Godric's Hollow

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December 24th

Draco found it amusing that even deatheaters seem to take the holidays off. Him and his family sat around the table eating a delicious Christmas supper, and enjoyed the fire crackling in the fireplace that was only lit on special occasions. He recalled that last year this supper had been very awkward, and filled with snappy conversation.

This year was quite different though. His father was in one of his very rare good moods. His mother seamed overjoyed that everyone was getting along, and no wands were coming out this year. It was times like this when Draco really enjoyed being around his family.

In the back of his head he started to think about Hermione, and how this year she was spending Christmas in the woods, with only Weasley and Potter for companionship. Sure, they were her best friends, but one would grow tired of their companionship quite quickly. He thought of how she wouldn't be enjoying a Christmas meal with her family, like how she did last year. She was probably hungry, cold, and exhausted right now. Suddenly Draco didn't feel so hungry.

Their diner was short lived, for about halfway through their feast, a loud voice filled their house.

Quickly, quickly, you fools! The boy has been spotted in Godric's hollow.

Draco and his father both jumped up from the table at the same time. They both grabbed their wands, and dissaparated out of their faster than you could say hippogriff. 


"Harry... I think it's Christmas Eve." Said Hermione as they slowly strolled down the streets of Godric's Hollow. Yes, she had finally given in Harry's begging, but mostly due to the fact that she had a suspicion that the sword of Gryffindor was hidden somewhere in the little village. Plus, she was really wanting to see her friend receive some of the closure he so desperately needed.

Harry suddenly paused when they came across a graveyard.

"Do you think that they're in there?" He asked her with a hitch in his voice.

"Yeah...I do" She said as gently as she could manage.

As if hypnotized, Harry started for the graveyard. Hermione followed after him, not wanting him to get too far away in case of an emergency. Hermione glance as the tomb stones as she walked past them. She wiped the snow covering the names of some of them. One of the tombstones that she cleared off beared the symbol that her book did. She quickly wiped away the rest of the snow and revealed a name

Ignotus Peverell

"Harry." She said, looking around for him. She found him standing at the foot of two grace that sat side by side. She walked over to him, and stood next to him, Hermione read the grave.

James Potter, born 27 March 1960, died 31 October 1981
Lily Potter, born 30 January 1960, died 31 October 1981

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

She looked over to her friend, and felt her heart break at the sight of him. She pulled her was out of her pocket, and created a single red rose to sit against the Grave. She felt Harry slip an arm around her shoulders. She gratefully leaned into his affectionate gesture, resting her head on his shoulder.

She then suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, and it was not due to Harry's touch.

She looked around, suddenly feeling very exposed. Then she spotted the dark figure that was the cause of her anxiety.

"Harry, somebody is watching use." She whispered hastily.

"I think that I knew who that is." He said, pulling away from her and starting towards the figure. 

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