Chapter 51

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Alex POV

I hurriedly got out of the taxi and sprint in the hospital. My chest was hurting. It felt like my heart was ripped out. The love of my life was here in hospital, on her deathbed. I walked up the receptionist. It was a man.

"I'm here to identify a female, who's being in a accident." I told him right away.

He looked at me with a bad eye then began to look it up on the computer. After a while I saw Luke and Alliyah coming towards me.

"Where is she? Is she okay? Please tell me where not late, please?" Alliyah pled with the man.

"Shh..sweetheart. It's gonna be okay." Luke said trying to comfort her. We all have being like this in the plane. It was a 5 hour flight. It was hectic.

"No, It's not okay. What if she's dead. I'll never get a chance to tell her how sorry I am." Luke wrapped his arms around her and she sobbed in his shoulders. I looked at her crying and made me want to cry too.

I never told her how I felt. Never told her I'm sorry for hurting her. Never told her how much I love her.

"Sir," I was brought out of relevé by the receptionist.


He looked at me sad. Oh my god, no. Please no. "I have good news and bad news." The three us wait on him to continue. "The good news is that she's alive after such a tragic accident. The bad news is that she hit her head pretty bad and now she's in a coma. We've did surgery on her and it was successful, she was to wake up and hour ago but didn't."

"Oh my god." Alliyah cried out.

I brought my hands to my face. I felt the tears running. She's alive but she's unable to communicate. It was like she's dead.

I start crying a little harder with my hands over my face.

"Come on mate, it's going to be fine. She needs the two of you guys to be strong. Be strong for her." I looked up at Luke with my red eyes. He's right. I need to be strong. I need to stay strong for her.

I looked back at the receptionist. "Can I see her?"

He looked at me with sad eyes. "I call the doctor, so he's coming. But I'll need you to sign up a form please." He reached over a drawer and took out a form. He gave me the form and I noticed I didn't really know a lot about Kalliyah. I looked up at him.

"I'll sign it." Alliyah said. I almost forgot she was here. I willing gave her the form.

"Why don't you fellows go in the waiting room and wait for the doctor. Straight down the hall, last room to the right."

I nod at him and decided to go and wait. I need to be somewhere quiet not in a hall where everyone is rushing.

I walked ahead of the couple to the location I was given. I entered and noticed it wasn't loaded, only a woman with a baby in her hand. I walked over to a seat and sat.

I placed my face in my hands and started to cry. Please God, make me stay alive. Make her wake up for me. I'm sorry I treated the way I did. I'm sorry I hurt her. If you give her back to me, I'll never hurt her again. I'll make sure she has everything she needs and want. Please bring back my heart because without her, I'm torn apart.

I cried someone until I heard Luke's voice presence. They took a seat close to me. Luke was whispering to her that Kalliyah will be find as Alliyah cried saying it's her fault. It wasn't her fault. It's mine. If I had never kicked her out of my house, I'd be safe and sound, she's on a hospital bed fighting for her life.

"Hello," I heard someone say. I didn't bother to look up. After a while the doctor spoke again. "You must be the patience's twin. I have news about your sister."

I quickly lifted my head and stood up. I walked to the doctor. "What news? Please tell me she's okay."

"Mr. Carter, she's fine. She in a coma. We're not sure when she will be back on her feet." I was surprised he knew my name. I'm a well known business man.

"How long is a person in a coma likely start there for?" Alliyah asked.

The doctor gaze shift to hers. "It can take up to fifteen years."

Alliyah started crying again. Luke brought his hands around her to secure her. The doctor looked at her. "Miss, it's healthy for you either. You might get stressed out and your blood pressure might drop, so please. Be calm, your sister is okay."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Can I see her?"

The doctor looked at his clipboard then back at Alliyah.

"Yes, you can see her. I suggest you go in one at a time."

"Ok, that's fine, as long as we get to see her." I said.

"Let's go then," the doctor said and led the way to her room.

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