Chapter 63

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Alex Pov

My heart starts beating fast at her declaration. I swallow and look at her. " Are you sure?"

  "Never being more sure in my entire life." I smiled at wrapped my arms around her. "I didn't know until It was too late, I thought I was going to die. I thought I wouldn't see you and the others again, especially you. I'm so glad that you are here with me. Please don't leave me." she stated to cry again.

"The only way I'll leave is if you told me to go." I said consoling her.

"Never." She said then start crying again. I held her close to me and let her cry. I tighten my grip around her. Knowing that I'm the reason why she's crying.

Oh lord help me, maybe I made a mistake.

I held her close until she stop sniffing and moved away from my arms.

"Why are you in a tuxedo?" she asked with her brows raised. I knew this moment would come.

I tried to smile at her releasing her completely from me. "Surprise!"

She looked at me silently, "What?"

"Surprise!" I repeated.

She looked at me silently as if he was contemplating something, she looked down at her clothes. When she lifted her head she was angry.

   "You plan this! You made me thing I was going to die, you did this why?" she angrily got from the chair and I got up after her. She moved away. "You know what was going through my mind when that man took me. I felt like I was going to die, hell I thought I going to die and now it's a complete joke." I could see how angry she was, her grey eyes were now darker with fiery, maybe my plan was not such a smart one.

I looked her, "I know, I'm sorry but I didn't mean to scare you that much, I just wanted to show you that I'd go to the ends of the earth if that meant that I can save you. I just wanted you to see that I'll always be there too protect you, to care for you. I just wanted you to see how much I love you. I'm sorry." I sigh. I walked over to the chair and sit down. I placed my head in my hands with my head held low. My surprise was an epic fail of course, I should have known that Kally wasnt and the type to play games. I instantly remember the day on the beach.

My plan was a such a stupid plan, I should have know it wouldn't have worked. She's too serious and fragile.

I lifted my head when I felt her small hands on my back. I look up at her, "I'm so sorry. We can go home now."

   "NO! I want us to stay, the place looks beautiful." She takes her eyes off start looking around, admiring the old building. Alliyah and Luke did a good job cleaning and decorating the place. The building that was dirty and old is now beautiful designed with red and white linens and curtains.

"We can't waste the food so we'll stay." I smile at her words. She still enjoyed eating her food. She moved away from me and went to sit in the chair opposite to be. Thank god she decide to forgive me. God knows I know how I'd be able to go home feeling rejected for my stupidness.

"Okay, great. Let's have dinner" I reach over to the small bell that lay in the center of our table and I take it up start ringing in.

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It was very short but was the book is complete, I'll rewrite it completely.  Making the chapters longer with less grammatical errors. When i started this book i was an amateur now i can saw that my writing and grammar has significantly improve and this is shown in my new book, Baby With The Billionaire.

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