18 - Stuck on Berk

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Hiccup went to sleep tired that night. He had sparred with Luneah all day long, only stopping for lunch. Instead of leaving with his mom, he decided to sleep over.

The entire gang gathered in the top floor of the tree house, with sleeping bags. Toothless lit a small fire in a metal cauldron, which helped the five people cook dinner. Elise brought crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate, and they made this delicious treat called s'mores. Toothless and Midnight enjoyed a nice, roasted icelandic cod, and Toothless tried a s'more, but spit it out, complaining that it was "too sweet".

After a warm dinner, they told stories and brainstormed ideas on destructive weapons, cool armor, and discussed the latest gossip.

Late that night, almost three in the morning, they all finally fell asleep.

Hiccup had a weird dream. He was flying on Toothless with Luneah, when a tornado suddenly appeared, thick and dangerous looking. Out of reflex, Toothless swerved out of the way but the twister eerily followed, almost as fast as the dragon.

In their path, another twister appeared, surprising Toothless who stopped. Luneah, who didn't have a riding harness, was dramatically swept off the saddle and swallowed by the churning water below.

Hiccup directed Toothless down in hopes of finding her among the waves, but when she didn't resurface, Toothless flew away, desperately wanting to get out of the wind storm. By now, there were a total of seven tornadoes and it was impossible to escape.

Inch by inch, the massive columns were getting closer and closer, slowly encasing the pair. Hiccup felt as if the air in his lungs were being sucked out, and fueling the tornado.

In one final wingbeat, the wind strength increased and Toothless could no longer control his flight and they tumbled around in midair. The wind swirled around them, and they could no longer see the sky or the ocean.

As Hiccup took a breath, they finally hit the water.

Hiccup sat up in bed, gasping for air. The moment he opened his eyes, he shielded them from the sun, which was shining down brightly from the heavens.

After a moment or two, he got used to the light, and shifted around in his bed.

Wait-- bed?

He looked down, and he was in a bed! Not the sleeping bag that he went to sleep in. A bed!

He glanced around the room, and tilted his head in confusion. It looked familiar. Perhaps his friends moved him as a prank during the night.

But...if that was the case, why did it look exactly like his house on Berk?

He searched around the room for Toothless, and shrugged it off when he couldn't find him. 'Maybe that stupid dragon was in on it' he thought to himself.

He shoved boots on his feet, which were exactly the same as his old ones. He took a piece of bread off of a chunk on the shelf, nibbling on it. He walked outside, and his eyes nearly popped out if it's sockets.

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