Chapter 20

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a/n before we begin:

when Ariana says 'babies' she's talking about her lil pups.
and sorry for these boring chapters lately, idk it'll get better soon I promise.

love y'all x

I get out of the car and make my way up into my mothers house. It's weird coming here. All the memories and past feelings, and emotions. This neighborhood was my childhood and it represents a lot of love and I hold it really near and dear to my heart. I knock on the door and right away I hear my babies barking from the other side of the door. My mom greets me at the door, pulling me into a hug. She smelt of a mixture cinnamon and maybe other mystic fruits? But she smelt splendid like always. She pulls away and motions me to come inside. I smile and walk into the house to be greeted by my little babies. I've missed them all so much. I bend on my knees and pet them, showing each and everyone of them my love for them. My momma laughs and walks into the other room. I get up and grab the little chew toy and Toulouse begins to pull on it. My momma walked back into the room carrying a large box. I watch as she sits down on the sofa. I get up and sit beside her. I look at her as she carefully opens the box. Before taking anything out she looks at me and smiles. I look at her but I don't return the smile, I look at her with curiosity and confusion. This mysterious box popped out of no where and it carries things that I may not even know about. I watch her carefully as she begins to take out photos. She looks at me once again and smiles. I pause and look at her for a long moment before taking the photos from her hand. Looking at each photo one by one, closely examining each facial expression, each feeling and understanding the point of the picture. The purpose of the picture. I turn the photo around to see if there is any dates or names on it. There was nothing. My mother hands me a picture with two young kids on it. A young girl and a young boy. They seemed very small and happy. They were holding each others hands and smiling from ear to ear.

"Do you know who those two little kids are?" She asks pointing at each child on the photo. I shake my head and continue to look at the photo, continue to see if I could get the story.

She takes in a deep breathe. "Ariana, that little girl is you, and that little boy is Justin." she says.

I smile. "Really?"

She nods and squeezes my arm. "You guys were always together, inseparable. People used to think you guys were siblings due to the fact that y'all would never be apart. You were always supportive and there for him, and he has done that for you too." She paused and stood up from the sofa and walked to the window. "Ariana I know you guys have stopped talking and are no longer on good terms but please know that you guys are more than just 2 kids who used to spend time with each other, but 2 kids who have gone through a journey together." She looks at me and walks out of the room and leaves me there, my mind filling up with memories. I put the pictures back into the box and get up from the sofa. All my babies get up and follow me into the kitchen. I smile.

I kneel down again and begin to pet them. "I'm gonna take you guys home with me." I stand up and grab their leashes. I latch the leashes on to their collars.

"Mom." I called out as the parade of puppies followed me to the front entrance of the house. She walks down the stairs quickly and meets me. She looks at me confused. "I'm taking them home." I say smiling. She smiles and nods.

"Okay, but don't forget to visit me." She says giving me a hug. I hug her tightly.

"Love you mom." I say as I leave the house. I close the door behind me, my dogs pulling me away. I walk to my car and open the backseat. Each and everyone one of them hop into the car. Lastly Toulouse enters and I close the door. I walk to the drivers side and get in. I close the door behind me and turn on the ignition. I turn on the radio and begin to drive home.

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