Chpt. 15 "Yea A Song For You To Shut Up!"

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"Can I have your guys' attention?" Harry taps on the tip of the microphone. "Excuse me?"
It is the next day and every power player that is good and part of the NHL, NFL, MLB, and FIFA are sitting in the League Leaders' auditorium in New York. The audience are talking amongst themselves, not noticing that the leader of the League Leaders, Harry, is trying to get the ceremony going. Next to Harry on stage are the other two members of the League Leaders: Larry and Gary.
"Guys...!" Harry's voice starts to rise in ire. "Hello? LISTEN TO ME!!!" He slams his hand on the tip of the microphone, sending an ear-piercing, awful feedback into the room.
All the players groan and cover their ears in pain.
"Ugh!" Toews shouts.
"Achk!" Bryce exclaims, fumbling with his mirror. "My mirror!"
"Meine Ohren!" Müller yells out. (My ears!)
"Mis oídos!" Guillermo yells out as well. (My ears!)
"Oh my Bubbys!" Sidney yelps, covering his own ears and Bubby's ears with his elbows.
"That sound's not gnarly, dude!" Patrick points out.
"Your mom's not gnarly," Brady retorts.
"I did grab your guys's attention or am I gonna have to do that again?" Harry asks the audience in the microphone.
The athletes lets out a chorus of 'Yea, we're listening.'
"Okay, good!" The speaker smiles, but then quickly goes back to his normal, grave look. "Now, the reason why we are all brought here together is to announce that El Conejo, A.K.A Luis Sureaz, is officially defeated!"
Everyone in the audience cheers and claps.
"Him and his group of followers are being held in the world's most secured jail, guarded by Robin van Persie himself. With that, they'll never escape, because that fellow has an eye of a hawk!
"Now that a threat is no longer among us for now, the power players assigned to this task, whom they call themselves the 'Pro 12,' clever name I should say, can now dissolve and return to their normal way of live with their societies."
"Yay! I'm back with you!" Sidney exclaims to Nathan, who is next to him. He leans over and hugs him.
"Yay!" Nathan says back happily, hugging him back.
"Love, love!" Tony shouts at Jay, extending his arms out for a hug.
"Hmp." Jay rolls his eyes and looks away.
"Now, before I close this ceremony, may I have the twelve power players part of the Pro 12 to please rise so that they can be recognized."
Sidney, John, Patrick, Tony, Jay, Brady, Bryce, Chris, Buster, Guillermo, Tim, Müller, and Toews stand up as the audience bursted into applause.
"Hey, that rhymes!" Larry points out to Harry, leaning heavily against his cane.
"What rhymes?" Harry asks back.
"Rise and recognized! And rhyme itself! Maybe you should write a song!"
"Yea, a song for you to shut up!" the leader snaps back. He then turns to look back out at the audience. "I would like to specially recognize the right hand ruler of the NHL, Jonathan Toews, for ultimately defeating Suárez with his superior powers!"
Everyone in the room, including the founders of the leagues, begin to clap for Toews.
Toews is just standing there with his face turning red and his hands clasped behind his back. "Thank you're just too kind..."
"Okay, that's enough clapping, sit down!" Harry barks into the microphone.
Everyone obeys him and ceases their clapping after sitting down.
"Alright, is that all?" The leader looks up in thought. "Mmmm...yea, that is all! Enjoy the rest of your summer until the season starts again for your leagues! Well, except for you baseball players, but you know what I mean! Get outta here!" He then makes the sweeping motion for the audience to leave; he leaves himself by walking off stage with Larry and Gary two follow him.
Everyone slides out from their seats and walk into the foyer; the GHP gets together as a group while exiting the building.
"We won, we won!" Sidney hops up and down happily. "We must celebrate!"
"Where at?" Nathan asks.
"Hmmm..." The Penguin narrows his eyes in deep thought. "Oh, I know! Papa Crosby's!"
"You mean that pizza place your father owns?" Toews inquires.
"Yea!" Sidney gazes up at him. "We always go there as a celebration! Either that or the ice cream parlour shop!"
"Pizza sounds radical, dude," Patrick points out, rubbing his stomach.
"Does Papa Crosby's sound fine for everyone?" The Penguin looks around to see his group.
Everyone agrees on going to Papa Crosby's as a way to celebrate.
While walking there, something pops into Toews's mind.
"Hey, John," Toews starts; John turns to look at him. "What was that thing you were working on during the battle?"
"Oh, that is something that will be disclosed to you in the near future," John replies to him sophisticatedly. "I am virtually discharged with it. Just be imperturbable."

The End.

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