Chapter 13

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I walked towards my closet and take out the suit that I picked out earlier today. I style my hair, giving it a soft, vivid look. I cuff the sleeves of my suit and wrap a gold watch around my wrist. I spray a little bit of cologne on myself. I walk over to my bed and open the black box, I look at the little key necklace inside. I close it and set it back into the pink bag.

I check myself once more and walk downstairs to be greeted by my mother.
"Justin you look so handsome!" She said walking towards me, with her arms open for a hug. I chuckled and hugged her.

"I love you mom." I whispered as we swayed back and forth. She pulled away and looked at me in the eyes.

"I am so blessed to have you in my life. Have fun tonight." She kissed my cheek and went on with her daily inspirational work. I stood there smiling. I turned and walked out of the house, I walked towards my car and placed the pink bag under the passenger seat. I get in and turn on the car. I sit there for a minute, thinking about how this may all play out, and everything that could happen. Tonight is a really special night. I drive out of the driveway and park the car in front of Ariana's house. I turn off the car and get out. I walk up to Ariana's house, I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Nonna opens the door, she looks at me shocked. I put my fingers up to my lips, signaling to not say a word. She nods and tells me to come in. She walks to the staircase.

"Ari, someone's here to see you." She shouts from the bottom of the staircase.

"One minute Nonna." She replies. My palms begin to sweat, I can feel the heat rising inside of me. I'm a nervous mess.

Ariana begins to descend the stairs, "Nonna, is Justin he-" she pauses and smiles. Lost in words. She continues to descend the stairs, never loosing eye contact. She never fails to amaze me. She's stunning in every way possible. We stand there admiring one another, she looks like a goddess in black. She was wearing a long white and silver dress with white heels and her hair was out of her normal half up half down.

"Ariana," I begin to say smiling. "You look absolutely stunning. It amazes me how you perfect you are." She smiles and pulls me into a hug. I inhale her sweet, innocent scent. We hug for a good 20 minutes until Nonna interrupts.

"I don't think you want to miss that date." She winks, causing Ariana to laugh.

"Alright Nonna, we'll see you later." She says giving Nonna a kiss on the cheek. I walk over to Nonna and give her a hug.

She pulls away and looks at me, "now listen, take good care of her or I will hurt you." She says.

"Nonna!" She smiles causing me to chuckle.

"I'll take really good care of her Nonna." I say wrapping my arm around Ariana's waist. "I adore and love this girl with all my heart, I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to her." I saying squeezing Ariana by waist.

"Alright children, better get going before y'all miss that date." She says pushing us towards the door.

"Love you Nonna." Ariana says as Nonna closes the door. The door closes shut and we stand there staring at each other, like crazy high school students in love.

"Shall we?" I say holding my hand out for hers. She takes it and gives it a gentle squeeze. I walk her towards the car. I open the passenger door for her and she gets in. I close the door and quickly walk to the drivers seat. I get in and look at Ariana once more. I mean how can you not? She's beautiful in all ways possible, inside and out. I turn on the car and drive off into the busy town.

We stop at a red light.

"Where are we going?" She says smiling.

I place my hand over her thigh, and sigh, a happy sigh, "it's a surprise Ari." I say smiling.

The light turns green and I continue to drive. In 20 minutes we arrive to the special place that Miley helped me put together. I park the car, and turn off the engine. I turn to face Ariana, "We are here." I open my door and get out. I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for Ariana. I hold out my hand and she takes it and begins to get out of the car.

When she gets out of the car, I close the door behind her. "Are you ready?" I say giving her hand a squeeze.

"Yes, I am." She says.

"I slowly begin to walk her to the special spot."

We followed of trail of rose petals, gaining a little gasp from Ariana here and there. We continue to follow the trail of roses until we reach a small bridge. The sun was beginning to set (not planned at all) we were halfway through the bridge when Ariana stopped. She faces me.

"Justin, this is beautiful." She says, smiling and adoring the sunset. I stare at her amazed. I can not believe how lucky I am, honestly. Who knew we were going to grow up together, become best of friends and even a couple. It's amazing, our history is amazing, and our support and love for each other is unbelievable, I wouldn't be any happier. She's all I want, and hopefully one day we'll get married have kids maybe adopt a couple of dogs. That would be perfect.

Ariana takes my hand causing me to end my daydreaming. "I love you so much Justin." she says smiling.

"But wait, there's more." I say laughing. She laughs too and we continue on following the trail of rose petals. We talked about dogs, our futures, colleges we planned on going to and what we want to become, places we want to travel to and simple things that made us want to learn more about each other.

When we began to get closer to the set up, I took Ari by the hands.

"Would you mind if I blindfolded you?" I said, gently biting my bottom lip.

"No, of course not." She said smiling, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight.


I made a couple of edits on the other chapters, and fixed some of my misspelled words and grammar lol. But this book is slowly coming to an end and (spoiler) there's going to be soooooo much drama ;)) so keep your eyes peeled :)
at this point Justin and his mom live on their own and Pattie writes books and does inspirational speeches at event and stuff.

but don't worry we'll be seeing Jeremy soon.


love you guys all so much x.

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