Chpt. 3 "YOUR MOM'S READY!!!"

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The next day, only four leagues are at the League Leaders Headquarter's meeting room. The meeting room looks exactly like an auditorium with a huge, curved audience seating and a semi-circular stage in front of the audience with curtains behind it.
The NHL power players and founder are sitting on the right side column of the audience; the NFL power players and founder are sitting in the column of seats next to the NHL; the MLB power players and founder are sitting in the middle column, next to the NFL; and FIFA are sitting on the left column, between MLB and the wall.
The auditorium and grows dim with the lights on the stage being the only bright lighting in the room; everyone quieted down.
The three League Leaders stroll onto the stage: Harry confidently swaggering to the single microphone stand; Larry shakily shuffling with his cane across the stage; and Gary gliding in this portable bed with a huge closed smile etched on his face with his eyes closed.
Harry clutches onto the microphone and leaned toward it. "Is this on?" he snaps while looking straight ahead at the other side of the room, where the sound booth is located.
The sound booth man gives him a thumbs up, notifying him that all sounds are good to go.
The leader of the League Leaders clears his throat. "Thank you, you four of out six leagues to make it here. The other two: shame on you!" He make the shame signal with his two hands. "I have no idea if your founders have told you, but you leagues have been threatened by El Conejo, saying that he is going to take over the leagues you are in."
"El Conejo means 'the bunny' in Spanish," Roberto Luongo whispers to Jonathan Quick, who is sitting next to him since they were sitting in alphabetical order by the city the team they are in was from.
Jonathan snickers a bit, but quickly slaps his hands over his mouth and nose when he sees John Tavares glaring at him from behind.
"If you guys are wondering who this 'El Conejo' is, which was what Gary here asked me last night--" Harry extends his hand toward the sleeping man. "--El Conejo is the nickname of the one and only...LUIS Suárez." He dips his head down, letting shadows crawl on his face to give an ominous impression.
Thomas Müller starts chocking on one of the cookies he was eating when he heard the name of Luis. Luckily, one of the first presidents of FIFA, Jules Rimet, comes around and slaps the soccer player's back; the cookie piece flies out from Thomas and he slumps in his chair, relieved that he didn't die.
Harry begins pacing back and forth across the stage. "Now, we are not going to sit back and let him take over our leagues! We are going to put up a fight and not give up until we win!" He stops moving and thrusts his fist in the air. "The founders of each league has picked three of the power players, not including masters of the Good Societies since they are not allowed to participate in this group--"
"Gawh-lee!" Philip Rivers cries out with a frown.
"--to form a group of what originally was suppose to be eighteen members, but now it's cut down to twelve." He lets outa huff. "Some people's kids." He beings walking back to the centre of the stage, where the microphone is located. "Anyways, this is like a draft, a draft to fight along others from other leagues. This is a unique task to do since all the time, you guys just fight for your league, right? Well now, this is the chance to fight for not only your league, but for other's leagues! This is to protect the future of all the leagues that are being threatened!" He extends his hands up in the air; he then leans toward the microphone and growls lowly: "Are you ready?"
"YOUR MOM'S READY!!!" a holler came from the audience.
Harry immediately frowns at the audience. "My mother is dead, thank you very much." He then turns to his right. "Will we have first up, the founder of the NHL: T.P. Gorman!"
An applause erupts as the hologram-like man walks up on stage, shakes hands with Harry and Larry, pats Gary's head, and struts over to the microphone. "Thank you, thank you!"
"YAY!!! TOMMY!!!" Sidney Crosby shouts, shaking his fist in the air with happiness while sitting up.
"Thank you, Sid," Tommy tells him.
Sid sits back down with a huge smile on his face while having Bubby and Bubby Jr. in his arms.
Tommy clears his throat. "This is an honour to pick the best power players to represent our league, the National Hockey League, in this crisis. I have selected them by my own hand...or should I say, own computer, and now I have the results." He turns to look at the NHL section of the audience. "The first power player to join this team to fight against Luis Suárez and his forces is...Sidney Crosby!"
"OH YAY!!!" Sidney jumps out from his seat. "Isn't this exciting, Bubby and Bubby Jr., I got picked!" He begins scooting himself out from the row he was sitting in. "Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, excuse me, peoples, I have to go on stage!" Once he is out from the row, he rushes on stage and halts next to Tommy. He then goes on his tippy toes, trying to reach for the microphone.
"I feel very happy, and happy, and happy, and happy, and happy, and happy, and happy, and happy, and happy and hap--"
"Okay, thank you, Sid," the founder of the NHL cuts in, pushing the microphone away from the captain of the Penguins.
Sidney beams at the audience while embracing his stuffed gorillas, swaying himself back and forth a bit.
"The second power player to make it to this team from the NHL is Patrick Kane!"
"Whoo!" Patrick Kane stands up while pumping his fist into the air. He gets out from his row easily since he was sitting by the edge and walks over to the stage. "Thanks, man, you're radical."
Tommy nods his head. "No problem." He turns back to the audience. "And the last power player I have choose to participate in his team is...John Tavares."
John makes a surprised look as he rises from his seat. He gracefully slips out from his row and strolls over to the stage in a calmly matter, not saying a word; he halts next to Patrick and clasps his hands in front of him.
Harry then walks over to the microphone and pulls it out from the stand. "Give it up for the NHL power players who made it to the team to fight against El Conejo!" He then whispers over to Tommy, "You and your folks can get off stage now."
Then it is the NFL's turn to present their chosen power players.
