Chapter 27: Strongest Pack Ever

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Kora's POV

"D-did you k-kill Jackson?" Eb asked fear clear in her eyes "Yes, his creator told him to kidnap us" I growled still in blood lust

"Why?!" Eb screeched "For you see, we are the most powerful beings, me being the most powerful. You being second" My MC's explained to Eb

"And what does that have to do with kidnapping us?" Eb said scared of my answer "The supernatural race want us dead" I said coming out of my blood lust

Her eyes got super wide and she gasped "But don't they know your supposed to help them?" She asked confused "No, they don't, and they won't till the time comes" I said completely out of my blood lust and glaring at her to make sure she doesn't know.

Alpha you have a call Jason mind linked me Hold it off till I get there I told him, then concentrated on Eb "You will not speak of this to anyone, correct?" I said glaring at her, to which she just nodded still in shock "Now come, I have a phone call" I said turning to look for the pack house, and couldn't see it

Hey Corvine can you mix your eyes with everyone else's? I asked her Do you even need to ask me? It'll happen automatically now she said in a 'duh' tone

I sighed and tried to use just Corvine's and felt everyone push to the front and my eyes sharpened x100 I looked through the trees and saw they were normal, and not on fire. "Eb, follow me" I said growling slightly cause I felt my hands glowing "Kora your hands are glowing!" Eb gasped. I stopped and turned and looked at her "It does that every time something bad happens" I told her then continued walking


"Where's Jackson?" Jason asked confused as to why his brother isn't here "He's not coming back" I growled at the thought of him "W-why?" He gasped "He betrayed the pack, he tried to kidnap your Alpha and Beta" I snarled at him

His eyes went wide and he didn't say anything else about him "Here's the phone Alpha" he whispered

I grabbed the phone and snarled into it "H-hello" I heard a male voice say "What?" I growled "I-is this A-Alpha Daydream?" He said "Yes, and who is this?" I growled out "B-Beta Corey Schmit" he stuttered. My mood dropped even more "Can I help you?" I growled murderously "W-we need to train the pack even more" he said, I could smell the fear from the phone "I know you are probably busy but Alpha Frost requested you" Corey said

"We'll be there tomorrow" I growled "Uh, I need to know how many pack members your bringing" Corey said shyly "All my members" I growled "And how many is that?" He asked "15" I said growling "Now I need to go" I said growling then hung up

I put my head in my hands and started rubbing my temples "Alpha what's the matter?" Jason asked worried "Well, we are requested to return back to True-Frost pack..... tomorrow" I said growling slightly


A/N So I got like some writers block and I know some of you will probably think Kora is a bitch but, she kinda is because she has to be

She knows the prophecy and now she's trying to push people away and it hurts her guys, okay? She's still sorta human

Taryn 😘

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