Chapter 34: Crowned Queen

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A/N I love the show Bones 💖💓


Kora's POV

I roared a murderous roar and ran out to the edge of my boarder seeing red.

After I got to the edge I stopped dead in my tracks "What the....." My red vision stopped and my blood lust stopped. "Princess, T-Teresa..." Freedom trailed off looking at Teresa's body - or what's left of it.

Lets just say, the only reason we could tell that it was Teresa, is her smell.

"Oh my god" I whispered "What kind of bastard would do this?!?!" I seethed at myself for not doubling security checks around the border "It's all my fucking fault!" I growled at myself and kicked a tree with so much force it broke and flew far.

"Princess it's not your fault, you can't see into the future - so you couldn't have predicted this happening" Freedom said sadly while placing his hand on my shoulder - to which I growled murderously and shook his hand off and ran back to my office to call my Beta

"Hello?" Eb said happily "Elizabeth Phoebe Daydream, I need my beta and my pack" I said growling ever so slightly

I heard her gasp and say "Why? What's happening?" I sighed "There is a member of my people that has been brutally murdered, shred to pieces and has been decomposing for what my head Warrior says '3 weeks'" She gasped again and I could tell she was freaking out "Eb, you know where my Kingdom is, bring my pack - and yourself - and get here as fast as you can" I said in full Queen mode

I hung up and yelled "FREEDOM! COME HERE!" He yelled back an 'okay' and next thing I knew he was up in my office "Yes Princess?" He asked out of breath slightly "First of all, you need to train yourself among the others, second of all I have my Mystical Pack coming to join us - so BEHAVE - and tell the Guards to" I said laughing at the first excuse as to why I called him here.

"Yes Princess, anything else?" He asked turning to walk out the door "Yes Freedom, I need to claim my crown soon - so as soon as my pack gets here the ceremony will begin"


I was gonna leave it there, but what kind of person would I be if I did?????




"I have gathered you here today to tell you some GREAT news!" Freedom started for me whilst I was sitting right behind him "Well before we get to the awesome news -" He stopped looking around the crowd as to find a traitor Freedom, what is the matter? I asked him quickly I smelt a rouge Freedom replied growling "Enough Freedom, continue" I said then mind linked him I will watch out for the rouge "Right of course m'lady. So before we continue on to the news that I declared 'awesome' - We have been joined by Princess Daydream's old pack Mystical Pack"

As soon as he said that cheers erupted for finally meeting my pack, "Alright simmer down lady's and gents" Freedom said smirking "We can meet them AFTER Princess Kora tells you the rest of my news" He said motioning for me to stand with him. I smiled and walked up to him "As most of you know; I am the Princess of both Heaven and Hell. My mother was the Moon Goddess, my father was Lucifer - or known in his human life; Luca" I said looking at Eb who was smiling for the thought of my father

"So I am here to claim my right as Queen an-" cheers erupted again to which I laughed loudly "Simmer down guys" I said when I calmed enough "As I was saying when I was interrupted" I said chuckling again "The only thing is I will need to ask my Mother and Father if I am ready to receive, so if you all can hold hands and help me that'd be lovely" I smiled a genuine smile

Freedom and I walked off the stage that we set up and I walked into the circle that was made while Freedom locked hands and when he did I immediately felt their presence Mother? Father? I asked in my mind cause it felt as though my mouth was sown together

My baby girl I heard my father say the same time my mother had said that

Mom, dad, I need to know if I'm ready for the crown and all the responsibility's.... so am I? I asked scared Kora Cathrine Daydream, you've been ready since you were born My mother told me proudly

Then out of no where my mother and father appeared I gasped and ran to my father - for it's been far to long since I've seen him in his human/werewolf form. When I got to him I hugged the life out of him "It has been to long Kora" He said lovingly, then I smelled something familiar, I then looked at my mom and gasped "I knew it!" I screamed and hugged her too then whispered "I knew you still loved him, I'm proud of you for getting your bond back" she laughed blushing slightly then I pulled back and looked at my people "Lady's and Gentlemen, here is my mother and father; Lucifer and the mo-" "Melody" my mom cut me off smiling at me. I looked at her again and smiled "My mother and father; Lucifer and Melody"


Well, are you guys happy??? I hope to god you are!


Taryn 💖

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