Chapter 38

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Alex POV

I sat my office desk contemplating on where to bring Kally tonight. I told her we would we going out but I have no idea where to bring her. I wanted this date to go well. Petunia, the nanny is going to be coming over tonight to look after Henrique while we go on our date.

I sigh, I taught goggle could help with everything but I doesn't. I search up for date ideas and all I got was cheesy stuffs. I had told Kally it is a casual date, nothing fancy. I didn't want to go the movies since nothing good was showing.

"Mark," I shouted over the intercom. Mark rushed in my office.

"Yes, Mr. Carter." He said with a shock look at her face. Poor guy, he must think it's something he did wrong. I calm down and mention him to sit in the chair across from me.

"Mark, you have a girlfriend don't you?"

"Uh, yes Sir, I do." He replied.

"Great. What I want to know if where would you take her if you were going out on a casual date?"

"Well, sir, there is the movie theatre."

"Nope, no good movies are playing tonight."

"What about the amusement park? That's a fun place to go for a date." I look at him. he was so true, he's never guess that a man like me would want to go to an amusement park.

I smiled at my secretary. "Thanks Mark, you really helped me out. Why don't you take lunch a little early today." I suggested, after he deserved it.

"Thanks sir. Thanks a lot." He said returning my smile. Mark is a good guy, he was bout twenty two and has a bright future ahead of him.

After dismissing Mark, I went back to work. Mason's International and I had a meeting tomorrow which I have to prepare for. It was a big deal about the transfer of oil to some countries. I sigh, the quicker I work now, the more time Kally and I will spent tonight. It has being two days since I asked her to stay and things were going good between us but I could say the same for Ms. Wilson. Her mother died last night and I knew she is probably devastated. So made Mark ordered some flowers and had them sent over to her. She wanted to come back and start working since there was no one for her to take care of anyways but I told her no. I told her to prepare for her mother's funeral and then when I'm ready for her I'll her back. I wasn't sure, if I'd even call her back since I have Kally now. Kally is an awesome cook. But I guess I still needed Ms. Wilson to clean the house.

I shake my head and look at the pile of papers in front of me. I have to read this before the day ended.

I walked up the stairs with the aim of going to Kally's room but stopped when I saw what was happening in Henrique's room. I smile as Petunia playing with Henrique. It was a wonderful site. Henrique was brother but guess I treated him more like a son, after all I'm twenty seven years older than him. Before Henrique I was an only child, I'm still an only child when I comes to my mother. I hated the fact that my father cheated on her. When I was young he seem so in love with my mother, I guess as time goes people change. He wanted something younger and fresher that's why he turned to Alliyah. He told me he only slept with her once and it was only her. He swore that it's just the one time and I believe him and I have forgave him as long he doesn't make the same mistake twice. My mother still was in the blue about my father's affair, he didn't tell. He was too afraid she'd divorce him. I guess him cheating was the better thing for both of them because now he regrets it and spends most of his time with my mother.

I smile at the two and then continued my way to Kally's room. I knock on the door.

"Come in," she shouted out. I pushed the door opened. I didn't see her right away but when I looked to her dresser she was combing her hair. She looked lovely. She was wearing dark blue jeans and a red shirt. Although her back was turned to me, I knew she looked breath taking. I looked in her reflection in the mirror and I realized that she was staring at me with a smile on her face.

"It's not nice to stare, Mr. Carter." She said giving me a cheeky grin.

"Well, Ms. Bisson, it's hard not to, when I'm looking at a goddess like yourself," I said with a smirk. I walked slowly to where she was. I noticed that her face was red from blush. I smile, the thought of knowing that I'm the reason for that blush made me happy. When I was right behind her I bended and placed a kiss on her neck.

"I'll be ready in thirty minutes. Don't keep me waiting," with that I turned and was about to exit her bedroom when she stopped me by asking.

"Where are we going?"

I smiled at her. "That sweetheart, is for me to know and you to find out," I blow her and kiss and left.

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