Chapter 32: Alone

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A/N this chapter may make me sad... Warning: I may cry while writing. And I'll tell you

Kora's POV

As soon as I got into my pack room everyone was arguing so I had enough "QUIET!" I growled with power and everyone stopped and looked at me and showed submission

"Kora" Eb said walking up to me and standing on my left, Jason walking up and standing on my right. We walked over to the couch and sat down then I sighed and started

"As you all know, Alpha Dun has found his mate again-" I was interrupted by everyone cheering, I chuckled quietly then calmed them down "And he is leaving with Yvonne, to go back to his pack, and an unexpected argument broke out between me and Alpha Dun, he has asked me to ask you all; who agrees with Alpha Dun that I have been neglecting to be an Alpha for you guys, so he wants to know if anyone would want to transfer to his pack, and be away from me for a while" I said breaking internally

After everyone had gotten over the shock I told them "If anyone wants to go with him - Alpha Dun please stand - go stand with Alpha Dun" I sighed waiting, watching Kyle stand as I had asked

I saw Erik walk slowly over to them, and Samantha immediately followed him

Then Penelope and Barbra walked over there - although Penelope hesitated.

I saw Mason, Hanson, Delaney, Delilah, and Britney walked over to them.

Hugh sadly walked over there and stood by Yvonne.

Eb gasped and looked at me, and slowly stood up and walked towards Hugh. Hugh gave her a sad smile when she reached him.

Then I saw just Jason shaking, and I whispered to him "Go to your mate" he then smiled at me silently thanking me and walked over to Delilah

I saw Kyle look at me smugly - probably laughing at me internally for loosing my pack members. I growled loudly at him and said with as much force as I could - without hurting - "You have all abandoned me, and-" "WE ABANDONED YOU?! YOU ABANDONED US! I thought you were my friend!" Eb screamed at me

I started shaking from anger, and I saw everyone start to slowly back away, waiting for me to explode. I glared at Eb and stood up "Just because I have been stripped of my family, and stripped of my friends - and had to kill my supposed 'mate' and my step mom who I thought was my real mother, I lost my dad and my emotions mean nothing? I have to fight a whol-" I stopped dead in my rant as Eb walked up to me and said "What. Was. That. Last. Thing?" I silently cried internally "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now Alpha Dun, you may take my land, I have no use for it anymore. But if a male named Freedom comes, tell him that Kora left and he needs to find her" I growled and walked to my now burnt room and growled at myself then grabbed stuff I need and burned the rest

I walked downstairs and saw Kyle's eyes wide in shock "Kora, please, can you forgive me?" Eb asked sadly "No, but I may change my mind" I told her walked out into the woods shifted into Ira, turned around because I knew they followed me, and howled painfully then ran with all my MC's stamina and heard them all howl in pain for their old Alpha


I ran until I found Freedoms house then shifted back and used Corvine's scales and covered my privet parts. Then I had her horns come out and spikes come out my spine. Then my tail grew and I felt natural

I knocked on his door and waited "Hello?" I heard his mate ask "Open up" I growled smirking evilly, I heard her gasp and tell Freedom "She's here"

I smirked again then masked my emotions "Hello Alpha Daydream" Freedom said formally "Good to see you, in your natural form of Satans beauty" he said getting on one knee and taking my hands kissing them. I jerked my hands back - hitting his face in the process.

"You will not touch me" I growled "Of course your majesty" he said cheeks turning red as he stood up "Freedom I've come to check on my people" I growled at my head Warrior

Eb's POV

I hope Kora is okay, after she had ran out Alpha Dun walked to her office and ripped the bold letter plaque that said 'Alpha Daydream'

"Listen up everyone!" Kyle growled trying to sound intimidating "I will be appointing my Beta as soon as possible" I sighed, he's gonna be a freaking sexist and pick a male "My Beta will be...." He trailed off thinking it over ".... Hanson" he smirked

Hanson's face immediately dropped and paled "N-no I c-couldn't. I'm n-not that s-strong" he stuttered still in shock

"Hanson if you will not become beta then you will be omega" Kyle growled at him "Y-yes Alpha" Hanson said showing submission then walked away. I growled at Kyle and walked after Hanson

"Hanson! Hanson wait up!" I yelled for him running to catch up he stopped and turned around, tears in his eyes "What?! Did 'Alpha' Dun tell you to come get me so I can become an omega again?!" He said sobbing. "Sweetheart no, I will NEVER let ANYONE do that to you again!" I growled at Kyle for making my pack mate sob

"I shouldn't have left Alpha Daydream" Hanson sobbed harder into my arms "No one should've, we were blinded by our selfishness to see how much Alpha Daydream has done for us" I told him truthfully "I hope she isn't sad right now" Hanson said sad for his Alpha

Elizabeth get your ass back here, and bring my Beta with you Kyle growled in my head and I growled aloud "W-what?" Hanson said fear in his eyes "Our 'alpha' wants us" I growled at our new 'alpha'

Kora's POV

After Freedom showed me my warriors I nodded in an approving way, showing Freedom I agreed with his training. I walked to my castle and sighed in a depressed matter

I wonder what Eb's doing right now, and I wonder if Kyle's made the mistake of calling her Elizabeth

I laughed at the thought; he'd sure be facing Hell. She hated her full name, I once called her Elizabeth and she flipped on me, like I wasn't scared of anyone, but she gave me a reason to be scared. I shuddered at the thought

"Your majesty" Freedom said breaking my thought process "Yes?" I questioned softly "We have someone here looking for you" he said fearful as to what I'd do "By what name" I said questioning him a little harsher "She says her name is Elizabeth Daydream"


So, I didn't know what I was doing for the end, but ya know live and let learn

I think. Anywho EB KNOWS HER SECRET 😱😱😱

Taryn 😘

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