Chapter 30: Rejected by the Female

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A/N so I really love my stories...... And you guys obviously! Hehe *laughs nervously* are you guys ready for this chapter?!?! *smiles evilly*

Kora's POV

I hated lying to my pack, but I had to. "Sweetie, come here" I heard Aaron say "No, I'm buys" I barked coldly at him. He flinched "Kora, if you get to busy how will we finish the mating process?" He said trying to be sexy, but he wasn't.

"I fucking told you I'm busy" I snarled at him "Now I have to call someone" I said walking away

I walked into my soundproof office and called the number "Hello, Alpha Dun, I need one of your pack members, her name is Yvonne Anderson" I told him "If I find her, I will contact you" he replied groggily and depressed "No need, I will find her" I growled out "I-if you find her will you tell her to call me?" He asked with hope "I will try" I growled at him

I hung up and sighed, then grabbed my personal phone and called her "Yvonne?" I asked "Who is this?" I heard a British voice ask "It's me, Kora" I told her standing from my seat "Oh Kora! I missed you!" She said happily "I need you and Lila's help" I told her "Oh no, are your MC's acting up?" She said worriedly "No, but I need to know who has been betraying me" I snarled at the thought "I'll be right there" she growled and hung up

I walked out of my office and was greeted by Aaron "Sweetheart who did you call?" He asked worriedly "Oh you know, my friend Hey Eb, if someone's here by the name Jamie Ford, tell me immediately I mind linked her S-sure she said sounding sad


Alpha, Jamie's here Eb mind linked me Thank you I mind linked back

I walked downstairs to be greeted by a red head "Jamie?" I asked suspiciously "Ello" she said in her British accent "Jamie, I need to talk to you in my office" I told her grabbing her arm and walking into my office Hellen is it still soundproofed? I asked Yes sir she said

"Yvonne, has Lila said anything?" I asked "Yeah, she said she trusts your beta, but, surprisingly not your mate" she said concerned "Fuck!" I growled "HEY! NO CUSSING!" She snarled at me "Fine fine, sorry" I said crossing my arms "Lets go talk to that mate of yours" Yvonne said evilly "Yes ma'am" I saluted her then followed her towards my room

"So Jamie.." I trailed off hoping she'd get my hint "Yes Kora?" She said back in her British accent "I heard that someone in my pack was betraying me, do you think that's true?" I asked knowing full on that Aaron heard me

"I think so, my wolf is going mental about someone here" she said as if she were mad - which she is. "Where?" I growled still mad at him "In this room" she snarled baring Lila's fangs "Lila get back" Ellie growled out

Lila just sighed and nodded her head But I dibs killing that guy she said in my head No, he's MY mate I'll kill him, you can just help I smirked evilly

I kicked my door down and gasped "Aaron!" I said 'shakily' "B-babe! It's not what it looks like!" He said eyes wide getting off my 'mother'. I looked over at Yvonne and saw her eyes wide, I saw Lila in her head washing her eyes "Yvonne get out" I snarled at her showing dominance. She looked at me in fear with disgust in her eyes then walked out closing my door

"How long? And how fucking old are you Aaron?" I snarled my MC's trying to take control. My eyes started to bleed hardcore "ANSWER ME!" I roared slowly getting lost in my blood lust "S-she's my real m-mate and I-I'm 45" he stuttered out and at that point something inside snapped. I heard Yvonne and Eb trying to get inside, and I felt the same burning sensation, but this time it didn't hurt. I welcomed the burning and heard Earth whisper to me Release the heat I growled welcoming the heat even more

"You fucked me over one to many times" I growled lost fully in my blood lust. I shifted into the same morph I used to torture Dave and roared a murderous roar, louder and more powerful than any Alpha male ever in existence "It's time for Earth to be rid of you both" I growled letting go of the heat that was growing in my body. I saw flames coming out of my arms and touch the floor, but the floor didn't burn. In fact nothing burned aside from the two people I despised most in the world

"Get ready to meet my father, King of Hell" Eliza growled out murderously. When they started screaming I felt bliss enter my body, "Yes, keep screaming. Oh mommy! It hurts my ears mommy!" I said acting like a poor pathetic child "No just kidding, continue screaming or I will make this even more painful" I snarled my MC's controlling me fully

"Kora! Stop right now!" I heard Yvonne scream at me. I stopped the fire that everyone could see, but the fire was still burning their bodies "Oh, but Yvonne" I growled with so much psychoticness that everyone who didn't know me would've thought I was a psychopath "Where's the fun in that?" I said winking evilly at her then continuing what I was doing. They screamed louder and everyone in my pack came running into my room and saw fire just on the two traitors "Kora! What the hell are you doing?!" Erik yelled "Oh you know, having fun" I growled out super evilly

Then I felt a prick on my shoulder and stopped everything. I turned so agonizingly slow, that everyone felt as thought time stopped. I growled powerfully and snapped "WHO THE FUCK TRIED TO FUCKING SEDATE ME!?!" I was seeing red

"I did" I heard a familiar voice and looked down to see Lila standing almost reaching my shoulders "Lila! So nice to fucking see you" I growled at her "Oh! Your mate wants you back" I snarled at her then felt a pain on the back of my head, and passed out


A/N sooooooo, ok so edited from future; DONT FUCKING TRY AND COMBINE STORY'S. IT DOESN'T WORK

'Edited from future Taryn'

Taryn 😘

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