Chapter 13: The big breakdown

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The room started to spin around me... Did I just hear that right or are my ears deceiving me?? MY PARENTS... IN A COMA?! "This can't be happening! Please tell me this isn't happening." I exclaimed, desperately. Brad's mom looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. So... it was true. Tears were forming in my eyes, very quickly. Brad put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me, but it didn't work this time. I tried to blink my tears away, but it was no use. I should've seen this coming, it was only logical since they were in a bad shape and had to stay in the hospital. Why did I even bother hoping they'd be alright? Well, I do know why... THESE PEOPLE gave me hope! They lied to me and told me everything would be okay!? Just to rip my only hope away and now I even feel worse! By now, I was basically crying a river. Brad wanted to hold me again and probably tell me some more lies about show everything would turn out fine. FUCKING LIAR! So I pushed his arms away and ran towards the stairs. "NATASHA!" He called out. "No Brad. She needs to be alone for a moment." I heard his mother say as I walked up to my room.

I had no idea for how long I've been crying. My thoughts were all over the place. Memories of my parents flashed through my mind. We've had a lot of arguments lately... I remembered all the times when I ran out the door because my mom was being annoying or my dad was yelling again. Those moments turned my home into a hell hole. But the way I left last time I saw them, might've been the worst. It's horrible to know that IF they would die in that coma, I ruined the last conversation I had with my parents... I mean, there's still so many thing I'd like to tell them! Like how much I love them. I never said those words that much, but if they ever wake up again, I promised myself to tell them every single day. The day my parents awaken from that coma, we'll be a family. And a damn happy one, this time. I sighed... That's IF they ever wake up again.

Brad's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Even playing with Jesse didn't distract me... Natasha just left me in confusion. I wanted to comfort her, but she turned down my gesture! Holding her in my arms, always calmed her down. I thought she needed me at times like this. What had happened to her parents was horrible, but I couldn't stand to see her cry! Everytime she cries, I just wanna take her pain away. I wanted to see her happy... I want to MAKE her happy. "Dinner is ready!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. I got up to grab a plate of food for myself and Natasha. Then I sat down at the table, in front of my sis and dad. My mom came out of the kitchen as well. "Sweetie, why'd you put Natasha's plate next to you?" she asked me. "You don't expect her to eat dinner with us tonight, do you? That poor girl needs some time alone right now." She explained. "Do you want me to bring her food upstairs?" –"No, it's alright mom. I'll bring it to her." I said and got up.

*Knock knock knock* I slowly opened to door to the guestroom. Natasha was lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. "Hey... I got you some dinner." No answer. "Tasha? Are you alright?" Of course she's not alright, you idiot. I told myself. "Uhm... I'll put the plate here on the nightstand. In case you're hungry." She turned her head to take a look at her food and then looked right at me. Her expression was emotionless and she seemed very tired. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying too much. I've never seen her like this... I had seen her sad before, but this was much worse. It's like she's... broken beyond repair. I'm really worried about her. She opened her mouth to say something. "You're a liar." She whispered something I couldn't hear. "What? What did you say?" I asked her, dying to have a conversation with the girl who means the most to me. "Nevermind." She replied, unfortunately. "Do you need something else? Anything?" I desperately tried to make conversation again. "Just go Brad." She stated. I sighed before closing the door that separated me from the girl I was in love with.

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