november 16th

708 36 10

penguin boi: open your back door now.

calum: what the fuck?

penguin boi: don't ask. just do it.

i stared at the phone for a second in suspicion until i heard a loud knock on my door. i grabbed my baseball bat and ran downstairs to the back door. i slowly and cautiously opened the door to find a tall, blue eyed blonde boy staring down at me. to be honest, he was kinda cute. you have a boyfriend, calum. chill.

"you must be calum." he said in a deep, sexy tone. i nodded and gulped.

"you must be luke." i replied. he chuckled and nodded. i nodded too and stared at him. wait, what the fuck is he doing here?

"what do you want?" i asked him sternly.

"i came here to talk to you." he said. i rolled my eyes. "no shit, sherlock. what do you want to talk to me about?" i asked again with my head staring at my feet instead of his attrative blue eyes.

"michael." the blonde said. my head shot up and i squinted my eyes at him.

"come on in." he gladly came in and i slammed the door.

he walked into the living room and sat on the couch. i sat next to him and held my hands in my lap.

"before you say shit, luke, i want you to know that i dislike you with a burning passion. in other words because i know how stupid you are, i hate you. like a lot." i stated. he stared at me blankly like he didn't have goddamn clue about what i was saying.

"so anyway, michael doesn't want me talking to you at all but here i am." luke said awkwardly. i raised one of my bushy eyebrows. i heard a soft, faint knock on the front door. i got up and asked who it was.

"it's me, shithead." the voice said. it was michael. no one else calls me shithead but him. he's so cute. oh shit, it's michael! my eyes widened and i pushed luke upstairs and into my room

"calum, what the hell are you doing?" luke said. i put a finger up to his lips, slammed and locked the door. i ran back downstairs and michael knocked harder.

i opened the door and he looked like my adorable little kitten. he had on an over-sized sweater, black skinny jeans, and converse. what really caught my eye was the furry kitten ears headband he had on which got fucked up big time.

he wrapped his lanky arms around me and squeezed me. i giggled and hugged him back.

"hi baby." he whispered. i kissed the top of his head and replied "hi mikey." i closed the door and picked him up bridal styled and set him on the couch, stroking his hair.

"who were you talking to?" he asked me. fuck, here we go. i acted like i didn't know what he was talking about and i ignored the question continuing to stroke his hair.

"hmm?" i hummed. he grabbed my wrist as a signal to stop and furrowed his eyebrows. i held my head down and said "luke..."

he bit his bottom lip so hard that it started bleeding slightly.

"where is the bastard? did he hurt you? i'm gonna kill him either way!" he yelled. i pushed him back on the couch and pinned his wrists down. i peppered kisses all over his face trying to calm him down. he grunted, trying to wiggle away from me.

"shhh, mikey. calm down, babyboy." i cooed. he did as i said and sighed heavily. just then, i heard footsteps coming down the stairs. michael jumped up and ran to the stairs with a 'ready to kill face'. i got a little scared but i let it go because it was probably just my mum.

yep, i thought damn wrong. michael pounced on luke and attacked him.

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