Chapter 67

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Alex's POV

"I'm glad you've agreed to meet me here." I said to the dark hair man in front of me. He was hesitant to see me at first but I managed to persuade him to go and speak to me.

"Yeah, I'll do anything for dear Kally." Carlos that's his name. The man that my angel called best friend. He's always there for her. When I hurt her he was there to make her heal if she did.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for hurting her and I want make things right. I really do. After her accident I felt like I was going to die. Do you know how it feels to not have the person you love in your arms because she's stranded on a hospital bed instead. I taught she wasn't going to wake up and she did. This is my second chance and I want to make it right. I want to show her how much I love her before she recovers her memory."

Carlos and I came in contact via Kalliyah's cell phone. The doctor gave me and I receive many voice mails and miss calls. When I finally found it in me to call him back not only was he angry when I answered the phone he was shock. He didn't accept me to be on her phone because of last encounter was not one pleasing to remember. He told me he was in France, he also wanted to speak to Kalliyah but I was so afraid that I avoid bringing her up he found out that something was wrong. I end up telling him about her accident and her memory lost. I told him I'd take care of her and he should stay with his boyfriend. Now he is back in New York and wants to see her.

"Hmm..interesting. You say you love her? You know how much she cried her self to sleep. She believes that everyone she loves eventually leave her and hurt her. She was devastated. I'm not at least surprise that she got hit by a car. She was stressed out. She felt unloved by anyone I had to assure her that I'll never leave her. You've hurt her a lot."

I sigh and bend my head. "I know and I'm very sad. I wish I could turn back time and make things better, I wish but I know that's impossible and that's why I want to secure our future together. I want her to see how much I love her now so when her memory returns she'll be able to know how much I love her."

"You have a time. She hasn't recovered so you have time but just pray that when she recovers she forgives you, she might not. She has being hurt a lot and I don't think she can manage the pain for being hurt again by someone she loves. So much pain can make a person get heartless."

"Yes, I know but she tells me she loves me every day now for the past week. She also promised she'll never leave me. I too promise to never leave her."

"Alexander, People make promises when they don't know what's at stake. She can promise you this but remember that she has a memory lost. Her promise might not be a promise when she remembers what happened between the both of you."

"I know and what you're saying makes perfect sense but I really don't think she'll leave me. She loves me as I love her. Love conquers all."

"And so those fear. She fears of getting hurt, if she believes that she'll get hurt then yes she'll leave you. But all you have to do Is hope and pray that when she does regain her memory that she forgives you for your horrible judgment."

"Yes, I really need to hope she forgives me."

"I need to see her, Alexander. I want you to take me to her. I want to see my best friend and make sure she's okay."

"Yeah, sure. You can come with me now. She's at home."

"Great, let's get our butt to your home,"

Half an hour later we were in my condo. I left Carlos in my living room and went to look for Kalliyah. I open the door to our room and she was on the bed with my tablet In her hands. She was still obvious to the fact that I entered the room. I slowly came behind her and placed my hands over her eyes.

She laughs. "Now, who can be this childish. Hmm..let me think." She place her hands under her chin rubbing it as if she was considering something. "It's not Alliyah's hands because it's rather very big to be a girl hand. It's not Luke either, Luke's hands were softer. Oh wait, I know. It's Channing Tatum hand. Oh I love that man so much. I would have him for a five course meal." I couldn't myself from laughing, I release my hands.

"Oh so you be thinking about Channing Tatum may I remind you that he's a married man and the only man you should love so much to have as five course meal his moi."

She turns around to me as she laughs, "Someone's a little jealous."

"Yes, I'm a jealous man indeed. You are mine and mine only." I pull her close to me and capture her lips with a slow and gentle kiss. She moan in the kiss, I smile then pulled away from her. "I wish we could stay her all day and kiss like that but unfortunately someone is here to see you."

She smile, "Really who? Is it Channing?"

I grin at her. "If you dear mention his name again I swear I'll kiss the living out of you."

"I wouldn't mind that at all. Chan.." she smirk.

Now, now dear don't be stubborn let's go and meet your dear friend."

She rolled her eyes and hide her grin, "Fine." she stood up from the bed and walked over to the open door behind me. She walked out of the room and I followed suit.

When we were both in the living room I heard her say, "Carlos." I look at her shock. How does she remembers?

"You remember?" I asked.


"Your remember Carlos. What else do you remember?" I inquired. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. She remembers her best friend.

"I do, yes. I don't what came over me I just remember his face but that's all. I don't remember thing else apart from my high school years. The other things are blank. I'm getting back my memory." She cheered in excitement and I smile.

"Well then, I'll just leave you two to rekindle."

"Thanks man." Carlos said with a nod.

"No problem" with that, I left to give them privacy.

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