A New Friend

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 February 20th, 1997

Draco visited Luna almost every night, and every time he remembered to bring her a big red tomato from the kitchens. He found her company comforting, she was someone who he would tell things to. he felt secure in knowing that she couldn't run off and tell anyone, not that he thought that she would. Luna was different.

Luna was a good listener. She would contently chew whatever he had brought her, and look at him with her big eyes. She always had a word of advice too, that sometimes didn't make too much sense, and sometimes made a lot of sense. regardless, her presence comforted him.

Draco knew that he was pathetic, but there was something about her being there that made him feel somewhat closer to Hermione. The mere fact that they were friends, and trusted each other, was good enough for him.

"Where were you when they took you?" Draco asked, genuinely curious.

"I was in my dormitory at Hogwarts when one of the new teachers grabbed me in the night, and brought me here." She answered simply.

"Were you asleep."

She nodded.

He felt sympathy for the girl. Being grabbed in the middle of the night while you are sleeping is not a pleasant experience. Draco can speak form experience. Not that his circumstance was anywhere near as frightening as Luna's. They sat in silence, Draco didn't mind though, he found it relaxing.

Draco was starting to drift off into a light sleep, when he heard Luna's breathe catch.

All around them were tiny little balls of light, varying in size and colour. Draco reached out to one, but it shied away from his touch.

"Wha-" Draco began.

"Nargles." Said Luna with a smile.

"That's impossible."

"Impossible is not really a fact, it's more of an opinion." She said in a sing song voice.

Draco chuckled and reached out to touch one again.

"Careful," said Luna. "They are horrible thieves. There must be some mistletoe nearby, otherwise they wouldn't be here."

Draco looked at her and smiled. Her randomness was her best quality.

Luna grinned brightly back.

They continued to watch the creature in silence. Draco was disappointed when they started to one-by-one, disappear.

"Where are they going?" He cried.

"probably back to their nest, they don't usually tend to stay out long."

His and Luna's moment had softened Draco immensely, se he could help but ask.

"Luna, if you were free again, knowing about our friendship, and you knew of the things that I had done... Would you still want to know me?"

She considered his words. "Mistakes are always forgivable, as long as one has the courage to admit them."

Draco smiled at her. "Oh hey, I almost forgot," he pulled a bright, red tomato out from his bag.

"Oh thank you!" she cried. "Did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit, not a vegetable?"

Draco furrowed his brow, "how?"

She took a large bite of the apparent fruit. She turned the tomato around, revealing the bitten half. "See the seeds? Fruit are edible plants with seeds in them, vegetables are edible plants without seeds in them."

Draco frowned and Luna laughed. Soon, the both of them were giggling to each other. When the giggling seized, Draco started to feel more comfortable sitting across form this heavy eyed Ravenclaw.

"Luna, lets say that I have a friend on the other side, and we didn't leave on the best of terms. Do you think that they would forgive me?"

If they saw just a glimpse of the kindness you have shown me, they would forgive you in a heartbeat." she answered.

Draco nodded. They sat in solemn silence for the rest of the visit.


Hermione knew that she was being unreasonable in giving Ron the cold shoulder. She should be more understanding like Harry. But the stupid prat deserved it. He had been nothing short of horrid for weeks, and to walk out on them like that... for goodness sake he had disaperated right in her face.

Hermione sighed and looked up from her book. The three of them were sitting in the tent. It was storming furiously outside, and it was absolutely freezing in the tent.

Hermione pulled her thin blanket even tighter around her shoulders and let out a small shudder.

"Cold?' Harry asked form his bunk.

She nodded. He got up and walked over to her bed. He sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shaking shoulders. She gratefully leaned her head onto his chest.

Ron scowled in there direction and looked away. She should say something to him, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Harry do you have any guesses as to where the next horcrux is?" She asked.

"I really think that vol-"

"No!" Yelled Ron. "Don't say his name, please."

They all sat in silence again.

"Hey... Harry didn't you say that Xenophilius was wearing this symbol on a chain at the wedding?" She asked pointing to the scribble on her book.

Harry leaned over, removing his arm from around her shoulders, and looked. "Yeah... around his neck."

"Well, in that case I would like to go and talk to him, see if he knows what it means. I've been looking for ages, and I haven't the slightest clue."

"I Think that we should too, chimed in Ron, absolutely desperate to get back on Hermione's good side.

"Alright..." said Harry. "But when?"

"Hopefully sometime this week. We shouldn't have to prepare much though, he is a friend."

"How about in two days." Suggested Ron.

"Sounds good to me." Said Harry.


That night as Draco slept he dreaded his reunion with Hermione.

Luna has said that if he simply confessed to his mistakes that she would forgive him. But Draco wasn't sure that Luna understood the extent of his sins. And Hermione wasn't a very forgiving person.


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating! My teachers piled a hole bunch of homework on me on the last week of the semester, and them I had to study for finals... But the semester is over now, and I will have all of the time in the world to update!

I decided a short, cheesy chapter would be the best way to get back into groove of this updating business.

ps: the picture is what I imagine Nargles would look like.

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