Another hologram-like man walks onto stage and stands in front of the microphone. "My name is Chris O'Brien, I am one of the many founders of the NFL. Not all of us could come now, right?" He chuckles at his own joke, but no one got it. "Oh, um, okay, right..." He nods. "So I have chosen: Jay Cutler!"
With the most grumpiest face one has ever seen, Jay Cutler lumbers out from his seat, pushing people out of the way with his own body while getting out from his row, ambles down the aisle, and pushes himself on stage.
The founder of the NFL eyes Jay, then looks back at the audience after getting the silent message that the quarterback wasn't going to speak to the audience. "Alright, and the second chosen power player is: Tom Brady!"
Tom Brady immediate jumps out from his seat and points to the stage, yelling. "Your mom's the second chosen power player!" He then rushes over to the stage and stands next to Jay. "Hey Jay, what is one thing you're happy about?" he whispers to him with a smirk.
"That Romo is not in our group," Jay mumbles flatly.
"And the last power player to join this group is...Tony Romo!"
"WHAT‽" Jay shouts.
"Love love!" he hears Tony Romo say from below him.
The Bears' quarterback looks down, seeing that Tony is already wrapped arounds his leg, looking up at him with a huge smile on his face.
"GAAAHHHH NO!!!" Jay starts to frantically shake his leg, trying to remove the Dallas quarterback from it. "Get off from me!"
"Your mom gets off from you!" Brady shoots back with crossed arms, enjoying the scene.
"Stop it with 'Your Mom' jokes!" Jay growls as he starts pawing the Patriots' quarterback with his hands harshly.
"Wow," Larry starts while choppily shuffling to the founder of the NFL, "they do make a great group, right?" He points his cane at now the big ball of quarterbacks and dusts spinning around on stage. Larry then loses his balance once again and falls right on his back.
"Oh, Larry, Larry, Larry." Harry grabs Larry's cane and drags him to the corner of the stage, not bothering to help him up; he then walks back to the centre. "Thank you, Mr. O'Brien, you and your fine chosen power players may exit the stage."
Then it is the MLB's turn.
"My name," another hologram-man beings to say on stage, "my name is William Hulbert and I am, I am the MLB founder, founder of the MLB." He blows a hologram-like bubble from his mouth, then pops it, chewing it back in. "I have three powers players, three power players, I would like to bring up here: May I have, please, Chris Davis, my chewing friend, Bryce Harper, my hair-styling friend, and Buster Posey, my happy friend."
The three baseball players stroll onto stage casually: Chris Davis has his hands in his pockets while chewing on tobacco; Bryce Harper is running his fingers through his hand, making sure it looks perfect; Buster Posey is waving to the crowd with a huge grin on his face.
"Ah, look at that guys," Chris starts while looking at the audience with a gaping smile on his face, "we have been chosen to be in this group! Cool, right?" He nudges Bryce with his elbow.
The Nationals' player scoots away from the Orioles' player. "Stop nudging me, I'm fixing my hair." He smooths out his hair precisely.
"Oh, yes, I am sorry about that, because you do need to make a speech, so your hair has to be nice!" he says sarcastically.
"What‽ I have to do a speech?" Bryce's eyes grow wide. "I-I didn't prepare one, I-I... Oh dear..." He scrunches his hair in his hands once he places them on top of his head. "I don't know what to say...!"
Buster leans foward to look at the stressing baseball player. "He's only joking, we don't have to do a speech! Didn't you see those football players?"
They look at Brady and Jay in the audience, who are still fighting each other, while Tony is holding onto Jay.
"Oh...right..." Bryce lets go of his hair. "Whew, that was close." He then pats his head, realizing that his hair is messed up once again. "Oh my gosh, my hair!!!" He begins to frantically fix it while Chris, Buster, and the founder of the MLB ushers him off stage.
Then the last league president goes up on stage: Jules Rimet representing FIFA.
The hologram-like man walks on the stage. "Thomas Müller, Guillermo Ochoa, Tim Howard."
The three soccer players walk on stage with huge smiles on their faces.
"Cookies!" Thomas shouts, throwing packs of cooks into the audience. "Cookies! Deutsche cookies!"
"OH-CHO-WA!!!" Guillermo shouts, throwing his hands in the air.
"Good thing I'm chosen because I can save anything!" Tim puts his hand up and catches Tony, who was whizzing in the air. "Including the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys!" He throws Tony back into audience.
The quarterback smacks into Jay and they both tumble to the ground.
Harry nimbly walks up to Jules. "Um, aren't you going to do a speech?"
Jules turns to Harry. "Je ne parle que Français." He then walks off stage with the three soccer players.
Harry stands on centre stage alone when Larry slowly shuffles up to him while groaning.
"He says that he only speaks French," Larry translates.
The leader of the League Leaders nods his head. "Yes, yes, thank you for that translation." He then grabs hold of the microphone. "Well, we are not quite done yet, folks...we still got two more nominations...selected by me!" He points to himself.
"Awwwww..." Sidney slumps down in his seat. "...I'm booooored!"
"This team here needs two other things: a ruler of a league and a founder of a league to look over it." He puts two fingers in the air. "To make things quick, since I see that all of your are already sleeping..." He pauses as he sees his half-asleep audience. "...the ruler and founder who will also join this group are the ones from the NHL: Jonathan Toews and T.P. Gorman! Now why don't you two stand up..."
Jonathan Toews and Tommy, who are sitting next to each other, both stand up.
"...acknowledge them, those of you who are still awake...and now you guys may sit back down..."
They both sit back down, exchanging awkward looks.
"Thank you very much for joining us in this meeting of the League of Powers," Harry continues on. "For those who have been selected, please stay here because we'll have to go over some things with you. Thank you, have a nice day! Good bye!"

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