Chpt. 7 "You're Suppose To Be Evil Not Wreck My Truck With Your Bad Skills."

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Meanwhile, somewhere in the US, Luis, Juan, Gareth, Bryan and Alexis are in a red, five-seater, pick-up truck on a two-lane road that has a cliff on the right side and trees to the left. Juan is driving the truck with Luis in the passenger seat, who is acting as the GPS, and the other three are in the back.
"Where are we?" Juan asks as he gazes out from the front window with awe in his eyes.
"We are in Ah-mir-ee-ca!" Luis replies while scrutinizing at the map.
"We were just in American back at the base," Gareth points out from the middle of the back, "since Uruguay is in South America."
"Yea, I'm from Chile, which is in South America, so I'm from America!" Alexis exclaims from the right side, pointing his thumb to his chest.
"I'm from Chile, which is in Central America, so I'm from America as well!" Bryan adds in with the same passion as the Chilean.
"Am I the only person here who's not from the Americas?" Gareth asks while eyeing the passengers in the car.
"Vincent's not!" Juan pipes in. "He's from the land of magic!"
"Nigeria in Juan's words," the leader clarifies.
"But Vincent's not in the car, he's back at the base... So that means...I am the only non-American in this car. Hm." He nods his head and sees the awkward looks he begins to get from soccer players on each side.
"But really, where are we?" the driver inquires again, turning his head from right to left warily.
"We are somewhere in North America!" Luis answers.
"We can be in Mexico for all I know by you just saying 'North America,'" Gareth jumps in, raising quotes in the air by his fingers.
A green road sign passes by them, showing how many miles to go until they reached the nearest city.
"We are definitely in the United States," the Welsh points out. "They're weird with their 'miles' and 'feet' and 'yards.'" He makes a confused look. "Who thinks about making those units for measuring‽"
"Someone who wanted peoples to go loco," Bryan tells him.
"Yea, no doubt about that!" Gareth rolls his eyes.
"Uh, which city are we coming up to?" Juan asks.
Luis lowers the map down from his face and looks at the view that was in front of him: twists and turns of the road adjacent to a mountain with more mountains scattered throughout the horizon. "There isn't any cities here! There's only mountains and mountains and mountains!" He immediately goes back looking at the map carefully.
"Wait," Alexis starts," why are we even in the US?"
"To go get the leagues!" Luis says from behind his map. "And to see if there are any peoples forming to go against us!"
"But before we leave, can we see the Statue of Liberty?" Juan asks with wide, pleading eyes at the window.
"Why do you want to see a rusted piece of metal shaped as a lady on an island?" Bryan shoots back at the Colombian.
"Wow, you just made the most iconic image for the US look like trash," Gareth points out.
"Because it--"
"GAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Juan yells out. "SQUIRREL!!!"
"Squirrel?! WHERE?!" Luis asks, placing his map down with an excited look.
Juan eyes the woodland animal that is perched on the middle of the road with fear as the truck is rolling up to it with speed. In panic, he turns the steering wheel sharply to the left as screeching sounds emitted from the tires, making the truck almost tip over, but luckily it didn't. The truck is then driven up on the ramp and with its spinning tires, the vehicle is thrown up into a tangle of branches from a tree. The truck halts as the branches latch on it, keep it hanging in place, looking like as if the road goes through the tree: the tires are facing the ground and the front is sticking out from the treetop.
Everyone in the truck is frozen in place, afraid that the truck wasn't done falling yet.
Luis is then the first person to respond to the predicament.
"Who told you you can drive?!" he shouts as he balls his hands into fists.
"Me!" Juan exclaims with a huge smile. "Because I'm bad!"
"No, not that type of bad! You're suppose to be evil, not wreck my truck with your bad driving skills!" the leader barks back.
"My skills are bad! Thanks!" the driver's smile growers bigger.
In lost of hope of putting sense into Juan, Luis slaps his forehead.
"So..." Gareth gazes around the branches and leafs that are smashed against the windows of the truck. "...we're stuck in a tree now."
"Thank for that observation!" Bryan tells him sarcastically.
"How are we gonna get out of here?" Alexis asks. "None of us have plant powers by any chance, right?"
Everyone lets out a chorus of 'nope's'.
"And we are now stuck in a tree..." Luis eyes Juan with narrowed eyes. "...because of Juan trying to save a squirrel's life!" He smacks his head with his map.
"But poor squirrel, I didn't want to hurt him!" the Colombian cries while he rubs his head. "Squirrels are innocent! It scared me, but it's cute!"
Luis makes a flat look while scoffing and rolling his eyes.
"What can we do now that we're stuck in a tree?" Gareth asks.
The leader looks up and rubs his chin while mulling over what to do. "We can..." His eyes light up when he thinks of an idea. "We can think of a name...of our group!"
A ba-da-bing! of a phone's ringtone emits from Juan's jeans' pocket.
"Ooo! Message!" Juan excitedly pulls out his phone and looks at the screen. "People do miss me!" He unlocks his phone and reads the message. "Oh no!" His eyes grow wide.
"What, what?" Bryan asks with confusion.
"There's another case of the chupacabras..." Juan frowns ahead of him. "Lots of sheep went missing back in Colombia! It only means one thing--" His eyes narrow. "--the chupacabras stuck!"
Luis, Bryan, and Alexis are filled with horror at the news. Gareth meanwhile is in pure confused.
"What the heck are 'chupacabras'?' the Welsh asks.
Luis looks over his shoulder to look at him. "It's a creature us Americans made up to solve the reason why our sheep would mysteriously disappear!"
"Aren't those wolves?"
The leader shakes his head slowly. "Not the doing...of a wolf! It's the doing...of a chu-pah-CAH-BRAAAA!"
"Wow..." Gareth sinks into his seat. "Okay... Cool name, though--"
"That's it!" Luis perks up while pointing to the cloth ceiling of the truck. "That's our group name: Los Chupacabras! How about that, guys?"
"Yea!" Alexis and Bryan exclaim in approval.
"Now we sound mean and bad! Yarrr!" Juan tries to make a ferocious face, but fails miserably.
"And I can be called 'El Jeffe Chupacabra!" Luis places his hand on his chest with pride.
Everyone agrees with him more, except for Gareth, who is confused once again.
"What does that mean?" he asks.
"'El jeffe' means 'the boss' in Spanish, so I am called 'The Boss Chupacabra!" Luis clarifies.
"Oh, okay." The Welsh nods his head.
"But this is perfect! Now I can live up to the group name by biting people!" El Jeffe Chupacabra points out excitedly.
Everyone else gives the leader awkward stares.
"Not you guys, the good guys," he finishes off.
"Oh, okay, okay..." The rest nod their heads in understanding.

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