Chapter 37: New found evilness

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A/N so I don't want to bring anyone down but honestly I believe I don't fit in this life anymore. I've always constantly thought about death, and well, I don't know anymore.....

Kora's POV

Pure bliss, that's all I felt. I was as happy as a bee that's made it through the day without stinging anyone. 'Am I dead?' I questioned myself "No my child, you are not dead" a melodic voice said from behind me "Why am I not dead if I begged my Beta to kill me?" I asked her still silently begging for death "My child, do not beg for death, for you are Queen, you must rule over Hell, Heaven and Earth" she said happily "But that is why I beg of death, Mother, I do not wish to be Queen much longer, I wish to be with my Father. Plus your just dropping more stress into me by telling me that I must rule. You are making it unfair Mother, I should be able to choose which path I wish, may it be ruling, or destroying" I said truthfully turning to my mother

"Why would you choose destruction my child?" She asked taken back "So I can go to Father" I told her waiting for her response. "My child, do you not wish to join me up here? In heaven?" She asked sadly "No, Mother, for you are going to still be the Moon Goddess, and if I join you, all I'll be to you, is your daughter, I want my own life, and I don't want you to interfere. I choose my own paths, and for now, I must choose destruction" I said then shot myself back to my body on earth

I gasped for air "Kora!" "My Queen!" Eb and Freedom said at the same time I looked around me to see all my towns people 'Eliza?' I asked still gasping slightly 'Yeah?' 'How evil are you?' I felt her smirk evilly 'Way more than you're becoming' I smiled darkly and told her 'I want to become evil, but I wish not to do it myself, will you take over for a while, and allow me to take some time for myself?' I asked very certain that she'd do this, for I was asking her to release her evil side

'Of course "my queen"' she said and I felt her evilness seep through towards me 'Eliza, I wish not to become evil myself, but just for you' I said annoyed she sighed and dragged her evil back a step. Then we both changed and I caged myself in the back of my mind along with all of my other MC's

'It's Eliza time' she growled evilly then I threw a blanket over my cage so I couldn't see what she does, and a lock so nobody could call apon me and let Eliza take full control

Eliza's POV

I felt Kora and the rest move to the back, but felt Ira hesitate 'It's Eliza time' I growled out evilly. I felt Kora give me full control and grunted out my approval of this

I sat straight up and looked around and saw two familiar faces "Eliza,
w-where's Kora?" The female I now recognized as Elizabeth Daydream asked "She asked of me to take control" I said smirking evilly "S-she wouldn't do that" the male said, "And you are?" I asked growling at the thought of someone so close to me that I didn't know "Freedom, your Head Warrior...?" He said confused then I heard Eb whisper to him "Freedom Eliza is in complete control" Freedom gasped and asked back "Has this happened before?" "Yes, a couple times" I smirked and jumped up to my feet then every one jumped "I will need to leave the kingdom for awhile, for the sake of Kora" I said adding in the last part

"I don't believe she would let you release your evilness by choice" Eb snarled at me "Oh but Elizabeth, she has" I said, turned around and started to walk away "Wait!" She yelled for me "What has happened to make Kora give you control?" I groaned and looked at her "She has been stressing out because of being Queen of Heaven, Hell and Earth" I told her truthfully "And she wanted to choose her own path away from being forced to be Queen. And also she may be leaning towards destruction, but she didn't want to do it herself, so she gave me complete control, so her and her MC's caged themselves and threw a blanket over it so they can't see my destruction" I winked at her

I walked away from them, outside and I looked around outside of my kingdom and smirked evilly "Oh, this'll be fun"

I ran to the North for about 40 hours. I stopped and looked around, I saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Kentucky' I smiled to myself and growled in approval. I walked towards the road and put my thumb up for about 10 minutes.

"Hey! You need a lift?" A male voice called out to me "Yes actually" I said in my most suductive voice I turned around and saw a handsome man. And as soon as I saw his eyes Ira perked up "Whats your name sweetheart?" He asked "Eliza, what's yours?" I said feeling numb inside (A/N it's cause she has no emotions, because she's a damned demon)
"Mines Hercules, Eliza, that's a pretty fucking hot name" he said winking "Thanks" I said trying to blush hard "Can I get in now?" I asked trying to be a shy suductive girl "Of course sweetheart" he winked again. I opened the door and sat down "Where are we going beautiful?" He asked leaning over towards me "Oh, um, I'm actually tired so, maybe your house?" I asked with scary calmness

"Of course sweetcheeks, but first, tell me, what are you?" He asks flashing his eyes black

"Well well well, look what we have here, dear Hercules, it must be nice to be away from Zeus" I said changing to my eyes "Don't talk about my father like that" he growled at me "Oh, did I hit a nerve?" I asked smirking he stopped the car abruptly "No" he said through clinched teeth "But I bet your dad is happy being, oh, he's dead"

I growled evilly "Don't make me mad, I will personally kill you myself" he smirked "How about your mama?" I snarled and lunged at him and knocked him out of the car "I TOLD YOU DONT FUCKING MAKE ME MAD" I snarled in his face in full blood rage I grabbed his throat and started choking him. He started going pale and his eyes rolled back I let go and told him "Pretty boys don't fight a fight they can't win" he gasped and before he saw me I ran towards a tree and climbed in it he looked around him "W-where are you you bitch?!" He growled at no one

'If I see you again, I will kill you, and even your daddy won't be able to save you' I told him in his head he gasped and looked around harder, then ran to his car and drove away "That's right, run bitch" I growled evilly


A/N so I wasn't as pleased with this one but ya know, yolo


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