Chpt. 4 "Oh, I Didn't Choose 'Em, They Chose Me!"

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Meanwhile in Uruguay, Luis is in the same room he was at while searching for the leagues to take over, since it is part of his headquarters.
"Hey, hey, Luis!" Juan calls in as he walks into the room. He stops and looks around in awe, seeing that the windows are now open, letting sunlight deluge the room. "You opened the windows!"
"Yes, because it's now morning," Luis tells the screen flatly. He then turns around, facing his helper. "Did you bring in the recruits?"
"Uhhh..." The Colombian scratches his head in deep thought; his eyes then light up while he points to the ceiling. "Oh yea, we did!"
The Uruguayan makes a confused look. "Who's 'we'?"
"My friends that I found while looking for recruits!" Juan pokes his head through the doorway and shouts, "Come on in, guys!" He then straightens up with a huge smile on his face.
Three guys come in and Luis quickly recognizes them.
"Ah, yes!" Luis grins villainous while rubbing his hands together. "Bryan Ruiz, Alexis Sánchez, and Vincent Enyeama! You guys, I heard, have powers, right?"
"We do," Vincent, a Nigerian soccer player, confirms.
"And what are they?" He smirks.
"I have magic, or more precise, voodoo magic," the Nigerian answers.
"Ah!" Luis's smile grows bigger. "That is perfect! Stay right there." He then looks at Alexis. "And what are your powers?"
"Ice, ice powers, freezing, cold, ice powers," Alexis, a Chilean soccer player, tells him gruffly.
"Ooo, ice! That'!" Luis turns to the Bryan. "And your's?" He points to him with his elbow on the chair's elbow rest.
"Volcanic powers, just like what one the many things my hometown, Costa Rica, is known for: volcanos...!" Bryan, a Costa Rican soccer player, says.
The leader then looks at his helper with a very appreciative face. "These are all wonderful recruits you have chosen, Juan!"
"Oh, I didn't choose 'em," Juan starts, pointing to himself, "they chose me!" He points to them.
"What?" Luis drops his gleeful face and gawks at him. "What do you mean?"
"Well, they came up to me and asked what I was doing and I said that I was looking for people to work for you, and they said that they wanted to join, so they chose to work for you, I didn't chose for them to work for you!"
"Oh..." The Uruguayan leans back while his hand on his forehead. "At least they're now with us, right?" He straightens up to see their response.
"We will always be with you," Vincent tells him, saluting him.
"Good, good." Luis turns to Juan. "So, did you yourself pick any recruits?"
Juan's eyes light up. "Yea, I did!" He pokes his head through the doorway. "Come on in, guys!"
Eight guys stroll into the room, taking up half of the room since it's so small.
"Who are these peoples?" Luis asks, moving his pointer finger from right to left then left to right quickly, trying to point at all the new guys.
"This is Colin Kaepernick, Joakim Noah, Carlos Santana, Blas Perez, Peyton Manning, LeBron James, Yasiel Puig, and Marco Di Vaio!" Juan introduces happily.
The leader balls his hands into fists. "Aren't these peoples...from the leagues...WE'RE GONNA TAKE OVER?!"
"Well, they said that they also wanted to take over the leagues! They're evil, like us! So they're perfect!"
Luis groans heavily. " me a favour."
"Yea?" Juan asks excitedly.
"Find someone who is not in a league we're targeting to take over."
"Are these people gonna stay though?" He extends his hands toward the American league players.
"Yes, they can..." The Uruguayan scratches his chin while looking up. "I think I have a job for them."
"So do I still have to find someone--?"
"Yes!" Luis snaps, leaning toward Juan. "Find just one more person not from an American leagues, okay?" He flashes him a smile.
"Yes, yes, will do!" The Colombian then zooms out from the room.

After Luis gave the new recruits their places in the mission of taking over the six leagues and let them go off to start working, Juan comes back in with a massive smile on his face.
"I'm baaaaaack!" Juan shouts at Luis as he slowly sways over to his leader.
Luis turns around from being on the computer. "You found someone already?"
"Yes!" He throws his hands in the air. "It's someone who is not from an American league! And he has powers! And he's also a soccer player!"
"Good, good..." A sly smile grows on Luis's face. "Bring him in."
Juan walks over to the doorway and pokes his head through it. "Come on in!" He then walks back over to where he was standing as another guy follows from behind him.
Luis's eager facial expression immediately drops when he sees who the new recruit was. "'s you."
"What, what?" Juan's eyes grow wide with horror. "What's so bad about him."
"Do you know what team I play for?" the new recruited person asks in a Welsh accent, looking down at the Colombian.
"Uh, for a soccer team?"
"He plays for Real Madrid!" Luis explodes out. "He's my rival!"
"But he's nice!" Juan grabs onto his wrist. "He also has cool powers!"
The leader is now holding his head by his hand that is propped up on the armrest of the chair with a bored look. "What...powers?"
"!" Juan answers in a awe-filled tone.
"Yipee, and I have sun powers!" Luis adds in sarcastically; he then straights up and snaps, "So what‽ He's my rival!"
"But can you guys be friends?" the Colombian asks. "Pleeease?"
Luis glares at the new recruit, then a Juan.
"Do you even know what his name is?" Juan crosses his arms with a pouty look.
"Uh..." The leader looks at his rival. "I know he has, uh, a short last name..." He looks at his helper. "Do you know his name?"
"Uhhh..." Juan looks at the Welsh. "What's your name again?"
"It's Gareth Bale," the new recruit replies flatly.
"OHHHHH YEEEAAAA!!!" Luis and Juan exclaims in unison.
"Yea..." Gareth nods his head.
Luis sighs while looking down with his hand on his head. "Ah, for that, Bale..." He gazes up at him. "You're in."
"Yes!" Juan high-fives Gareth; a spark of white fire emits out from between the two palms and Juan immediately pulls his hand close to him. "Oh, ow...that" He grimaces at his hand.
"Bale," Luis starts, catching the Welsh's attention, "you will be with Juan...okay?"
Gareth nods his head. "Sounds fine." He then looks down at the Colombian. "Come on, Juan, give me a tour of this place." He takes Juan's wrist and drags him out of the room while Juan is babbling about how his hand feels so weird with pain.

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