9 · Back on Isunder

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A/N: Hey guys, just to connect my original island back to canon: Isunder (fictional) is the island that Eret, son of Eret (canon) is from. One year before Drago attacks Berk in HTTYD 2, he conquers Isunder. Now, of course, Hiccup is there so Drago will have a harder time... okay no more spoilers!


"That was awesome!" Luneah exclaimed, jumping off of the Night Fury and onto the wooden floor of the treehouse. She swayed, still trying to get used to her own feet after flying at high speeds for nearly two hours back. "I want a dragon too!"

"Sure, once I find a dragon suitable for you."

She giggled, still a little breathless from the journey and led him up the stairs and back to her room.

She combed through her seriously windblown hair with her fingers. Since Luneah looked like she was struggling with untangling her messy hair, Hiccup took a comb from next to him on the dresser and handed it to her. Mouthing a thanks, she began to brush through her hair, wincing at each tangle.

"So, what dragon are you thinking of? Any special wishes?"

"I have no idea," she says after a moment of thought, setting the comb back down on the dresser.

"Describe what you want."

"I want something small, so it can go fast... like Toothless fast! Something intelligent— that can act as my best friend, whenever I need one."

"Any color?"

"I like black, but blue is my favorite color."


"No, they're too full of themselves. Always preening and grooming. Those would be good for the popular girls."

Hiccup chuckled, appreciating her sense of humor. "You have a point. Monstrous Nightmare?"

Luneah shook her head. "Too big. And same thing, too full of themselves."

"Gronkle? Oh wait, never mind. You said you wanted something fast."

The girl nodded and stared thoughtfully out the window.

"Do you want another Night Fury?"

Luneah's eyes widened. "Another Night Fury?"

"Yeah, I saw one at my Mom's cave... actually, that would be perfect for you! If it bonds with you I just know you'll get along great."

"That would be awesome!"

She finished tidying up her hair, setting the comb back down on the dresser and grabbing a ribbon to tie it back into a low ponytail. As she moved through her room, Hiccup studied the decorations on the walls. The swords hung up on one wall. The framed paintings. The books in the shelves.

"Where did you learn to fight?" He found himself asking.

Luneah winced and sat down on the bed grasping the sheets tightly in her hands. She looked awkward and hesitant—something Hiccup hadn't seen on her since they first met earlier that day. "That's kinda a long story..."

"So? I can stay here all night. I doubt my mom would be worried about a boy with a pet Night Fury. And she knows I'm with you."

"You sure? My story's a bit... depressing."

"Positive. Mine is too."

"Ok," she said, sighing. Luneah collapsed, flopping down on the bed and Hiccup sat down next to her at her prompting. "I was born on the Blood Moon, as I told you before..."

"Yeah...? Go on..."

"Well, our culture says that the one who was born on an eclipse has divine power, and they would become next Chief or Chieftess—the direct translation is a leader, but the council assumed it meant Chief. A red moon is prophesied to be the birth of a great warrior. It also means that the person is to 'lose the life bearing inside them at the hands of the one they love the most'. The language is archaic and confusing but everyone basically knows that I'm supposed to die when I'm twenty."

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