Chapter 20: Full of surprises

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Natasha's POV:
Me and my lovely boyfriend were eating cereal for breakfast. Brad was whispering rude things in my ear and made me giggle. I got butterflies in my stomach, because I had so many feelings for him. "Hey Brad?" I asked. "Hey Tasha." He greeted. I playfully hit him. "Seriously, I gotta say you chose a great t-shirt to wear." I told him, looking at his Arctic Monkeys shirt. "I know right." He smiled widely. "You wear that t-shirt so often, I can't count it anymore!" I laughed. "But it's my favorite shirt to wear..." he defended. "Aww I know, Brad. I like it on you." I admitted and put some cereal in my mouth.

"Oh! I totally forgot to tell you something." He stated. "Guess what day it is, tomorrow?" He questioned, sounding really enthusiastic. "Uhm... Thursday, right?" I answered. "No no! Not just Thursday!" He claimed. I raised an eyebrow. What was this about?? I thought for a moment. "Oh..." I smiled. "Now I remember! It's exactly 1 week ago when I first met you." I said, staring into Brad's big brown eyes. They were still as shiny as the day I met him. Memories flashed into my mind. His dog, Jesse was taking a dump in the middle of the street and I nearly ran over Brad with my bike! I laughed a little, thinking about it. "That's true." Brad said. "But it's not what I meant." He added.

"I'm having a party tomorrow." He told me. "COOL! But why? Aww are you going to throw a party to celebrate us?" I asked sweetly. He laughed at me. "No, Tasha haha! It's my birthday tomorrow!!" He exclaimed and drank his milk. "WHAT?! You're gonna be 19 already?" He nodded. "Happy early birthday!" I smiled. "Thanks love." He answered. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm having some friends over for the party." He told me. "Cool. I've never met your friends before." I stated. "Well, they can't wait to meet you!" He smiled. "I'm only inviting my closest friends. Troye, Conor, Shawn and my best friend Elyar." He explained. "I thought I was your best friend..." I pouted. He laughed a bit and intertwined our fingers. "You are, Tasha. And you're also my lovely girlfriend." He winked at me and the butterflies in my stomach returned.

Later that day:

I was sitting on the couch, reading a new teen magazine I bought yesterday. Brad was on his cellphone, looking for a good movie to watch on Netflix tonight. I poked his arm. "Do you want to take this boyfriend-girlfriend quiz?" I asked him, showing the love quiz in my magazine. He look a little surprised. "You do that?" he questioned. "Yep." I said. Brad let out a small laugh. "Okay, why not." He replied, still scrolling on his phone. "Here we go." I began. "How was your first date?" I asked. "a) we went as friends b) it was romantic or..." -"Elyar wants to see a picture of you." Brad interrupted. Was he even listening to the quiz? I sighed. "That's your best friend, right?" I asked, noticing they were texting each other. He nodded.

"Let's take our first selfie together." He smiled and held his phone in front of us. I smiled sweetly at the camera, making sure he took the picture of my good side, when Brad suddenly surprised me by kissing me on my cheek. *flash* He showed me our selfie and we looked very in love. I smiled with satisfaction. It was a good picture. "I love us." I said and put my head on Brad's shoulder again. "You're so cute." He stated and sent the picture to Elyar. Not much later, he got a reply. "Elyar says we look good together." Brad told me and put his arm around my shoulders. I smiled even wider and stared at the screen. That was when I noticed all of his selfies. "Wow! Can I have a look at that?" I couldn't believe how many pictures he had of him in his room. I giggled. There were old pictures and new ones, some looked funny and some were cute. A lot of mirror selfies and even a selfie with his guitar! "Aww Brad, look at how adorable this is!" I exclaimed. "But not as adorable as you are." He said as he looked into my eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

Brad's POV:

As we were making out, Natasha's cellphone started buzzing. I could feel it. She broke our kiss to read the message. The expression on her face turned sad and angry at the same time. I wonder who was texting her. "Umh, Brad I have to go outside... to uhm... get you a birthday present!" She explained. "So you can't come along with me, otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" she teased. I laughed. "Sure. Don't be gone too long!" I told her while she got up. "I'll try..." she weakly smiled. "I'll miss you, Brad." She told me, while staring at the floor. Before she turned away from me, I swear she was blinking her eyes as if she tried to hold back tears... Or maybe it was just me. I'm sure she's doing okay, right?

♥ Brad's selfies in the banner!

---------------------------Did you celebrate Brad's bday last year? What did you do?? :)

PS: Don't be afraid to comment! I wanna see your lovely thoughts ;) xx -Nathalie----------------------

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