Chapter 11

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*Jess's P.O.V.*

I walked up the sidewalk to Ashley's house and put my hand on the door handle and pushed the door open. Once I was inside, I saw Ashley standing there. Arms crossed. His face was red. He looked more pissed than words could describe. Uh oh.

"Did you have fun tonight?" He asked, his voice filled with contained rage.

"Yes I did....What are you doing home so early?" I asked.

"There was a power outage at the studio, so we got to go home...And when I got here I called you 3 times. No answer. So I went up to your room. You weren't there. Or in the kitchen. Or in the barn. Then I go back inside and look across the street and what do I see? Only you and Ben. What do you do? Kiss." I was silent. I was in so much fucking trouble.

"Yea? And?" I say.

"AND?!?!? JESS I FUCKING WARNED YOU ABOUT HIM!!! HE'S A FUCKING PEDOPHILE!!! I'VE TOLD YOU THAT AND YOU STILL GO OUT WITH HIM!!! YOU FUCKING KISS HIM!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! CAN'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN?!?!" He shouted, his voice loud and echoing through the house. I tried to remain calm. I tried to keep my voice level.

"He's not a pedophile. He told me you lied about that."

"AND YOU BELIEVED HIM!?!?! DAMMIT!!! YOU DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS!!! THAT'S WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO THINK!!!" Ashley shouted, coming towards me with clenched fists. I backed up but only got a few steps because of the door.

"And how do you know? You won't even talk to him without slamming the door in his face? Is it really because you're fucking jealous." I said. That was it. He swung his fist back and hit me in the eye. I let out a little yelp as tears started pouring from my eyes.

"Say that again. I dare you." He growled in my face. I turned away from him, scared of him now.

"SAY IT!!!" He shouted.

"No." I said quietly, knowing weather I said it or not, I would get hit. And that's just what happened. Ashley swung his fist again, hitting me in the face once more. I let out another yelp.

"Be quiet!" He growled, grabbing my arm and attempting to pull me out to the barn.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted.


"NO!! LET ME GO!!!" I screeched, slapping him as hard as I could, which caught him off guard. I ripped from his grip and ran upstairs to my room. I slammed my door, locking it and pacing around my room.

"JESS!!! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR BEFORE I KICK IT IN!!" He shouted, pounding on the door with his fists. I needed to think, quick. The window! It was a 2 story fall, but I could get to Ben's house.

I ran to the window and opened it, then crawled out and sat on the window sill a minute, then took a breath and dropped.

I landed on the ground with a silent thud, regained my balance and darted towards Ben's house.

Once there, I pounded on Ben's door, shouting his name and a moment later it opened. Ben pulled e inside and slammed the door shut, locking it then embracing me in a tight hug.

"What happened?" He asked, worry in his voice as he looked at me. My face was tear-stained and throbbed from Ashley's punches.

"A-Ashley. He went ballistic because I went out with you. A-And he punched me twice a-and I had t-to get out of there and I c-came here." I sobbed while he hugged me tightly again.

"Oh Jess...." He said, rubbing my back. He picked me up and set me back down on the couch, then a moment later, got an icepack for my face and just as he was about to sit back down, there was angry pounding on the door. I whimpered, knowing it was Ashley.

"Sweetie, go upstairs to the end of the hall. The very last room is mine, go hide in there." He said quickly. I nodded and bounded quietly up the stairs and quickly down the hall.

"WHERE'S JESSICA?!?" I heard Ashley shout as I quietly shut Ben's door.

"How the hell would I know?" Ben said, a little irritated.

"I KNOW SHE'S HERE!!! WHERE IS SHE!!!" Ashley shouted.

"I said. I. Don't. Know. Now get off my property before I'm forced to call the cops and get you arrested." Ben said. That was the last I heard from Ashley. I looked out the window and saw Ashley walking across the street. Ben's door started opening and I started shaking.

I saw his face peer around the door and walk in.

"It's ok sweetie, he's gone." Ben said, sitting next to me and hugging me tightly again. I rested my head on his shoulder and it was silence for a few minutes.

"How's your face?" He asked.

"It hurts." I said, my voice still shaky.

"Here, let's look at it." He said, shifting. I removed the icepack and he had a look of shock on his face, then hatred. He sighed.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." He said.

"Don't be...It's not your fault." I said quietly.

"Yes it is."

"No....It's mine...I'm the one who told you yes..." I said.

"It is NEVER your fault. He way over reacted." Ben said, pulling me back into a hug, then laying down with me on his chest. We fell asleep like that and tomorrow I knew I'd have to go back to Ashley's, which scared me and I wasn't looking forward to it.

Ashley Purdy's Girl **In Editing**Where stories live. Discover now