Chapter 5

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It took ten minutes for us too reach my apartment and when we did he parked outside the small building then we exit the car. We made our way to the entrance of my apartment building. After entering we our way to the small elevator that can only hold only three passangers per trip. It's not like they were rich people living in the building because all of us in the building had financal problems. Some of the tenants were struggling entrepreneurs, Ms. Ked for example, she owns a book store. Not everyone is interested in buying Hardcopy of books now, everyone or most persons have electronic means to get and read a book.

After the elevator stop at my floor, I exit it and walked to my apartment down the hall. I opened the door and enter, Mr. Carter followed suit close behind me. I pulled out my key and insert it in the lock, five second later, the door open. I pushed it and as usual, was greeted my dog, Grey.

"Hey, baby. Did you miss me today?" I said in doggy voice and bent down to pat my brown coated dog. I heard Mr. Carter clearing his throat I look up to see him staring at me. I had totally about forgotten him. If I wasn't so caught in the love my dog and I shared, maybe I would remember that a man of status was behind me.

I still didn't quite understand what Mr. Ryan said when he meant by man of status. Was Mr. Carter someone very important to America? He looked important but not that important. What did Mr. Ryan mean?

I stand up from the embarrassing position. I opened the door wider so he can enter my tiny apartment.

"You live here?" Carter said as he entered my apartment. His face showed the signs of dislike to my little place call home.

"No, I visit my dog and cat here every day." I said in a sarcastic tone.

I saw him rolled his eyes and that made me smile. Mr. Rich guy has a sense of humor.

"Meow," I heard my cat purr and I turned my attention to the floor where my cat was rubbing against my feet.

"Hey, Spongy. How was your day," my cat continues purring, I smiled. She must be hungry. I moved away from the door and closed it behind me. I turned to my visitor "You can have a seat," I said and pointed to my couch.

He stand in front me contemplating if he should sit, then I saw him made his way to my couch and sat. I turned around and made my way to my kitchen. I took up my pet's dishes, place their food in it, and place the dishes back to the ground.

As I made my way back to my 'living room', I saw Carter patting Grey. I froze at my spot and look as Carter pat my dog who was suppose to be 100% dedicated to me. Yes, I'm jealous, that's my dog. Grey even looks as if he is enjoying the rub.

I looked at Carter playing with Grey for what it seems like hours, until his voice brought me back to reality.

"You can stop staring, just get the papers so I can confirm your identity and see what goes next." He said still looking at my dog.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to my bedroom. I went in my drawer and took out the documents. I came back to the living room and he was still getting comfy with my dog, he was rubbing my dog. I went in front of the two who seem like lost lovers and break their connection. "Here," I handed him my life documents, everything. He took his hands off my dog and accepted the documents. I turned to my dog and gave him the look, he groans. I smiled internally, that's what you get for ignoring me. "Go, your food is in the dish." He didn't move. "Grey," I said I a warning tone, he got up and went to the kitchen for his dinner. I smiled to myself. I love my dog. I received him as a gift from my sister before she betrayed me. I was the only thing I had that made me feel good about myself, I guess you could say he is my strength.

A dog being someone's strength but to be honest he's the only one who hasn't left my life. He was the only one I had left.

Spongy is stray cat who comes here sometimes for food.

Grey was my doggy-soul mate. I smiled to myself a second time then sat at the dining table made for two. I watch as Carter eyed my documents. He was practically reading my life story. Ugh, I feel embarrassed. Even though it wasn't a job interview it seem like one. He hadn't spoken to me since I sat down, all his attention was on the documents I gave him. It was like they were the only way for him to live, the only means of his survival. He was now looking at my high school diploma. I couldn't take it no more, I shift my gazes to my window to see my cat, going through the window. I got up quickly to stop her but she was gone by the time i went to the window. Although Spongy was a stray I loved her too but lately she's being acting weird. I saw a few marks on her maybe she was being bullied my other strays, that made me sad, but I guess, everyone choose their path and she choose hers; who am I to prevent that? I can't stop her from getting hurt if she keeps going back.

I sigh and walk into my bedroom. I took out some clothes out of my closet. Then start taking off my working outfit.

I took my glasses off and placed them at my bedside. I pulled my hair out of the bun and let it fall to my shoulder. After putting on the jeans and a shirt I exit my bedroom and went back to sit in the living room.

As I sat Carter eyes shift from the papers and began to stare me down. I felt a little uncomfortable. I sigh at lift my hand in the air.

"Earth to Mr. Carter," I said and his eyes averted back to mine.

He coughs and then said, "Well, Ms. Bisson, we have some trouble here."
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