but a limp form before him. But most of all he remembered the sickening rush up power that he felt as he took her life from her. Perhaps Dumbledore had been right. Draco was no killer.

Voldemort left him along for the most part after that. Draco had lost his status as a favourite. Now he had been reduced to the back. He didn't mind much though. It was better than being front and center, in the action.

Draco dreamed about the woman all of the time now. He hadn't had a proper sleep in weeks. What was wrong with him? Isn't this was he had wanted? Hadn't it always been his dream to become a deatheater, and rid the world of muggleborns and muggles?

He no longer knew what he wanted. But right now he wanted a warm shower, and to go to sleep.

That night as Draco slept, he dreamed of the women once again.

Bang, and the door flew off of its hinges. He heard Bellatrix cackle as they all headed inside. He hear screams, and a female voice yell crucio, followed by even more screams. Wait... the screams sound different this time. they sound higher, and even more shrill. They sound almost... familiar.

"This will teach you not to disobey the Dark Lord! Avada ke-"

"Wait." Came Voldemort's voice once again. "I want Draco to do it.

Draco felt himself walk forwards and raise his wand. The woman kept her crouch. Her silky read hair still falling gently down her face and back. She was still shuddering in the familiar way that Draco had become accustomed to.

"Come now Draco."

He raised his wand with even more emphasis.

The woman began to get to her feet. But as she stood her form began to change, Instead of silky read hair, her hair became brown and bushy. Instead of hazel eyes, they were a dark shade of brown. The harsh, angular features of the woman's face became smooth, and soft. He knew this new girl.

"Avada kedavra!"

And he watched the life drain from her beautiful, brown eyes. and her limp form hit the ground with a harsh thud. 

All that Draco could see was fire.

He bolted upright in his bed, absolutely drenched in his own sweat. He leaned back on his elbow, and ran a hand through his silky hair. He tried to catch his breath, but ultimately failed. There was no way that he would be falling asleep again tonight.

He knew that girl in the dream. He would have swore on it. But who was she. He tried to recall his dream, but the details were hazy.

He got up and went over to the fire place, and lit a fire, He sat down in front of it on his knees, staring into the angelic flames, and that is when it all came rushing back to him. The girl in his dream had been Hermione.



Just a fluffy chapter. 

I'm super excited to start my next story. Because it is an original. And I have a very good idea for it! I have the Prologue, and cast posted currently, but I  am not going to start writing the actual story part to it until I have finished writing this one.

Tomorrow is Christmas eve for me! I am Ukrainian so I celebrate Christmas on the 6th&7th of January.

Anyways. Merry Christmas to you all!

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