Chapter 31: Murder Spree

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A/N Are you guys okay with how I'm labeling my chapters? Pfft wont matter considering I'll have it finished by the time this one probably goes up

Kora's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and looked around taking in my surroundings "Wait, where the fuck am I?" I questioned myself "I said no cursing didn't I?" I heard a female voice say "Yvonne, let me the fuck out" I growled at her not caring how she'll take my cursing "Nope! Because you cursed" she said sassily "Yvonne you have one fucking chance to let me out or I won't hesitate to fucking murder you with a pole" I snarled looking for a way out of this white room

"Hmmm, since you asked so NICLEY how 'bout...... no" she said laughing at me "Yvonne let her out" I heard a male voice "Ah, Alpha Dun, I see you've found your mate" I said glaring at nothing. I quickly got off my bed and ran to the camera that I found "If. You. Don't. Let. Me. Out. Kyle . I. Will. Kill. Your. Mate" I growled out from behind clinched teeth

I saw Kyle gasp and look at Yvonne for guidance "Would she really kill you?" He ask "Well, considering she's tried before hand......" She trailed off looking scared "Kora can you see us right now?" He asked "IT'S FUCKING ALPHA DAYDREAM TO YOU" I snarled. I started to grow my claws - putting a little fire on them - and scratch the walls


After about like, two/three minutes I got the walls broken and I saw that I was in the dungeon. I smirked Stupid wolves Eliza said smirking as well Don't they remember, I built this dungeon I said more to myself

I walked towards the cell bars and looked around, after I was sure no one was here I walked back to the bed and climbed on it looking up. I searched the ceiling for a while till I found what I was looking for - a vent.

I grinned and opened the vent, and jumped in closing it behind me. I then had Hellen mask my scent - cause I heard people coming - and I looked through the vent holes and listened closely "Shit! Search the area! Be prepared to use these wolfsbane bullets if need be" I heard Jason say with authority I growled softly because I hated people taking control for me.

"Wait! Jason did you hear that?" Someone said - I think it was Delaney

"Hear the growl?" He asked "Y-yeah!" She said with fear, good. Be fearful.

I crawled to the viewing area and heard Kyle cursing and Yvonne try to calm him down then I heard him say "We fucking lost her! Now she may end up killing the fucking world! Or worse, my mate!" I just snickered and crawled over the vent opening to the viewing area and asked Hellen Hey girl, uh can you possibly make me invisible? She just sighed Fine I said thanks then she told me I was invisible

So I quietly dropped from the vent opening and watched them from the corner Hellen, when I say 'go' make me visible, ok? She just mumbled an 'okay' and waited. I walked to the chair right in front of them and told Hellen 'go' and as soon as I came visible they both gasped out of fear Hellen quickly make it soundproof I said to her and she mumbled an 'okay' again. "So, how've you guys been" I said sarcastically

"Uh, well we were freaking out, but Kor-" "IT'S ALPHA DAYDREAM" I growled at Kyle going deeper into blood lust "Yes uh Alpha, but you need to go back into containment. Your not safe to your pack if your in blood lust all the time" he said fearfully

I just snapped on the inside. My body went rigid and I started shaking "Not. Safe. For. My. Pack" I stated slowly then felt my eyes bleed again "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU COME INTO MY PACK LANDS AND TELL ME HOW TO FUCKING LEAD MY PACK. YOU KNOW WHAT, GET OFF MY LAND AND TAKE YOUR MATE WITH YOU. We will hold a pack meeting before you leave to see who will go with you" I growled at him for disrespecting me "Of course" he said in what sounded a smug voice "Kyle you become smug with her and she will kill you" Yvonne growled at him smacking him upside the head

"Get packed. We will hold the meeting right now" I growled not caring that I may have lost a friend. I needed them out before I lost control, again.


Summer, 3rd 2001.

I was 16 years old. I had just shifted and my best friend Yvonne hadn't yet. "Don't worry Yvonne, you'll shift soon!" I tried to make my life long friend feel better "But how do you know Kor?" She whined "Trust me. And when you do shift I bet you'll be a beautiful black with some spots" I said bumping my shoulder on hers

"Kora! Come here!" My dad called "Yes dad!" I yelled back, I then turned to Yvonne "Are you gonna be fine?" I asked worriedly "Yeah, go" she smiled sadly "Ok, text me if something happens okay?" I asked she just giggled and said "Okay, I promise, now go! Your dad is awaiting" she started laughing hysterically while I ran for my father

"Yes dad?" I questioned when I got to him "Kora, my beautiful Kora, I-I have to tell you something..." He trailed off "What? Dad your scaring me" I said with my bottom lip quivering "I'm dying Kora" he blurted

I just gasped and bawled my eyes out to him "D-does Hugh k-know?" I hiccuped "Yes" he sighed trying to comfort me "But why didn't he tell me?!" I screamed suddenly getting angry

My dad just sighed and said "I have to find your mother" and walked away. I felt something inside snap and I walked towards our city and growled murderously and shifted into a foreign form and saw humans and went into a blood rage which lasted until my father found me and tried calming me down - which made my temper worse

***Flashbacks End***

I will never forget when I first lost control "Kor-Alpha, the meeting is set" Kyle said interrupting my thoughts which I growled and said "Go ahead and start it, I'll be down in a minute" he sighed and mumbled a quick 'yes ma'am'

After I heard him leave I got up from my chair (they've transitioned to her office) and walked to my medicine cabinet and saw my old anger issue pills and took about four, I immediately calmed down and walked out

Here goes my test....


So I freaking love Jasmine Thompson's voice 😱😍🎶

Taryn 😘

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