17 - Spears and Stuff

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Time skip! Exactly 1 Year Into Future! Hiccup is 17, Luneah and Jay are 16, and Allen and Elise are 19.

3 more years (theoretically) to go until "Home-Bound: Broken Ties"

also, some warnings for explicit language...

"Luneah, could you pass me my wrench?" Hiccup asked, underneath a propeller-looking contraption.

Luneah tossed it into the air from her place at the desk, and Hiccup caught in his palm it without looking.


"What are you working on anyways?"

"Umm...a new electricity generator."

"How does it work?" She asked, standing up and walking to his workplace.

He sat up, holding a copper wire between his hands. "It's basically the same design from a year ago, but more efficient. I found that more coils will increase the efficiency of the machine."

"Mm'kay...what's the windmill blueprint for? You know we already have one, right?"

"I know... but it's old and has to be repaired often. This is sturdier and is better suited to withstand the strong winds at the top of the mountain. I'll wire this one down to the Great Hall. And I need to make repairs to the lights at the arena. Apparently, some Terrible Terror has chewed through one of the wires because it was close to her nest, so the whole thing has stopped working. I'll need to rewire one of the areas down at Dana's Cove so she won't do it again. What were you working on?"

"A way to make the houses better insulated."

"You know, I did live in a place where it snowed half the time. Maybe I could help you."

Luneah waved him over to her desk. "I was thinking of multiple layers of wood, and possibly something in between."

Hiccup nodded. "Like a coat, or a blanket. Keeps you warm when it's cold."

"Yeah, exactly like that. But I want a way to make sure it doesn't get too hot."

He shrugged. "Put a certain type of wood at the top, as shingles. If you choose the correct one, it will conduct the heat away, or reflect the light away."

Luna's eyes widened. "Thanks, Hiccup!" She kissed his cheek before promptly writing a note down in a blank page in her notebook, and rolling up the page she was working on, and packing up.

"You're leaving already?"

"Yep. Jeysannia and Elise are trying to teach me to use a spear to fight," she responded, stuffing the sheets, notebooks, pencils, and rulers into her messenger bag.

Hiccup chuckled. "I actually wanna see that."

"We'll be in the arena at noon. See you there," she waved as she stepped onto the downward elevator.

As told, Hiccup was in the stands outside the arena at around noon, and he saw a small crowd gathered around the center. The people were just some friends of Allen, probably looking to get trained, or to have someone to spar with.

"Hiccup! Over here!"

He veered to the left, and saw Luneah standing there, holding a spear, with Jeysannia and Elise surrounding her.

"How's training going?"

As the girls around her chuckled, Luneah childishly stuck her tongue out at them.

"Luneah's finally failed at something."

"Hey! That's not true! I was always bad at dancing and painting!"

Jeysannia crossed her arms. "Yeah, and what are you good at?"

"Not a lot."

Elise snorted, and named off the things she was good at on her fingers. "Sword fighting, bows and arrows... kinda... singing, writing, inventing, public speaking-"

"That's not true! I hate public speaking!"

"Okay, miss 'imperfect', let's get back to your lesson," Jeysannia retorted.

Luneah nodded, and got into a position with a salute, smirking at Elise.

"Try spinning the spear."

Luneah did as told, albeit a little hesitantly.

"Okay, now spin it around you."

When she tried, the spear hit Luenah in the head, not too hard, but enough to cause her to flinch and cry out. The spear fell out of her grip, and rolled about a yard away. She winced and shifted her stance sheepishly.

"Are you absolutely sure this isn't impossible?"

Some people on the other side of the arena looked over at the group, surprised to see Luneah fail at fighting.

"Practice, now shut up and get back to work."

Hiccup perked up. "She said that to me when I first learned how to catch arrows!"

"We know. She always said that to us when we were taught to sword fight," Elise smirked and easily twirled the spear around her. "Look who's the teacher, now."

Elise smirked. "Payback, asshat."

Luneah rolled her eyes. "Whatever," and picked up the spear from the ground.

In a French accent, Jeysannia held out her hand, in which Elise put her spear in, and invited Luneah in a friendly spar. "Shall we go for it?"

Luneah shook her head in fear. "No way, Ani. You'll beat me in ten seconds flat."

Jeysannia huffed and pouted. "Come on! I finally have the chance to beat you at something! I'm not passing this opportunity up."

"Nope. No way."

"What about if we just used wooden poles, and not the metal spears?"

Luna sighed. "Fine."

Jay jumped into the air, squealing like a little kid. "Yay! Prepared to be beat, bitch!"


"It's called Norse, thank you very much."

Luneah sighed, exchanging her spear for a training pole. "Why do I hang out with you bozos?"

Jeysannia struck a pose. "Because we're fabulous. Let's get started!"

"Um...Jay, I think you forgot one little detail."

"And what's that?"

Luneah stepped closer, her slightly larger figure towering over Jeysannia's more petite size. "My dad trained me to sword fight using wooden poles."

Jeysannia's eyes widened, before she dropped the pole, and sped off, calling behind her, "Oh, hell no!"


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