28 - A Big Realization

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Three boats full of dragon trappers docked on the shores of Berk. Their ships were scorched, and dragon scales were scattered across the decks. Stoick rushed to the docks once he heard the news. He met up with the head dragon trapper.

"What happened?"

"We were hunting for dragons near the nest," the trapper explained, pointing in the direction of the dragon's nest. "Been there for two days. Then, our ships were hit. They freed our dragons in the cages."

Stoick was taken aback. "The beasts were smart enough to do that?"

"No. People were riding on top of them," the leader corrects.

"What dragon was it?"

"Two Night Furies."

Everyone around hearing the news gasps.

"Two of those Gods Damned beasts?!" Stoick exclaims. "Not two!"

The leader nods. "Aye. There was a blue one and a black one. The people atop the dragons were wearing capes made of dragon scales. One had a... blue scale necklace. The one on the blue Night Fury!"

Astrid looked up. "Wait... Say that again."

"A... Blue scale necklace? Blue Night Fury?"

Astrid gasped. "The Moon Fury!"

Stock turned to Astrid. "Moon Fury?"

"Yes! I talked to Mark, the Army and Navy Elite of Isunder. He said that their town was terrorized by a blue Night Fury they called a Moon Fury." Astrid explained. "Maybe those blue scales were Moon Fury scales, and those riders were Isunderians."

Stock's expression hardened. "Did the scales look like this?" He pulled a string off from around his neck, a single black scale threaded onto it. He placed it onto the man's hand.

The dragon hunter studied it closely. "Yes. It was exactly like this... the shape and the luster. Except it was a dark blue."

"Aha!" Tuffnut exclaimed. "So it wasn't exactly like this scale!"

The man raised an eyebrow. "Umm... Yes it was...?"

Ruffnut huffed. "You just said it was blue, not black!"

"Okay, you know what—" Astrid cuts herself off, closing her eyes and calming down. "That doesn't matter..."

She turned to Stoick and the Dragon Hunter. "The only thing that matters is that I know where these Dragon Riders came from."

She took off a blue scale necklace that Mark had given her before she left.


Saphira played with the blue necklace on the chain around her neck. She was laying on her bed, a hand under her head, and the setting sunlight streamed a dark orange through the bars of her room-prison. She was deep in thought.

She snapped out of her free-floating thought when a metal clanking sounded through her cage. Saphira looked to the bars to see one of the men clanging a sword against the metal.

"Boss says it's feeding time."

He opened the door and threw a bucket of fish inside, the contents spilling out all over the floor. He left the cage open, and Saphira took the keys off the nail on the side of the wall, just outside her room. It had keys to only the cage doors, not the metal shackles that bound the dragons down.

She walked to the room next to her, carrying the keys in one hand, and the heavy fish bucket in the other. The metal door swung open as the lock was taken off, and Saphira blew her short brown hair out of her eyes as her hands were full.

She turned to the Changewing that she had gotten extremely close to, gasping when she was laying on the ground, the brilliant scarlet color from before now a dull orange.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed, rushing forward and dropping the bucket of fish, placing the dragon's head on her lap. 

"Ah!" Saphira pulled her hand back at the extreme temperature of the dragon, clutching the now red flesh to her chest.

"Master!" Saphira yelled desperately. "Master! The Changewing is sick!"

A guard rushed up to the door, pulling her away from the dragon. "Leave it be! Let it die in peace!"

"No! I can't let her die!" She struggled against the man's grip.

He growled and tossed her into a cage, locking the door. "Stay in there, you filthy animal."

She rushed up to the bars, shaking them as hard as she could. "No! You can still save her! You can't let her die!"

"Shut up!" The guard hissed at her, then walking away.

He closed the door to the dungeon and Saphira slid away from the bars, holding her arms around her knees. She glanced over at the beautiful Changewing that was sick.

"I can't let her die."

She was startled when a loud, fiery explosion rocked the boat.

Elise, Allen and Jeysannia stared blankly at Hiccup and Luneah, as they sat awkwardly.

Luneah stared at her hand on the table, as she clenched and unclenched her fingers.

Hiccup carefully studied the wooden table, apparently finding the crevices and nails embedded in it's surface way more interesting than his best friends.

"Alright, out with it, you two!" Allen exclaimed, pounding his fists on the table, scaring the crap out of everyone else.

Hiccup awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Well... You see, we called you all here to tell you..."

"...that we're an... item," Luneah finished for him.

Their three friends all had different reactions.

Elise stood up, raising her arms above her and running around the room in celebration.

Jeysannia jumped up and started chanting, fist pumping. "I told you, I told you, I told you! Eret owes me ten coins!"

Allen sunk slowly out of his chair, and onto the floor. Hiccup and Luneah watched, concerned,  as he curled into a ball and started crying.

"Al? What's wrong?"

He wiped a tear out of his eyes. "My OTP finally became cannon."

He began bawling, and Hiccup and Luna burst out laughing, even as Elise and Jay continued celebrating around them.


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