Part 21:

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Author Note: There is a scene not posted on Wattpad that precedes this chapter, it is of a mature nature and therefore does not meet the posting restrictions of this site. It is not essential to the plot but if you wish to read it then it is posted on the version of this story posted on A_R_C_H_I_V_E of O_U_R O_W_N


The door had barely closed behind the two Time Lords than her family was turning on Osgood again, some with accusations, some demanding explanations and some just joining in with wild theories of their own so they wouldn't be left out. Stacie was pontificating at length to anyone who would listen how her sister's preferences had put them all in danger.

"Stop it!" Osgood demanded reaching out and gathering up both of the twins who were still crying.

They didn't seem to want her comfort and Osgood couldn't help but feel so completely out of her depth but she couldn't just leave them to cry. "I didn't know this was going to happen when I invited her, and I keep telling you Missy is not my girlfriend Stacie! She is with The Doctor..."

"Considering she is about to off him in Mum's utility room I doubt that cements their relationship!" Stacie snarked back. "I can't believe it my little sister an accessory to murder we should call the police!"

"No police I am calling UNIT." Uncle Tom declared his blue eyes unnaturally cold when they looked at his once favourite niece. "I am very disappointed in you Petronella how can you just stand by and allow this?"

"You can't call them Uncle Tom..."

"Don't you dare tell me what to do Petronella." Uncle Tom snapped back. "I may be retired but I still out rank you and if you think I am going to stand by and do nothing whilst one of my most respected colleagues is murdered by some psychopath..."

"She won't kill him." Osgood insisted not sure where her confidence was coming from. "She won't." Osgood added when Uncle Tom shot her a dubious glare. "And she's not some psychopath, she's The Master."

Perhaps that was a revelation that Osgood would have been better keeping to herself?

"You...You brought that monster into our family?"

"Look it's complicated and I really don't think UNIT should be putting themselves in the middle of a Time Lord domestic and neither should we." Osgood sighed. "The Doctor won't thank you for it Uncle Tom."

"He wouldn't be able to if he was dead!" Uncle Tom retorted marching out into the hall. "So I will take the chance."

Short of wrestling her own Uncle to the ground there was nothing Osgood could do to stop him from doing what he felt was right. If Osgood thought it would do any good she would have tried to stop Missy herself but there was a limit to even her influence. Moreover she was certain Missy wouldn't actually go through with it...Osgood was 100% certain...well 90% sure...well she was almost 85%...

"Oh my god she's actually beating him to death!" Stacie suddenly exclaimed and the rest of the family were torn between horror and scurrying over to see for themselves.

Stacie had sidled over to the kitchen door, prising it open a crack so she could eavesdrop on her sister's psycho girlfriend. There had been a lot of tense talking unfortunately in a different language but a row was unmistakable even between aliens. Now there was the distinct sound of banging, of things being thrown to the floor...and was that cries of pain?

"He must be fighting back." Stacie commented.

"I don't think..." Aunt Becky began before the distinctive sound of a female moan loudly joined the chorus and the older ladies of the family looked at each other before quickly breaking their gazes, red blooming on their cheeks.

"Come away Stacie and shut that door this instant!" Mrs Osgood insisted ushering her very confused grandchildren out of the dining room and as far away from the kitchen and sounds of that nature as she could.

Blushing furiously herself Osgood tried to stifle her own relieved smile. She had known Missy wouldn't be able to go through with it; anybody else but not The Doctor, well not in this regeneration at least.

"And you can wipe that mucky look of your face Petronella!" Mrs Osgood snapped causing Osgood to look up in surprise. "Your father and I only just had those units fitted. If they break them I expect them paid for, at the very least they will need disinfecting."

Her mortification growing a hundred fold by the second Osgood followed her Mother through into the living room, settling the squirming twins down on her lap. At least they had stopped crying, Osgood hadn't noticed exactly when but she certainly had her suspicions, if they had picked up on The Doctors pain...

Honestly that was so cringe worthy Osgood couldn't even bring herself to articulate it and she could only hope that in the future the two Time Lords would take appropriate precautions, like soundproofing it really was only good manners. After all as much of an exhibitionist as Osgood knew Missy could be, she doubted even the Time Lady wanted her children mind dropping on their parent's sex life.

"Right UNIT are on their way!" Uncle Tom suddenly called out, returning to the family armed with an umbrella, before vanishing once more.

It took Osgood a moment to realise just why her Uncle might have the Umbrella, it wasn't raining outside.

"Oh no." Osgood exclaimed pushing the twins into her startled Aunt's arms and rushing after her poor Uncle who was about to burst in on something no human should see.

Osgood barely made the kitchen door when there was a sudden exclamation...

"OH My Goodness."

Pushing it open she reached inside and bodily dragged her horrified Uncle back by his collar, narrowly avoiding the blast of Missy's disintegrator which instead left a nasty black scorch mark on her mother's new kitchen units. Bundling him out of the kitchen before Missy could re-aim Osgood sighed in relief when they were not pursued by an irritated Time lady.

"But...but..." Uncle Tom was clearly in shock, he was still holding out the umbrella like it was a rapier, yet his face was completely white.

"I did try to warn you...Things are not like they used to be Uncle." Osgood began, surprised when her normally gentlemanly old Uncle Tom swore, and then carried on swearing in multiple languages; only stopping when he needed to draw breath.

"Uncle Tom! I know you had a shock but there is no call for language like that." Osgood spluttered, now convinced she was doomed to spend the whole of Christmas beat red. "Surely it's better than them killing each other?"

"There bloody well is." Uncle Tom huffed throwing his umbrella down and instead retrieving his abandoned glass of wine, down the glass of merlot in one gulp. "Now I owe Jo Grant a hundred quid."

Sharing a glance the absurdity and relief hit them both at once and both Osgood's burst out laughing; shaking with the force of it Osgood had to sit down, her stomach and sides aching with the effort. Joining her at the table Uncle Tom was able to contain his giggles long enough to refill his glass which he toasted to his teary eyed niece.

"Oh well all's well that ends well." Uncle Tom added, leaning back in his chair as Osgood continued to cry and laugh into her hands. "It could be worse..."

Osgood wasn't sure which happened first, the feeling of dread the foreshadowing or the sudden peal of sirens....UNIT had arrived.


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