Chapter 22: Life or Death

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A/N I think I'm changing Eliza's appearance up and saying that the picture is what she looks like (but with the red ripped wings)

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating in so long, I've just been very down/depressed and it's been hard for me to concentrate, I love you all, and if you showed your support I may be able to get to the end of this book/year

<Eb's POV>

As I saw my Alpha laying there, chest still, Aphinet started growling louder and louder until Jodi had heard her

"Eb I-Im sorry" she lowered her head in shame "B-but you g-guys shouldn't h-have made it, my Souls are stronger than any being" she whispered the last part more to herself

"Leave. Before I do something Eb regrets" Aphinet warned clearly "Yes beta Eb" she lowered her head in shame again and walked away

I then heard Aphinet growl out "You better be lucky that our Alpha is stronger than the strongest of supernatural"

<Kora's POV>

Darkness, that's all I saw.

Whispers, that's all I heard.

Sadness, that's all I smelt.

Nothing, that's all I felt.

I felt like I was floating, in a very restricted area, and to be honest I felt high.... Very high

I tried moving my arms to stretch cause my joints felt so tight, but found I couldn't move

I tried to call out to Eb, but I couldn't move, again

So, tired of all this moving shit, I mind linked Eb Eb? No answer

"I- I'm so sorry A-Alpha Dream, I didn't mean to be so stupid as to let my power out like that" she said then chuckled lightly "Maybe-" she sighed "maybe rejecting Corey was a mistake, coming here was a mistake, I almost killed you for gods sake!"

I wanted to lash out at her for the tone, but I felt alone, very alone Ira? Eliza? Ellie? Sassy? McKenzie? Corvine? Hellen? I felt so alone. None of my Mystical Creatures responded to me when I called out to them

"Jodi get out!" I heard the bubbly blonde I've come to loves voice

Oh how I wanted to tell her that I love how bubbly she is, but I couldn't

I heard her sobbing slightly "Kora, please.... please wake up, Aaron has been trying to stay..... alive" as soon as she said Aaron I felt Ira, stronger than ever

"Me and Aphinet get into so many arguments that we've come to terms not to speak to each other until you wake up" Same thing with Aphinet I felt Eliza, stronger than ever

"E-" I started then they left and I was once in my slumber of not moving. SHIT! I cursed then kicked a box in my mind, then heard a whimper

"K-Kora?" I heard Eb whisper

I tried so hard to open my eyes, to tell her I was here, to say anything! So I screamed out into my mind

LISTEN UP! If you don't show yourselves I will wake up on my own and kill EVERYONE you guys love. That goes for you too Eliza so I suggest that when I try to open my eyes, I will have you guys, or I will kill them and push my emotions onto you guys and live with you guys caged in my mind NEVER TO BE LET OUT AGAIN!

I suddenly felt my MC's coming to the front, and with a sudden burst of energy I woke up.


I was gonna end it here but, I looked at how many words I had, way to little so continuing!


I opened my eyes and suddenly shut then "Ah what the hell Eb!" I lurched out. My throat felt all scratchy and dry, stupid comatose state.

Would you really kill everyone? they all asked at the same time No, I just needed you guys to push the evil Souls out of our bodies, so I said what popped into my head I said smirking

"KORA!" Eb screamed then jumped and started squeezing the life out of me "Eb" GASP "Need" GASP "To" GASP "Breath!" I choked out

She let go of me, glared at me then slapped me.... hard "Ow! What the hell was that for!" I asked rubbing my now red cheek "FOR FUCKING LEAVING ME KORA ALICE DAYDREAM! I, I thought I lost you....." She started yelling, then ended in a whisper "Eb, you know I could never die, I have my mom and dad working both ways" I said smiling enough to comfort her

"Kora, I fucking missed you" she said sobbing into my chest "I know you did Eb, I know" I said rubbing soothing circles on her back

Then all of a sudden Hugh and Aaron rushed in "EB!" Hugh yelled concern written on his face "Yeah, I'm fine I just woke up and Eb choked the living daylights outta me" I said sarcastically, while feigning hurt "Kora shut up, my mate is in distress" Hugh said looking at Eb

3....2....1 I mouthed to Eb

"KORA!" Both boys yelled and Aaron ended up pushing Hugh over and grabbed Eb ~which my MC's did NOT like~ GROWL then I had a sudden urge for donuts with pickles

Aaron looked awful, same as Hugh

"Let. Go. Of. Eb" I said growling as my MC's pushed to the surface in a protective mother way...... wait

"Kora, it's me? Aaron?" He said slowly "I. Fucking. Know. Who. You. Are. Let. Go. Of. Eb. If. You. Want. Kids. In. The. Future" Yeah the near future Eliza said smirking

Aaron's face paled and he let go of Eb, while Hugh went to hug Eb I growled louder and much more hungrily for blood "I suggest you don't touch Eb for a while" I said coldly while soothing my now sobbing friend, which I had managed to scare

Damn. I always have to go and scare people "Ugh! Fine you can have her, just leave I want to be alone" I said gently pushing Eb to Hugh

"Kora! I wasn't- ugh! I'm sorry!" Eb yelled "SORRY?! I scare everyone away, don't be 'sorry' for a monster" I said growling softly, while rubbing my stomach looking at it imagining our pup

"K-Kora? A-are y-you p-pregnant w-with m-my p-pup?" Aaron asked slightly worried for me and my pup

I slightly smiled and looked at his eyes which were glowing with happiness

"I'm going to be a father" he said happily, somewhere in the background I heard Eb gasp, then saw her come running to me "Oh Kora I'm so sorry I know how pregnant wolves are and I shouldn't have cried even more an-" I stopped her by slapping her "Elizabeth Gunter, stop it this instant!" I scolded her "Actually, it's Elizabeth DAYDREAM now" Hugh said proudly

"Wait.... Eb" I said growling "WELL LOOK WHAT YOU DID! YOU POKED THE BEAR NOW WE ALL GET OUR HEADS BIT OFF!" Eb yelled incredibly ticked off at Hugh

"Oh shit" Hugh cussed, Eb was scary, but not as close as scary as me

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath pinching the bridge of my nose "When?" I asked a little to calm for everyone's liking "Open your eyes then I'll answer" Eb said shakily. I could smell everyone's fear. I opened my eyes and Eb said "Uh, well, you se- HUGH TELL HER I CAN'T SHE SCARES THE FREAKITY FRAK OUTTA ME!" Eb said screeching and running behind Hugh hiding

"We'll since this baby over here won't do it, you've been in a coma for 5 months"




*glares intensely*

I hate you guys

Ugh fine! I love you guys what ever *mumbles last part*

Taryn 😘

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