15 - The Elevator

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They dropped the Moon Fury down on the top floor of the treehouse and decided to stay there for the night. Hiccup ran to the village—well, more like flew on Toothless—to get bandages and gauze for the injured creature. Luneah stayed and watched over it, sleeping in the treehouse.

The Moon Fury stayed unconscious for about a week under the watchful eye of Hiccup, Luneah, and Toothless. They tried forcing water down, and she instinctively swallowed the fish that the group put in her mouth.

Hiccup made several runs to the village for food, and more bandages for the dragon, and encountered Valka on one of his stops. She stopped by the Treehouse, and checked on the wounds, complimenting them on their nursing abilities.

At one point, when Hiccup was in the village, the Moon Fury opened her eyes and stared intently at Luna for a moment, before falling asleep once again when Hiccup sneaked some dragon nip into her pile of fish. When she heard Hiccup returning, the young teen bounded towards the hole in the tree vegetation, excitedly explaining that the dragon had woken up - without attacking her, mind you - and then fell asleep. Then, she began to rant about how she was going to murder the town soldiers for even daring to do such a thing to this poor dragon, and planning out their slow and painful deaths, while pacing the floor.

Later that week, the dragon woke up once again, and looked hungry, so Luneah "kindly" forced Hiccup to get fish. After trying to get Toothless to wake up, he groaned and trudged down the stairs, before returning an hour later, panting furiously, and saying his "arm was about to fall off".

Luneah then snatched the bucket from him, and placed it in front of the Moon Fury, who stared at them with her slightly slitted green eyes. She then swallowed a fish from the bucket, and soon finished the whole thing.

When Luneah turned around to make Hiccup get more, she found that he was no longer where he was before. Instead, he was peering through the pine needles and branches—to the forest floor far below them.

When asked what he was thinking, Hiccup simply said "I have an idea". 

(chapter unfinished and under construction)

feel free to keep reading on. nothing else that happens in this chapter is critical to the narrative but it does provide some worldbuilding.

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